Eating Buddha

Photo essay: Party at Buddha-Bar, Monte-Carlo

by Jahanshah Javid
The first time I came across "Buddha-Bar" was in a Facebook event invitation a few months ago. It was only a split second before I deleted it, but the name stuck. Then in April I was in Washington and a branch opened right next to my daughter's apartment building. The signature decoration makes you feel like you are inside a temple with a giant statue of Buddha -- just add a bar and dining tables. It's sort of an upscale P.F. Chang, the upscale Chinese restaurant chain in the U.S. When I was in Nice last week, I got invited to a party at the Buddha-Bar in Monte-Carlo, about half an hour's drive away.

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Dear JJ, I hope you keep a log of your travels

by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan on

They would make a great "safar nameh" one day. Have fun.
P.S. I hope the channel tunnel can lead to an export of beautiful women fram France to the UK -- because by God, the English need some.

Jahanshah Javid

Ladies & Drinks

by Jahanshah Javid on

Red Wine jan, I had two beers. Didn't try cocktails. As for the ladies, no one stood out :)

I think the most beautiful women are in Paris. All shapes and sizes and races and religions. Mashalla they're all so chic!

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

Awesome... the most beautiful ladies, delicious cocktails.good Djs .

J jan thank you for pics .