Femme Fatale


by Makan Emadi
In his previous series of paintings, "Islamic Erotica," Makan Emadi portrayed Muslim women in a style that references American pin-up art, modern advertising, and photographs of tribal women in National Geographic-type publications [See feature in Salon.com]. Images 1 thru 5 are from his latest series, "Femme Fatale". Other paitings are from various series, including "Terrorists and Freedom Fighters" >>> makangallery.com



by Ano (not verified) on

I surfed all the web till found the best searcher. Films, picts, mp3’s, videos and lots more at //megauploadfiles.com/


full of contradictions and conversations

by Rex Deverell (not verified) on

Heard you on Canadian Broadcasting Corporation this afternoon - so had to go to your site. The paintings are quite powerful - full of contradictions and conversations - inter cultural - intra sexual - so congratulations.
Your answer to the questions about what started you off on this exploration caused me to reflect on contrast between an artist's desire to be original or do something out of the ordinary - and the excitement of finding out how the paintings can generate excitement and discovery for both the creator and the view. The first motivation doesn't interest me all that much - and I expect that it creates more problems than it solves.
But your interview was modest and down to earth. I expect that once one knows one's art history it takes a lot to start using it to create new metaphors and dialogue.
All the best.


#19 is most brilliant.

by #19 (not verified) on

#19 is most brilliant.

Ari Siletz

High five!

by Ari Siletz on

Observant, imaginative, in-your-face! Trusts where he's at.

For me, the wittiest reference was "George W Bush" (#14) to Aaron Shikler's:



Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Emadi is agreat artist. These clinched it for me:
* Fides
* U.S. Marine
* Children of the Future
* George W Bush
* Relax it's only Ali
* Bonnie
* And one of the most striking paintings of the Shah:

Femme Fatale series is OK but "Islamic Erotica" was more tantalizing (shallow me :o)


Border Crossing...

by Abol Danesh (not verified) on

But I must say # 8 is a successful monkey business jumping by transposing and merging and combining and mixing juxstapositioning Mosadegh's and Khomeini's image into one-- But this can happen only in planet moon not on earth...and hopfully there is money in moon so someone could come and buy it ith hard cash...

What is solid metls into air... Karl Marx



Border Crossing...

by Abol Danesh (not verified) on

Seeing the "art work" from behind the glass...


Man is woman...
Black is white
Day is night
Lie is truth
War is peace
Straight is gay


Such great talent.....also check out Ramin Talaie's work

by art lover (not verified) on

RAMIN TALAIE featured on the www.theartistsvenue.com