Four flavors

Photo essay: San Francisco through the Iranian lens

by Four Photographers

Majeed Iravani emailed a group of Iranians and invited them to "explore San Francisco with our cameras." Four of us met downtown at Union Square at 2 a couple of Sundays ago, walked up Chinatown, had delicious coffee at Puccini's in North Beach and went up hill on the very steep Broadway and eventually two of us went back to Union Square and two others continued their walk around the city until dark. Here are the photographs. The first three sets are by fantastic photographers who gave only a sampling of their best shots. I on the other hand did more of a photo essay to gave you wider taste of this wonderful, beautiful city. -- jj

>>> SF photos by Salim Madjd
>>> SF photos by Majeed Iravani
>>> SF photos by Mohsen Emami Nouri
>>> SF photos by Jahanshah Javid

Also see Iravani's and Madjd's




by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

It took four of you to come up with such boring stock photos?


Persian Photographers of San Francisoc Bay Area

by fotofoto on

Good day Monda,

The online photography club on Face Book is " Persian Photographers of San Francisco Bay Area and all around the world" .Here is the link:


I am working on the next project. If you want to join the group click on the link and I will inform you when the next project happens.You can post photos that you want to show when you go the group page. We stay in touch and have a nice day.


"Of all the original phenomena, light is the most enthralling".

Leonardo Da Vinci


Thank you Majeed!

by Monda on

I went on facebook and did see some of your work and Salim's.  But I couldn't find your group project plans in SF for your next exploration. Would you please announce it here as well?



P.S. Yes Da Vinci was right on! 


Red wall/gray stairs

by fotofoto on

Monda aziz,

The photo of red wall/gray stairs was not modified. I just notice the color and shape there. The photo of cable car was done in Adobe Photoshop. 

"Of all the original phenomena, light is the most enthralling".

Leonardo Da Vinci


We just happened to have similar colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by fotofoto on

Mersedeh aziz,

The color cordinationn was just accidental. It worked and added to the success of the day. 

"Of all the original phenomena, light is the most enthralling".

Leonardo Da Vinci


Very Color Coordinated!

by Mersedeh on

Was that planned or is that Khaki-Brownish color the "cool" photographer shade for SF with a little White thrown in for contrast???


That red vespa

by Monda on

is obssessively stuck to my mind! It looks exactly like the one I lost some years back. I'm even quietly considering driving to that neighborhood to look for it! But then I would not know what to do with the discovery if it was the same one. That's good enough reason to invest some of my time and energy in Creative Writing classes ASAP!


Thanks Majeed!

by Monda on

for your kind offers to not only join you guys on your next walk but also to lend me your second camera. I really appreciate your invitation. With all these fires going on around our county, our summer plans are not materializing, so I remain flexible on the weekends and some Fridays. Out of curiosity Majeed, what did you use for the red wall/grey strairs and the cable car riders?  





Look forward to see photos of your home town

by Majeed (not verified) on

It is exciting idea to see photos of differnt city. I look forward to see Ben's photos.


I can let you use my second camera

by Majeed (not verified) on

Dear Monda,
Thank your for your warm and kind word. I am humbled by your comments. If you like to join for the next project, you welcome to use my second camera. This way you get the feel of camera and later on you can purchase one. I am trying to organize another photo shoot within a week or two. I was thinking of Spanish Mission San Juan Bautista.


My Very Favorites

by Monda on

were mostly covered in JJ's Very Favorites. That red spa felt like salt on my wound! And one of those staircases on top of Union is where I lived for a short time years back!  

Gentlemen you did us proud by capturing the most interesting elements of our city from your different eyes.

I love the idea of walking around and taking photos but I don't think I'm well equipped for serious photography. I will follow Majeed's recommendation on checking facebook, maybe I'll find more info on the cameras used.


Jahanshah Javid

Your city

by Jahanshah Javid on

Yeah Ben, it would be great to do the same in various cities. And anyone can take pictures of their cities (neighborhoods, historic buildings, people...). 2-3-4 people or more can get together on a holiday and capture their city from their individual point of view.

I look forward to your photos of Dallas :o)

Jahanshah Javid

Shadow Sculpture

by Jahanshah Javid on

Those of you who liked the photos of the metal nudes (#95 and 94) can visit the artist Feng Jin's "Shadow Sculptures" here


JJ, doostan, what a great idea!

by benbagheri on

Agha che jaleb. Afarin! Great pictures!

JJ, Another twist to this great exercise would be to have 3-4 guys take photos of a list of 20-25 sites in their city and then select one photo of each site and somebody submit all 4 guys' photos to to be featured in comparison! This would feature the same locales from different views!  JJ, is this something you can do on your site? We can all organize such photo sessions in our respective towns. What do you think? I can do this very soon in Dallas.




Darius Kadivar


by Darius Kadivar on

The One and Only :


Look to the left ;0)


Nice avatar DK

by Anonymouse on

Is that Amoo Norooz or Santa?!

Darius Kadivar

Or Should I call you the Professionals ? ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Given your Haircut JJ I think you should cast in

The Professionals

Darius Kadivar

The Streets of San Francisco

by Darius Kadivar on


Did you guys Bump in Karl, Michael or Mr Nobody ? ...

The Streets of San Francisco

Lucky Guys you live in a Wonderful City !

Great Job ! Keep Going !



by rashel (not verified) on

the whole life is a big memory. in your darkest moments remember these beautiful seconds.
Be happy always


Portrait of S.F

by Majeed (not verified) on

Hello friend,
This photo project started as part of "Persian Photographers of San Francisco Bay Area and all around the world" It is an online photography group on Face book. If you like you can join the club on Face Book and display your photography work. I try to manage more photo shoots.
And thank you for your comments.


Some are poster quality

by Anonymouse on

Pics like 6 or 7 are of poster quality and can easily be enlarged, framed and sold as real good wall decorations in fancy restaurants, clubs, offices. etc.  They are really professional quality. 

I chose my favorites because of the theme which was 4 friends going out and taking photos together.  Boys day out, so to speak.


SF nights audio self-montage

by 135 (not verified) on


Browse back to the first pic and start browsing while listening to Burdon's San Francisco Nights.

Salim is in art and perfectionism
Majeed is in contrasts and alternativism
Mohsen is in journalistic and realism
Jahanshah is in people and romanticism

Me? bald, fat, short, smelly, illiterate ..., so, in and open to anything that comes around(az saye navardeboon ta morghe hamsa-ye).



by Fozool (not verified) on

Lovely photos and a great idea! I really enjoyed seeing Frisco through your eyes. I have a question: were you guys teamed together according to your identical heights?!


خدا بده برکت

خدا بده برکت (not verified)

pic #124 : sfxjj030

خدا بده برکت به این شکم های پلو خورشتی.
عزیزان . . ورزشی٫ تکان خوردنی٫جنبیدنی.
ما شنیده بودیم مردای ایرونی ۴۰ سالشون که میشه تازه موقع کشف کردَنِشونه.
این نشد که بشه!
just kidding ... just kidding

راستی مگه این چه فصلیه که اون آقاهه که مثل jimzbund خودمون میمونه با کلاه پشمی توی ِ عکس ایستاده!


Mohsen's Photos

by perskat (not verified) on

Mohsen jan,
I subscribe to, and as I got my customary email, and opened the page and looked at the photos, I thought 'oh my God, this guy looks exactly like Mohsen!'. Of course I hadn't taken the time to read the names of the photographers, otherwise I would have known that it was you right away.
This is Kati, by the way, your very distant cousin from Ottawa.
I hope this message finds you well, I think it will as you look well.

I loved your photographs. I too, have dabbled in photography and taken some courses. Some of my stuff is still on the web.
I don't know if you'll get this message, but if you do, let me know how to get in touch with you.
Best regards,
P.S. I hope your family is well. Did you know I have a BEAUTIFUL 19 month-old girl, by the name of Anahita?


Good job, very nice

by Souri on

I enjoyed them a lot, specially the # 7.

Souri, still in vacation...


cool pics & you guys look very gayfull & happy

by samsam1111 on

I especialy like the one in which JJ is resting his head gently on the strong biceps of his  Photo partner.. Cheers!  :)


Great to see my friends in action!

by Nader on

Out of four, I only don't have the pleasure of knowing Mohsen jan.

Great to see you guys doing this together.

Majeed jan, well done. I am happy to finally see you among elite.

Salim jan, damet garm for leading the way.

JJ jan, mokhlesim dadash!

Well done Mohsen agha!


#95 for me too

by salim on

95 is my fav shot too. What viwers may not know is we wall had SLR cameras except Jahan and he later had to borrow a small PS camera since his camera's battery ran out. As they say, it's the photographer not the camera. 


Salim Madjd

Founder/CEO //

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

"Penetrating" commentary on how one's point of view affects our sense of proportion.