Freedom NOW!

Photo essay: Iranians in San Francisco rally for freedom

by SFM
About 200 gathered on a nippy afternoon, in downtown SF to chant anti-regime slogans (voiced on the streets of Iran), sing and listen to democracy speakers. This event was organized by United 4Iran, Amnesty International and Iranian Students in Berkeley. The crowd was varied in age and ideology, but not in their heartfelt presence and frustrations with IRI.

Darius Kadivar

Gee Didn't Know So Many Iranians were Pro Gaddafi ;0))

by Darius Kadivar on


It's either that or he's a KISS fan

by sumwoman on

Dear Sumwoman,

What happened to your face? LOL! But, I digress.

comment boards are more fun when populated with scandalous here's one for you.

Your attachment to peace, love and harmony are commendable, however in these spiritless times, it makes you sound like a sissy woman. Cut it out!

In any case, Iran is in good hands...or at least in somebody's hands, for sure not in your hands.

You may think the Mooolah crowd is doing a good job navigating your dear Puuuuursia through dark times, but what the hell do you know, anyway?

It may be that Ahmedinejad is controlled opposition and hence in league with the 'illuminati' just like the rest of the sell outs. It's either that or he's a KISS fan or somebody got creative with adobe photoshop program.

Check out this article and photo of George Bush and Ahmedinejad - please don't go all twitter on me just because both of them want a one world government.

I'm going to puke if I see another politician throw up a horned devil sign...Yuk!

In 2008,  did Ahmadinejad really say "mankind's gravest need today is a global government."


don't forget to read the comments section.

signed -
The rabbit hole is really, really deep hence no place for the thick of mind


Sunn Sunn

by Doctor mohandes on

The Big reason for that is that there are no REGIMES per se in The US. It is a democratically elected system, Well, at least there is a heckuva lot more Democracy that has gone into it that so many other dime a dozen establishments or regimes as your preferred choice. So wrap your pretty little head around that fact missy.

America is a big exporter of Technology and innovation to other countries, where unfortunately some total idiots use those for their nefarious purposes. Hence the death and destruction.



by Shutruk on


How stupid are these Green pro-Mousavi people!

Why are they using the pure green flag of Qaddafi and his murderous supporters!????

The Green revolution has failed in both Libya and Iran.

I am ashamed to think I am related to these idiots.

Joe L.

wow sumwoman

by Joe L. on

right on


why should Iranian Americans call for regime change in America

by sumwoman on

Because America is biggest exporter of death and destruction in the world, in the galaxy, in the universe.

Or do you not count people killed by American forces as dead people?

Clean your own house, before asking people on the other side of the world to spill their blood, because it looks good on your facebook account.

You want regime change in Iran, move there and make it happen.

PS: contribute something to American culture, other than just awful Iranian pop music videos that are embrassing to watch. Yuk!




Bravo Guys!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Great Job and and a  big thank you to all these Iranians abroad, showing solidarity with the uprising of Iranian people against the islamist fascism back home, 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."



by LoverOfLiberty on

sumwoman: "Why aren't American Iranians calling for regime change in America, First and Foremost!"

So, if I may ask, why should Iranian-Americans call for regime change in America?

Mash Ghasem

oh no not another cyber Basiji with a misleading avatar

by Mash Ghasem on

You could vomit or worse as much as you want, but  Neda has been , is and will be a symbol of innocent Iranians killed by IR.

Why is it that all your venom is directed at Iranian people fighthing their oppresoors : you don't say a word on the thugs ruling the country?


oh no not another Color Revolution!

by sumwoman on

I've going to vomit if I have to hear or read this slogan again

"I am Neda"

I wish Iranians living in America could become even mildly upset at their own government - btw...who is your government?

Why aren't American Iranians calling for regime change in America, First and Foremost!