Hello, I am from Iran

Paintings in Toronto

by Bobak Etminani

Canadian Art: It was an unlikely venue for top-notch abstract painting—a wood-panelled basement rec room on the northern edge of Toronto—and an unlikely artist too: Bobak Etminani from Tehran [see documentary on YouTube (1) (2) (3)]. The visit to the basement was prompted by a phone call a month earlier: “Hello, I am a visiting artist from Iran. Is it possible to drop by your office and show you some of my work?” I said yes, and later that week Etminani, who is 50, showed up with a binder of images that showed paintings he has made over the past half-dozen years. They seemed exceptional, especially a series of recent grey paintings that looked like textured concrete stripped to a lunar sparseness, bearing references to both satellite photos and X-ray images>>>FULL TEXT

* Gray paintings
* Constellations
* Transitionals
* The Creations
