Hello San Telmo!

Photo essay: My new neighborhood in Buenos Aires

by Jahanshah Javid
The room I had rented in the Palermo neighborhood in Buenos Aires had poor internet access. So unfortunately I had to leave a very nice part of town and the good people I shared the house with. Fortunately where I ended up turned out to be much better. Much much better. It's a newly-renovated furnished studio with all the amenities and utilities included ($600 per month). And the best part is that it's in San Telmo, the artsy, rustic part of Buenos Aires. Feels like early 20th century Paris or something. Antique cafes, boutiques, buildings, people, with the sound of tango always close by >>> Watch videos

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Jahanshah Javid

aslan beh man cheh :)

by Jahanshah Javid on

Souri: Glad you enjoyed the photos. You've got to see the real thing some day.


Shirin V, I highly recommend it. In fact save your money and skip Beirut altogether. Buenos Aires is somethin else.


Red Wine, thanks for the info. Bottom line is: aslan beh man cheh?! :)


Maziar: Yes, the people of Malvinas are always going to vote for staying British. Like the majority protestants in Northern Ireland. But constant tension and friction with Argentina, military and economic costs, and the cost to UK's reputation worldwide (don't laugh), will be too much in the long run.


Faramarz, the cat belonged to the owner of the house I was sharing. I'd love to have a pet, if someone else took care of it :)

enghad az engelisiya tarafdari nakon! :)


Darius: Thanks for the suggestion. There's a better chance I'll go watch a tango show.

Darius Kadivar

In the meantime ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Meegam you are in a unique position to report on this ...

31 January 2012 Last updated at 12:39 GMT   


UK Navy sends destroyer to Falklands (bbc)


But do keep yourself Dry and Safe !



Talking Falkland in front of Cafe Britanico!

by Faramarz on

Nice picture JJ and a very nice apartment for the price. But don't you miss the cat or did you bring her over with you?

For Argentinians Malvinas is a matter of bruised pride, but the folks who actually live on that piece of the rock, they would rather be British subjects than be a part of the mess that Argentina is.

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

Or Malivinas were taken in a local vote!

To stay with Brits(with British Passport) and run by a British governor

And they got major vote;If they do the vote in Argentina they'll sure get a better result of keeping it As Islas Malvinias.


Red Wine


by Red Wine on

چند نکته :


-در همان زمان که انگلیسیها مدعیِ کشفِ این سلسله جزایر کوچک تا به فالکلند شدند،هلندیها و فرانسویان نیز در همان اواخرِ قرنِ ۱۷ و اوایلِ قرنِ ۱۸ این جزایر را به نامِ خود در دفاترِ دریانوردیِ مملکتشان ثبت کردند.اما هیچگاه به صورتِ رسمی‌ این جزایر صاحبِ مشخصی‌ نداشتند و غالباً مرکزِ رخش و خروشِ کشتیهایِ اسپانیولی بود که برایِ تهیه آبِ آشامیدنی و تخم پرندگان دریایی،در آنجا توقف میکردند.چند ده سالِ بعد..زمانی‌ که فرانسه آخرین قدرتِ دریاییِ خود را از آمریکایِ مرکزیِ فعلی‌ تا به سرحداتِ ریو د پلاتا از دست دید،اسپانیا این جزایر را به قسمتی‌ از آنِ خود دانست اما هیچگاه پرچمِ سلطنتیِ امپراطورش برفرازِ این جزایر برافراشته نشد و بالاخره در اوایلِ قرنِ ۱۹ بود که به صورتِ رسمی‌ انگلستان این جزایر را متعلق به خود دانست،پرچم برافراشت و فرماندار انتخاب کرد و چندی بعد نیز آرژانتین استقلالِ خود را از اسپانیا اعلام کرد.

-در سالهایِ بعد از جنگِ جهانی‌ِ دوم،انگلیسیها به دنبالِ این بودند که اقتصادِ در هم شکسته خود را بازسازی کنند،بنابرین مخارجِ غیرِ ضروریِ خود را قطع میکردند و در همان سالها بود که به طورِ متعدد ،مستمراتِ خویش را آزاد و استقلال بدانها می‌‌بخشیدند،این قاعده شاملِ جزایرِ کوچک و بزرگِ وابسته به انگلستان در دریایِ کارائیب (اقیانوس آرام و ...) نیز بود و تا نوبت به این جزایر رسید،راپورتی از چند کشتی مطالعاتی قطب جنوب به لندن رسید دالِ بر وجود ِ نفتِ فراوان و به همراهِ دیگر منابعِ طبیعی ! مشخص بود که انگلستان از این تصمیم منصرف شده و سپس تحقیق،اکتشاف و  جستجویِ ۵۰ ساله‌ای در این رابطه را آغاز کرد.

-صحبت در رابطه با جنگِ فالکلند زیاد و طولانی‌ است اما تنها به این بسانده کنیم که اگر ۳ رزمناوِ بزرگِ آمریکایی پشتیبانی هوایی به انگلیسیها نمیدادند،اینها هیچ گاه نمیتوانستند از پسِ نیرویِ هواییِ قویِ (۱۰۰% جدید و ساخت فرانسه) آرژانتین برآیند.

اینبار به جایِ جوجه کلاغ،مرغِ چاق و چله‌ای نصیبِ این روباهِ بی‌ دندان شد.


Shirin Vazin


by Shirin Vazin on

Buenos Aires and Beirut, two destinations I WANT to visit!

Thanks for the info about this beautiful city.  

Darius Kadivar

Parce que les Îles Malouines Sont Français Mon cher ;0))

by Darius Kadivar on

The French by Omid Djalili

Mash Gasem Dorough Chera ? Ta Gabre Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah ... 



The Spanish name, Islas Malvinas,[6] is derived from the French name,[7] Îles Malouines, named by Louis Antoine de Bougainville in 1764 after the first known settlers, mariners and fishermen from the Breton port of Saint-Malo in France.


Hee Hee  

Esfand Aashena

JJJ I wish I had comment control in my blogs, like you do in urs

by Esfand Aashena on

To delete any comment you don't like as you wish.  When are you ever going to give us what you promised? 

Everything is sacred

Jahanshah Javid

Oil and melons

by Jahanshah Javid on

AK, the discovery of oil may not be recent. But there's now talk about drilling and billions are at stake: //www.businessweek.com/news/2012-01-25/oil-gr...

I haven't bought watermelon yet. I love it but it's heavy to carry when you don't have a car and you can't just grab and eat it like grapes :)


recent discovery of oil

by amirkabear4u on

Not that recent mate at all.

You see brits lived on a boring island and therefore had to go every where.

Good photos. While you are there how much is a whole water melon??!!!!!


Esfand Aashena

فکلند حق مسلم ماست! پرنس ویلیام رهبر ما!

Esfand Aashena

Everything is sacred

Jahanshah Javid

Perdon! Falkllands?

by Jahanshah Javid on

It's called the Malivinas Islands, sir, and Argentina wants it back (I don't know where they got it from, but that's beside the point, right now :)

If Britain had colonized Kish Island a couple of hundred years ago and London still wanted to keep it, would Iranians tolerate it?

And why is Prince Williams going to the "Falklands"? Why the provocation? Why don't the Brits just stay where they are and be quiet? Why send a member of the roral family and create headlines and piss off the Argentinians and put the military on the edge and spend extra billions on security when you and the rest of Europe are broke? The only thing I can think of is the recent discovery of oil. Yes oil. So before drilling begins the British want to reassert their authority there. I guess. But it's a losing battle. Argentina will take over sooner or later. The British have given up plenty of colonial territories in the past. Just takes time (blood and...).

Darius Kadivar

While your there try and take a tour to the Falklands ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Bebineem Cheh Khabareh ...


Prince's William's Falklands mission angers Argentina


Thanks for your excellent photo essays as usual ! 


Thanks dear JJ

by Souri on

For sharing your story with us. The room looks much nicer than the old one. You're lucky !

Unfortunately I couldn't see all the photos, because the site is running too slow, right now. But from those which I could see, I can say it is a very beautiful place. I'm jealous.

Jahanshah Javid

Over my head

by Jahanshah Javid on

Thanks vildemose. I listed a few minutes to his lecture but could not follow what he's saying. I'm sure it must be interesting.


 Check out this

by vildemose on

 Check out this guy:


A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

Esfand Aashena

JJJ yes how much was the chastity belt picture?! Good wall pic!

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred

Esfand Aashena

Nice! Seems you're a sandwich man!

by Esfand Aashena on

For your new studio's first home cooked meal, may I suggest Salad Oloviyeh and Kotlet?

Easy recipe, salad oloviyeh:

1. cook chicken breast.  Sautee it in frying pan with onions and then chop, chop, chop!

2. cook boiled eggs

3. cut pickles, chop, chop, chop!

4. make boiled potatoes and then mash them.

4. canned sweet peas

5. mix them all in a bowl with mayonnaise, salt and paper to taste

You can keep it in frig and then toast bread and chow!

Easy Kotlet recipe

1. Sautee choppped onions.

2. boil potatoes in hot water

3. mix boiled potatoes with ground beef and sautee onions

4. add a little flour to the mix.  not necessary if you can't find flour in Argentine!

5. make small elliptical hamburgers out of them and then fry both sides 

You can keep it in frig and then toast bread, add lettuce, pickles, tomatoes and some cilantro if you can find and chow!

Everything is sacred



by yolanda on

Wow! It looks like a chastity belt?


I agree with you 100% that Internet is the most important requirement, everything else is secondary!