High standards

Photo essay: BBC Persian TV

by Jahanshah Javid
I had lunch with Behrouz Afagh, the head of the Asia Pacific Region at the BBC's Broadcasting House on London's Regent St. Friday. Being a former colleague (I worked as a BBC Persian radio reporter in Washington, DC, during 1998-2000) he gave me a tour of the studio and offices of the Persian TV program launched under his direction last year. What's clear is that in just a few months, a high standard has been set in Persian television broadcasting journalism.

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نوبت شما


I found this TV program particularly useful for better dialogue amongst Iranians inside. Granted it is only for those who have TV dish and broadband internet, the middle and upper middle class. The green stuff so to speak. But it is nonetheless very useful and vastly so. It also helps me to brush-up with Iranians mind set inside the country, after being away for so long.

che khabar e


by che khabar e on

It's always easier to blame someone else than to take responsibility.  It's just an unfortunate reality.  We're no different, no better or worse.  :-(


Words of wisdom, indeed!

by Princess on

Everybody is responsible for the plight of the Iranians except ourselves. Never mind the great supply of traitors who out of greed put their own personal interests before the greater good of a nation. No, we haven't had any of those through out our history.

It was the BBC. It was the BBC and the rest of the world, never the Iranians, oh no!! Khomeini and his people weren't Iranians, the Shah and his people weren't Iranians, Khamenei his people aren't Iranians. It's always been somebody else... especially the imperialist propaganda machine, the BBC.



Best Imperialist Propaganda Machine

by deev on

BBC was Khomeini's mouthpiece during the revolution, most people didn't know who he was before BBC so lets thank them for their active contribution in death and destruction of our nation!


Thanks JJ

by Princess on

for the rare glimpse behind the scenes of this legendary institution. I didn't realise that backstage their offices look pretty much like any other office. :)

Nazy Kaviani

Thanks for the tour!

by Nazy Kaviani on

Did you see Siavash Ardalan and Saeed Barzin, too?