I do

Photo essay: Castro Street after legalization of same-sex marriages

by Jahanshah Javid
Sunday was Gay Pride parade day in San Francisco. I went to the famous Castro gay neighborhood to detect any changes now that same-sex marriages have become legal in California for the first time.

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Gays are not happy!

by Ali reza (not verified) on

Most people think that gays are happy,but they are actually depressed,since they know what they are doing is not normal and is against nature. They become even more depressed when they become old,since they won't have too many takers .Be happy but don't be Gay:)


sereen,com the blood of muhammad promised this day in 2007

by sereen on

Sereen.com Promised gay right and human right decleration finding its way back to Iran this is the start of new day

Long live the king Cyrus long live love and long live love.


I love it that all the muslims and religious people are mad and see this as evil look at your faces evil is carved on your skin...

God created beauty and love and sereen.com celebrate it a true blood of muhammad and egyption princess.....Be gay be happy and be divine and do never let any man tell you its worng to love anyman or woman or race or colour love is love.


Watch more Discovery Channel please

by MarKa (not verified) on

"It is behavior worse than any animal"

Michael, I hate to break this to you, but homosexual behavior has been documented in hundreds of animal species in the wild.

Rosie T.

Michael, it's not America. It's all over the world...

by Rosie T. on



Roumania, Nigeria, Bolivia, Taiwan, South Afica, Thailand and more.  Latvia is not mentioned in the links. It is not mentioned that Cuba almost had its first Pride March this year and will probably have it next year. Not to mention of course the HUGE pride marches in every single Western European country, with bells on.

Rest easy.  Soon the whole world will be Sodom and Gomrrah except the Shariah countries, and probably Singapore. They're not allowed to march for anything over there.  Where would you rather live?  In countries with pride marches or in countries under Shahriah law? Or would you prefer Singapore?

Think about it.  Seriously.


God help the USA !

by Michael in USA (not verified) on

I live in America and I am totally against gay 'marriage' and any gay lifestyle in general. I feel that this is fundamentally wrong and evil. It is behavior worse than any animal, especially considering the human level of intelligence. I think that this type of evil is why America is a ‘has been,’ and is an embarrassment before the world. I am not proud of my country, in fact it in many ways disgusts me. America is a bunch of fat sodomites and disgusting pigs, less than that, too. Finally, it is in a rapid state of collapse. Its sins are catching up to it. Just look at the disgusting cows lining its streets. May the good Lord bring fire back to Sodom and Gomorrah and do some hose cleaning again! The house needs it!

Rosie T.

Darius,jj pls read it's long ALL at least check out the 1st link

by Rosie T. on

Darius gave us Geronimo, the gay Indian below and I answered with the link here.  It's to a newsfeed I posted today about the first Gay Pride in India this week. As also in Bulgaria and Romania.   It has MANY other links to Pride Movements on all five continents. The movement is everywhere  Cuba almost had its first Pride March this month.//iranian.com/main/news/2008/07/02/pride-parades-hit-indian-cities

Darius, in that post I'd told you you were going to have to officiate as a Brahman priest at gay marriages in India.  I should've made this clearer to other readers, but I said it because in a lengthy  post you, DK wrote on jj’s blog on gay marriage, you expressed that while you supported gay rights, you  were ambivalent about the societal effects of gay marriage.  And had graver reservations about gays adopting children. I//iranian.com/main/blog/jahanshah-javid/khoshhaal-khoshhaalspage4

Anyhow..,my post is gone and I'm sure it was a mistake or a misunderstanding because jj and I share this...this...passionate conviction that...there can't be ANY human rights if gays are not given the same rights as "straights".  And that includes marriage and the raising of children. 

Both marriage and how children are raised are first and foremost social institutions, and until ALL people of sound mind ESPECIALLY GAYS have equal access to these instituions, ALL people,  there simply are no human rights. Until then, it is POINTLESS to  try to stop the fashion police and the crane hangings, it is POINTLESS to march on Selma, it is POINTLESS to protest war on Iraq and Darfur.  And Iran.

Why?  Because the kernel, the kernel, of hatred and fear that is at the root of all discrimination (and  the taking of a human life is nothing more than the taking away of the very last CIVIL right, the right to exist) will ALWAYS remain.  Gays are the canary in the mine of human rightsIf they are not given COMPLETE equality, the canary dies, and the digging for the gold ends right there. Because homophobia is THE most deeply-rooted hatred, it is at the CORE of human hatred, If there is not COMPLETE equality, any other progress toward human rights is a VERY shaky house of cards.

DK, I spent years of my life as a gay activist, in the early years of the AIDS crisis.  You remember them. Darius.  You wrote about them.  You’re a film and theater person like me. I was what is called a "fag hag". I danced with gay men, I talked philosophy and politics and physics and silly fluff about Hollywood gossip with them    I even married a gay man 

And then when the crisis hit, I stood at their bedsides while they were wasting away to 60 pounds and turning green from hepatic toxicity. When the AIDS epidemic was raging and they had a SLIVER of the funding that Legionairre's Diseae had that had perhaps affected fifty people.  A SLIVER.  And we had to FIGHT tooth and nail for EVERY PENNY THEY GOT. Do you remember the LEVEL of the discrimination DK? These people were thoroughly expendable.  The US government SIMPLY DID NOT CARE IF THEY DIED IN DROVES.

DK, how can such virulent discrimation, such HATRED, so virulent because it exists so at the CORE of all fears that it is the MOTHERLODE of all other hatreds,  be eradicated unless these people have ALL rights that "others' have,? All. Marriage.  Raising children.  All.

How, Darius, how? You tell me.

 Well anyway, jj, that's  what I was trying to "telegraph" to Darius when I told him he'd have to officiate at gay Hindu weddings in front of the sacred lingam (it is the huge stone cock that is worshiped in veneration of the god Shiva, Shiva the dissolver who is also Shiva the creator).. I'm sorry, jj. I should've made myself clearer.


PS JJ, So do I.

Ari Siletz

Jay Leno

by Ari Siletz on

"The Bush administration renewed its call for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. So I guess they feel the only time that guys should be on top of each other naked is in an Iraqi prison." --Jay Leno

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Sunday in a big city like San Francisco and THAT was how you spent your day? Was there nothing else going on?

Looks more like Mardi Gras, only tackier. But hey, they look like they're enjoying it.


to all homophobic Iranians (

by nima (not verified) on

to all homophobic Iranians ( and there are tons of you out there)...
dont like gay marriage?....ummm....don't have one.
or even better move back to Iran, where you'd be inline with
the Islamic regime's policies....i guess you'd be attending lots
of public hangings of gay youth...ay?


I don't understand

by zigourat on

I don't understand homophobic attitude of some iranians. What the hell gays did to you ?
Are they violent ? No
Are they pro Bush ? Certainly not
Are they pro Iran war ? No

Ok sometimes they are exuberant so what ?
Ok sometimes gaymen act like women so what ?

They don't make baby. It's not your business.
They are taking more drugs than straights. I'm not sure do you have statistics ?

The problem with some iranians is that they don't like individualism.
One has to be like majority.
"gar nakhahi shavi rosva hamrang jama'at sho" if you don't want to have shame have the same color of society. This is unfortunatly how most of iranian in Iran or abroad act. This is one of the reason of our problems.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

Bichareh pedar va madar-e ina... ajab donyaei shodeh !!!

Darius Kadivar

Gee, Even Geronimo Was Gay ? ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Even the Indian ...

Rosie T.

Goldust goldust goldust...

by Rosie T. on

dooooooooooooon't  cliiiiiiiiick

and then everything will be


I swear I swear I PROMISE it will!

oh and don't be too hard on jj. he has morning sickness.

i'm, sorry jj the photos are REALLY great REALLY i just can't stop laughing ever since i read mazloon's blog....you should check it out we wrote some new ones and you figure prominently in the chicken roasting on the thread. you will feel honored

ps don't answer me. don't break your track record.


sad afarin  on your BABY!!!!!!


I do! No You don't! Who do u do? So? Who cares! Enjoy your baby!

by gol-dust on

Why so much flashing in people's faces? privacy is a good thing if only you can keep it from the invaders!