Iran & Iranians in Bogota

Photo essay: Iranian businesses in Colombia

by Jahanshah Javid
I got a chance to see several Iranian shop owners in Bogota. They number less than a hundred, but are well-established and happy. Video clips: Iranians in Colombia, King of Qalyoons, Qalamkar textile from Islafahan, Achamenid figures.

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As a half-Colombian, half- Iranian, All American...

by SofiaM on

This brings tears to my eyes... thank you so much!

First Amendment

Just wondering...

by First Amendment on

Any "Cartel" connections?



by yolanda on

The best photo essay among all your Colombia photo essays! The 3 videos are very cool, too!

Every photo is so Persian! The rug store is absolutely gorgeous! They must have shipped the Persian tiles piece by piece from Iran to build this authentic Persian Carpet store!

Thank you for posting all these nice photos! The photo essay made my day!


At last, one "positive impact" of Islamist regime!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Today, you can hardly travel to any corner of the globe and not see an "iranian community"! Before the revolution, I've been told, Iranians would go to US/Europe to study and would mostly go back home after finishing their studies. Today, 34 years after the ilsamic take over of our land, everyone seems to want to get the hell out of Iran. Not least regime supporters with money, and their fak o family!

Thanks for the nice pictures. 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."