The Kiss, goodbye

Photo essay: Rodin and other gems at Stanford University museum

by Jahanshah Javid

I met Firoozeh and Farzaneh Rouhanizadeh at my goodbye party in New York in 1996. They lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, and I was moving there. They've been my best friends since, with me being the beneficiary of their delicious cooking (usually one of my favorites: Adas Polo with kishmish) few times a year. I had told them I am traveling to Mexico soon and they invited me for dinner, which turned into a delighful weekened. That's when I saw their beautiful photo album from Abyaneh and begged them to share the love. Farzaneh also took me to breakfast at Cafe Borone in Palo Alto, where 12 years ago I met and hung out with my first Bay Area friends (Shahrokh, Hooshyar, Behzad, Anoush, Mehrdad, Hamid, Ali, Farhad...). And then Farzaneh suggested a visit to Stanford University's museum, known as Cantor Arts Center. What a pleasant, awesome surprise. The museum houses Rodin's "The Kiss" and "The Thinker", just to name a couple. I never thought I would find them in a university. I guess it tells you something about the incredible wealth of the university. Anyway, there were so many gems. I hope you enjoy the tour as much as I.


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by Hajminator on

It's incredible how well you got the photos from the Thinker. I saw them several times and I'm amazed every time how well you were been able to catch the gesture and also the effort made by Rodin to make it!

Thank you JJ.

ps. Rodin was really August, others including Claudel have been able to show their talents in his contact. Nothing can tarnish his god given gift
شاگرد كي بودي كه تو استاد جهاني
اين صنعت بي‌آلت و بي‌كف ز كي ديدي


The sun that always shines.

by Francesco Sinibaldi (not verified) on

The spring water
gives me a
particular feeling,
the purple appearance
in the heart of a
beautiful landscape;
and always outshines,
like a dream in
the breath of
a sadness.

Francesco Sinibaldi


Kofri jan, not exactly ....

by Souri on

Rodin was a married playboy, who was almost 25 years older than Camille. He was used to play with all the girl students and other young women who fell for his talent. He was a powerful artist, but still a "man":O) who was used to fully enjoy his celebrity among the women.

Camille was a young (20) sensitive artist, who fell badly in love with Rodin
and his works. She was deceived in love and also she has been violated
and stolen her works by Rodin. That's why she became paranoid, or at
least that was what Rodin and Camille's family pretended to reject all the
the bad labels and accusation from the people.

This was not Rodin who deceived her for the sake of high position, it was her own brother, Paul Claudel who was in fact, Camille's best friend.

Camille always said that Rodin stole her works, but nobody believed her (maybe she was right ?) and that's why she became more and more depressive and finally they interned her in a psychiatric hospital.

When I was a young student in Paris, I lived in Saint-Louis Island, where Camille Claudel's last house is located. It looks so sad and melancholic.
History remembers many great women like Camille, who became victim of their grand but premature talent. May her soul rest in peace.


JJ, consider yourself lucky

by kofri (not verified) on

JJ, consider yourself lucky to be with friends and those who cares for you. I saw your title "Photo essay: Rodin and other gems at Stanford University museum" and all I wanted to do was to tell you to go ahead a watch the Camille Claudel dvd. of course DK, the master, has already done so!! I had the chance to see his work in Paris. onja behesh foosh dadam ke martikeh bee leeyaghat va hungry for power. aadam miad eshghi mesle Camille ro babat onvane vezarat gereftan be bazi migereh! baad ham jaryane honest nabodaneh ke kee chi ro sakhteh! dar yek kalam halam ro be ham zad!! ama khob che baghi che mojasamehaee!!zendeh baad eshgh o aazadi.

Darius Kadivar

Beautiful JJ Jan ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Great Works. I love Rodin especially the combined sensuality and tenderness of the Kiss Statue. One of his inspirations was his love for Camille Claudel. I recommend you the film with Gérard Depardieu and Isabelle Adjani :Camille Claudel. Some even claim she actually did some of the sculptures and Rodin copied her.

Who knows but love certainly inspires ...

Bon Weekend de Paris,



The Kiss, The Thinker, The Traveler, The Journey

by goldfish (not verified) on


Camille Claudel by Auguste Rodin

by Souri on

This is the status of Camille Claudel by Rodin :


The best of Claudel's work in my opinion is "the age of maturity" in Orsay Museum now :




You know JJ !!

by samsam1111 on

With Your love of Sculpture, as I have seen the trend in Your pictorial essays, I,m baffled as to why You chose to live in North America.   Paris or Prague would have made a better fit. You are lucky to have a flexible line of work which provides the ultimate excuse to take off and live amongst the works of masters such as Donatello, Barnini, Da Vinci & Rodin. I love classical Architects & When in Paris , spend more time looking at structures than sexy French chix. How ever none surpass my love for pre-Qadesiyeh Iranic & classical Roman  Architecture which You rarely put on display here. Come on . Rent a boat , travel light & paddle to Europe instead of Mexico.

The thinker;


Orang Gholikhani

You should come to Paris :-)

by Orang Gholikhani on

 If you like Rodin, you should come to Paris and I'll bring you to Rodin Museum here :-)

Do you know Camille Claudel? She was her student and Mistress. May be is she in the Kiss statute. She was very brilliant but she stayed in Rodin's shadow (may be because she was a woman). She became depressed because that. Here you could see some of her works which are also in Rodin Museum ://

I recommend you this movie if you can find the DVD in US or Mexico ;-) //

Ghorbanat Orang.