"Let Gaza Live"
Photo essay: San Francisco rally against Israeli aggression
Nazy Kaviani 12-Jan-2009
San Francisco Chronicle: "A few thousand protesters of all ages rallied in San Francisco's Civic Center, then marched down Market Street in San Francisco today to protest Israel's bombing of Gaza. At the rally there was a group of 300 to 400 pro-Israel demonstrators, who stood across from the pro-Palestinian group, but did not join the march down Market Street. Chanting "Free, free Palestine" and "Stop killing children," the pro-Palestine group carried banners, waved pictured of bloodied children and carried white helium balloons representing Palestinians killed in Gaza."
The one time I made sure I wasn't fashionably late to an event, our train to San Francisco broke down and we had to evacuate the train, waiting for this one to be cleared and for another one to come and take us to the "Let Gaza Live" peace demonstrations in San Francisco. By the time my son and I arrived, quite a large group of people had already left. What was there for us to see and to join, however, was more than enough to evoke emotions and provoke thought. I did manage to listen to many speeches and the passionate speech delivered by Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi.
There has been so much talk and debate and emotion on the site associated with this topic lately. How can there not be? There has been so much talk and debate and emotion in the world on the very topic lately. How can you be a citizen of this world and not care? How can you avoid the news and those images, and once you have heard the news and seen the images, how can you not be haunted by the sense of grief and loss that is evoked in their wake? In good conscience, can I agree with those who say this is not "our" problem? Who are the "we" in "our?" Iranians? Americans? Human beings? Mothers? Fathers? Brothers, and sisters? Could we take a detour path each time we come face to face with what now sits like a giant wart, smack in the middle of humanity's face these days? Could we go on our merry ways, pretending like "even if it is happening, it's none of our business?" What is our business, anyway?
I was late today, but that didn't stop me from feeling proud to be an American. I am proud of a country that is founded on principles which would guarantee its citizens the right to congregate and to protest against the very policies of itself. I am proud to have the right to show up and express my opinion and show my support on an issue that has touched the very core of my humanity for a long time now. It was a beautiful, sunny, and warm day in San Francisco today, peaceful, and full of compassion. As I stood at the Civic Center Plaza, watching and listening to cries for attention to a human catastrophe in progress, I found myself praying and wishing for the same peace and freedom for all others all over the world, and particularly for Palestinians in Gaza.
by Kambiz Azad (not verified) on Mon Jan 12, 2009 07:30 PM PSTWhy do iranians care so much about what happens to the people in Gaza? Why does iranian goverment give the money that belongs to the iranian people to Palestinians? We are non-arab iranians, let the Arabs take care of their own, we need to care about our own people.
Ms Kaviani, Arab/Muslim youth in America are getting radicalize
by Observer (not verified) on Mon Jan 12, 2009 07:23 PM PSTd as a result of the killings in Gaza. people who protest against Israel are the new face of humanity. They believe in supporting and protecting the downtrodden of this earth. A similiar protest was held in San Jose California. More than 1000 people attended that protest. The majority were young people, probably 80% of the crowd were under the age of 18 years old. They were the most active and were loud and tireless in their efforts to be heard.
Gaza massacre has awakened a whole generation of Arab/Muslim Americans. They will carry on and raise their voices till Palestinians are free. The killings in Gaza will result in a more radical Arab/Muslim youth here in United States. Then what? are they going to be quite? I don't think so. Thanks for posting the pictures
Thank you
by Hyacinth (not verified) on Mon Jan 12, 2009 07:04 PM PSTNazy jan,
Thank you for posting the pictures and thank you for your article...my husband and I were at the San Francisco rally as well and it was so heartwarming to see people from all over the world and from all religions and ethnic groups uniting together against Israel's atrocities. I also felt the same sadness that "Iranian Reader" wrote about...I've been to many anti-war rallies and marches but this was the only one where I couldn't stop the tears. This is our business and this is our problem and it's happening on our watch and shame on us if we stay silent!
Reality of the war in Gaza - Gas war
by Icia (not verified) on Mon Jan 12, 2009 06:55 PM PSTمعادلات پشت پرده
ادامه جنگ و فاجعه در غزه
تا تقسیم گاز کشف شده در کرانه آن
همزمان با ادامه حملات هوائی و زمینی اسرائیل به غزه و موشک پرانی حماس به طرف اسرائیل و تصاویری که از قربانیان خردسال و بزرگسال فلسطینی در تلویزیون ها به نمایش در می آید و در شرایطی که تظاهرات مخالفان این حمله در شهرهای اروپائی جریان دارد، اطلاعات قابل توجهی درباره انگیزه های اقتصادی این فاجعه انتشار یافته است. بموجب این اطلاعات غزه روی مخازن بزرگ گاز طبیعی قرار گرفته و ریشه های فاجعه کنونی دراینجا نهفته است. حماس با آگاهی از این ثروت حساب غزه را از بقیه فلسطین جدا کرد تا مستقیما و بعنوان صاحب این ثروت با شرکت های نفتی امریکائی و انگلیسی وارد مذاکره شده و حتی برای مذاکره با اسرائیل با این برگ مهم اقتصادی پشت میز مذاکره بنشیند. از سوی دیگر، اسرائیل که کشف گاز در غزه را یک موهبت و غنیمت مهم تلقی کرده و قصد سلطه بر آن را دارد با حماس به مقابله برخاست. اگر همه این اطلاعات درست باشد، آنگاه می توان ادعا کرد که جنگ غزه، جنگ گاز است نه جهاد اسلامی برای آزادی فلسطین.
مخازن بزرگ گاز طبیعی در زیر آبهای دریای مدیترانه، به فاصله تقریبا سی و دو سه کیلومتر از ساحل غزه (به عبارت دیگر داخل مرزهای بین المللی غزه) کشف شده است.
کمپانی «گاز بریتانیا»BG در سال ۱۹۹۹ مخازن گاز با ذخیره یک تریلیون فوت مکعب را کشف کرد که ارزش تقریبی آن را حدود چهار میلیارد دلار اعلام داشت. طبق معاهده صلح اسلو، مسئولیت نظامی و امنیتی مرزهای آبی و خاکی غزه در دست اسرائیل است، اسرائیلی ها موفق شدند قراردادی بین خودشان و دو شرکت گاز و انرژی British Gas BG) ) و CCC منعقد کنند.
شرکت CCC در بعضی از منابع، از جمله در اورشلیم پست به عنوان یک شرکت انرژی انگلیسی معرفی شده است، در حالی که برخی منابع دیگر، از قبیل این مقالهٔ گاردین از آن به عنوان یک شرکت یونانی- لبنانی تحت عنوان Consolidated Contractors International Company نام برده اند. به این ترتیب کمپانی های BG که در اصل متعلق به شرکت شل میباشند و CCC مسئول حفاری گاز از سواحل غزه، لوله گذاری و حمل آن شدند تا نهایتا گاز بدست آمده با قیمت «مناسب» به اسرائیل فروخته شود.
نهایتا قرار داد پانزده ساله ای با شرکت های فوق تکمیل شد، و اسرائیل از طرف دیگر با دولت «فتح» هماهنگی هائی برای تقسیم این ثروت به عمل آورد. به اینصورت که ده درصد درآمد منابع گاز قرار بود به حساب بانکی که در کنترل دولت «محمود عباس» بود واریز شود .
اگرهمه این اطلاعات دقیق باشد، علاوه بر عزم اسرائیل برای سلطه بر گاز ساحل غزه، باید بدنبال نقش و رقابت شرکت های بزرگ نفتی انگلستان و امریکا و به میدان کیش کردن حماس بود.
در تاریخ بیست و هفتم ماه ژوئن سال ۲۰۰۷، نشریهٔ «گلف تایمز» در گزارشی نوشت که حماس، تصمیم گرفته معاهده گازی اسرائیل با شرکت انگلیسی یاد شده را فسخ کند. اما گلف تایمز ننوشت فسخ این قرار داد با هدف بستن قرار داد با کدام شرکت دیگر انگلیسی و یا امریکائی بوده است.سود نهفته در مخازن گاز ساحلی غزه بیشتر از آنست که بشود به آسانی تصور کرد حماس یکباره و خود به خود وارد معادلات منطقه شده است.
More pictures from the
by sdfjd (not verified) on Mon Jan 12, 2009 06:02 PM PSTMore pictures from the protest:
You are so naive
by Iran Y Beman on Mon Jan 12, 2009 04:45 PM PSTJust about 14 hours ago, Turkish government with the help of their Iranian Terrorists government flattened at least 3 villages by the border of Iran and Turkey (<//www.strategypage.com/qnd/kurdwar/articles/20090112.aspx>)
In the last 30 years Mullahs in Iran with help from Hamas and Hezbullah have killed, tortured and kidnapped many of our countrymen and women but let me ask you Ms. Kaviani, have you ever been in a demonstration against Islamic Republic in Iran or like many you might have been scared to show your face just in case if you travel to home land so you wont get questioned by those Arabs interrogators.
I admire your passion for another human being but please check the rest of victims out, don't you think Palestine's people are victims just because they have another stupid government as we do in Iran, don't you think Israelis are actually helping them by freeing them from Islamic Fascism and if next time you do what you are so proudly do please remember, "cheraghi ke be khane ravast be majed haram ast"
At the end Iran Y Beman.
JJ ?go and support Jewess to became rich man
by hajiagha on Mon Jan 12, 2009 03:51 PM PST//hajiagha-cartoons.blogspot.com/
JJ you should ask yourself why you not get any more price or awarded as journalist?
for this man, supporting Islam or like this Gaza
soon they are going after you to close the Iranian page
Awww, how cute!!!
by Babak Khorramdinnn (not verified) on Mon Jan 12, 2009 02:53 PM PSTHonestly how cute is this?!! A bunch of socialist sympathizers joining force with a bunch of bearded men and scarfed women to save humanity!!! Hmmm, makes me wonder when I last time saw this HOLY COALITION?!!! Oh, that's right, right around 1979 and we all know how that went!
In 2008 thousands and thousands of Africans were massacred in the worst way possible but I never heard a single human right loving muslim complaint, well, apparently jews are to blame for everything, since all they want is this tiny piece of land that has been their motherland as long as history can remember! But, no let's give it to the "mazloom" Arabs who have savagely occupied this Jewish holy land since their prophet ordered them to spread their religion with violence and hatred!
I don't mind if Jews even take over the whole Arab world, since Jews and Persians are the only two ethnic groups in the middle east that have never been in a battle against each other! Well, and at least that way we know there will be a lot of scientists and thinkers coming out of those God forbidden places!!!
by MRX1 on Mon Jan 12, 2009 12:43 PM PSTDid you compassionate people ever attended any protest or march against islamo facist regime in Iran? or is it in your future plans, and we just don't know about it? I am just curious......
Did you people also do similar things for darfur? or when russia crushed chechnia? or Turkey's continous violation of human rights against the kurds?
Or is it only when Isreal or jews that are involved you get hot blooded over an issue?
It was good to be there
by Iranian Reader on Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:03 AM PSTI have gone to practically every single anti-war rally in SF since 2001. But this one felt different. It was so terribly sad. Thanks for evoking some of that Nazy.
And, I have to say, it was a bigger demonstration than I expected. Nothing like London or Madrid but certainly much better than nothing.
Thanks Nazy,
by Midwesty on Mon Jan 12, 2009 09:08 AM PSTFor taking us to there with your virtual world. I wish I was there.
Dear Nazy,
by Princess on Mon Jan 12, 2009 09:10 AM PSTThanks for sharing these photos. I, too, went to the protests here in London on Saturday. More than 50000 people showed up at the Speakers Corner in Hyde Park and marched to the Israeli Embassy. I was very proud to be a part of a large group of people who took the time to go out on a freezing winter day to speak with their mere presence in the name of humanity. It was the first time in my life I ever participated in any demonstrations.
The Childern Poet Laureate, Michael Rosen, recided his new poem (bellow) for the children of Gaza. Four children with him on the podium read out the names and ages of 30 of the hundreds of children killed during the Israeli onslaught on Gaza.
In Gaza, children,
you learn that the sky kills
and that houses hurt.
You learn that your blanket is smoke
and breakfast is dirt.
You learn that cars do somersaults
clothes turn red,
friends become statues,
bakers don’t sell bread.
You learn that the night is a gun,
that toys burn
breath can stop,
it could be your turn.
You learn:
if they send you fire
they couldn’t guess:
not just the soldier dies -
it’s you and the rest.
Nowhere to run,
nowhere to go,
nowhere to hide
in the home you know.
You learn that death isn’t life,
the air isn’t bread.
The land is for all - you have the right to be
not dead.
The land is for all - you have the right to be
not dead.
The land is for all - you have the right to be
not dead.
The land is for all -you have the right to be
not dead.
Thank you, Nazy jan, for doing your part.