Malcolm X

Audubon Ballroom in Harlem, New York

by Pouya Alimagham
On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was gunned down at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem, New York. He was just 39 years of age. He is still remembered more than 40 years later. The ballroom has been since converted to a memorial to honor the historic figure.



by Majid on

If violance,threat,holding a gun and atrocity would do? Islamic regim in Iran was at the top of the world today!!

I wonder why Japanese did not adopt this smart way of gaining respect and rights after ww2,stupid Jap's!!!!


As a result??

by Majid on

Please pay a visit to Compton,CA....South Gate,CA....Harlem,NY....East San Diego,CA....Down Town,DC.... down town Atlanta,GA.............etc.    And then we talk,yeah sure!! that's how you gain the rights and the respect you deserve!!

Codoliza Rice is black! Barak Obama is black! Tiger wood is black!Colin powel is black!

AND..................GEORGE WASHINGTON CARTER was black!

Come on my friends,get real!!!



Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on



"Any means necessary" was before hajj. There is also a picture of him holding a miltary carbine peeking through a window which was after he and his family had been threatened by elements within the NOI. However, I don't recall offhand if that was right before or right after hajj.




Audubon Ballroom

by bagheAnar on

Pouya -

awesome pictures. Would you happen to remember the exact location of the Audobon Ballroom - the cross streets? ..Would love to visit next time I'm in Harlem. Thanks.


his speech said: We

by dariushabadi on

his speech said:

We declare our right on this earth to be a man, to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary.

Do you disagree with him? With the US government oppressing african americans, torturing them, imprisoning them, and NOT giving them equal was Malcolm that stood up for his people's rights.


2 years later, MLK made a speech saying "our evolution has now turned into a revolution" calling for african-americans to go in the street and riot for their rights (the same day the FBI released tapes that MLK was sleeping with prostitutes and therefore we only remember his i have a dream speech, and the fact that he slept with prsotitutes).


Malcolm X was a hero by all standards.


Was THIS part of that " CHANGE" ??

by Majid on

Please inform me,was this before or after becomming "haji Malcolm"?

Raising a gun and chanting " by any mean,necessary "


wow, kaveh?

by dariushabadi on

kaveh, me and you agreeing on 1 thing finally? :-)

Kaveh Nouraee

Read more about him

by Kaveh Nouraee on



Malcolm was the epitome of a self-made and self-educated man. While he had given many incendiary, polarizing speeches and interviews early on in his public career, he continued to feed his desire for knowledge prior to and after hajj. Also bear in mind he was essentially the public face of the NOI, verbalizing the racist and hate-filled rhetoric of Elijah Poole, their leader. He was taught to hate. Once Malcolm discovered the truth behind that hypocrite, he distanced himself from that organization and their hate filled, separatist ideology, and adopted orthodox Islam after returning from hajj. That is what ultimately got him killed. Elijah and that calypso singer who calls himself Farrakhan were deeply afraid of Malcolm's charisma, which they knew would have the potential to completely undermine their cause. So they got rid of him.


It's a shame that in his own community, there are many people who don't know that much about him. If he were still alive, I am certain he would have put charletans like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton in their place. He was truly fascinating. I highly recommend reading his autobiography, by Alex Haley.



he changed, you can't notice major change?

by dariushabadi on

malcolm x changed after he went to hajj, and wanted to create unity between blacks and whites, muslims and christians, everything.


why do you focus on his times of ignorance, when the man clearly changed to a better man before he was assasinated?


Change in his latter years...

by iPouya on

If you look at Malcolm X's latter years, especially after his pilgrimage to Mecca, you will find that many of his views changed, which is the beauty of the man... he was capable of positive change.


I hope you don't see it as a racist comment

by Majid on

Listening to his remarks ,reading some articles about him and learning from some of his speeches,this was a man full of HATE! and unfortunately his color of skin overshadows the hate behind his mentality,his skin was not black,it was THIN,period!

Just like Lewis Farrakhan. MLK on the other hand had some interesting point of view and some legitimate issues....That's the different between Malcolm X and Martin Luther King