Michelle's Gift

Photo essay: To a great mom, sister and lady

by Jahanshah Javid
Two nights ago I went to bed early. I woke up around three in the morning and I saw evidence of lots of activity in the kitchen. My sister Michelle had made Christmas cookies, cakes and other goodies for home consumption, as well as friends and the sick at the local hospital in Chihuahua, Mexico. Meanwhile a whole bunch of gifts, mostly for the boys Teo, Nico and Robert, had been placed under the Christmas tree. This morning at 9 o'clock sharp, the boys rushed down and opened them with great excitement. So much love and joy, thanks to Michelle, a loving mom, a wonderful sister, caring friend and all around lady. She's the greatest gift to all of us.

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Banafsheh Zolfaghari

Yummy, can smell them cookies

by Banafsheh Zolfaghari on

Quite touching and thats what its all about. Little acts of love and gratitude. Your mom would be (is) proud of you both. Banafsheh


Iranian sisters

by SamSamIIII on


 are the best. a bit of nosy mouthy preachers :) but at the end of the day they act as your multi tasked guardians when time comes. bless be the sis & the ameh to our kid/kids and all others .

Cheers & Best wishes!!! 


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia


Organic jaan more cookies for JJJ?! He's a cookie monster!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.


Happy holliday

by Dordooneh on

Nice family. Beautiful cookies yum. Lovely smiles on the face of the kids, that is what christmas is all about. Thanks for sharing :)


Absolutely lovely pictures...

by Souri on

Oh my, I loved them all.

The best moment of the Christmas time, is the time of opening the gifts! So much excitement in the air.

Michelle jan, that was fabulous !

I wish I could be there, me too! Now is too late. Do you invite me for next Christmas? Please please.

I promise to be a good girl, whole year. I want to be part of your X-mas party. It looks so exciting.

Khosh be hal J.

Have a beautiful time and very happy new year:)


And the most reliable Organic Nutritionist on IC

by Monda on

I love her sons' smiles and the color cubes above her fireplace, besides everything else I read on her. Hardwork and creativity runs in your family I take it?

No Comment


by No Comment on

You forgot to say the best ammeh on planet earth! I love you ammeh joon :x


Warm and cozy

by HollyUSA on

very nice. Loved the drawing that included your laptop lol


Joyful  pictures. Very

by vildemose on

Joyful  pictures. Very handsome nephews. God bless you sister. She must be  a Saint to put up with you...hahaha




by yolanda on

 Your sister is nice 'cause she cares about the sick people at the hospital. The gingerbread house is beautiful. The drawing in #28 is absolutely cute!

Thank you for sharing!

Delaram Banafsheh (Yolanda)

"Cactus in the Desert"