Nersi & Bella's

Photo essay: A loving, colorful refuge

by Jahanshah Javid
When I canceled my lease to prepare for my road trip to Mexico, I stayed at the home of Nersi and Bella -- my cousin and his wife. I have so many memories here. Such good times. Such good food. So many friends, so much love... The home itself is amazingly colorful, warm and inviting. The art work, the scary masks, the flowers... I'll look at these pictures whenever I get lonely in Mexico... or wherever I may be.

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more from Jahanshah Javid

song for a road trip

by raw goldfish (not verified) on

Abbas Atrvash

Now I know

by Abbas Atrvash on

Now I know where you are living, though, I should have guessed you can't stand  Bahman to stay with him.


you are so lucky

by Mondahosselehloginnadareh (not verified) on

to be connected with these warm and comforting people. You are also smart for valuing such relationships and for having worked towards your connections. It always takes more than one to tango. (yek kalameh az maadare arooss!)


Is that a wedding ring in

by Rouhakhtar (not verified) on

Is that a wedding ring in picture #55 or are you trying to attract women who like to cheat with a married man?

Or is that something you learned from Seinfeld when George wore a wedding ring?


A "moving" nightmare

by KouroshS (not verified) on

This was just gorgeous. truly amazing and such elegance. One thing bothers me though: having to pack all these, if they decide to move!! That would be huge challenge??!


Eclectic beauty!

by farrad02 on

Very warm indeed!

Arash Monzavi-Kia

Khosh Be Halet

by Arash Monzavi-Kia on

It's snowing north of Toronto. 

Arash M-K

American Wife

what a warm and inviting home...

by American Wife on

no wonder you feel so comfortable! 

Orang Gholikhani

Kheili Basalihgeh

by Orang Gholikhani on



Beautiful colorful yet

by MITRA Khuzestani (not verified) on


colorful yet everything works so nicely. I love the graden whom ever is doing the decoration most be an artist. Very Khoshsaligheh. My favorite photo is #62,I love tribal rugs and that is typical Bakhtiary. Jahanshah ,thanks for given us a tour ! Your sister house is also very unique, you know how to pick them. Please get some pointers for your next place!


Good people. Good taste.

by sima on

We all could use cousins like this.



by Reza K. (not verified) on

Happy landing!
What's the next landing spot? ;-)