No revolts, mayhem or bloodshed

Photo essay: Norooz 1389 in Tehran

by Jaleho
Sorry folks, no Green revolutions on Charshanbeh Souri or Eid, no revolts, mayhem or bloodshed in the streets of Tehran, unpack your luggage. Iran was the same Iran that it has always been during Eid. The typical beautiful Noroozi spirit with the aromatic spring air, flowers everywhere and happiness reflected on people and freshness on the roads, mountains, and the parks... everywhere was fresh and beautiful ... more

Recently by JalehoCommentsDate
Norooz 1389 in Tehran
Apr 01, 2010
The STINK grows as Dabashi stirs it more!
Feb 01, 2010
Moral Bankruptcy of Green Leaders, and The Quds Day
Sep 16, 2009
more from Jaleho

Saleh no shoma ham mobarak azizam

by IRANdokht on

Jaleh jan

You're too kind to include me with that nice bunch! I am humbled to say the least.

I saw you also had a blog going with a lot of discussion...  Sorry if I don't get involved in long winding arguments anymore. 

As I was starting to read the arguments I realized that I don't have the patience anymore. Maybe it's because I should start using my reading glasses :) but it's also the time constraints and the stress that all these arguments cause. You know I am in minority here. I don't agree with you on the current situation, but I loath the nastiness that I see aimed at you, as if people score patriotic points attacking you personally! 

You have your reasons for thinking this regime is better than any alternative at this time, and I respect your right to your opinion. To me, the lack of any anti-regime activities during Norouz is due to the distraction of the celebrations, vacations etc... I am sure that they will regroup and continue their resistance. To some even celebrating Norouz is a form of resistance against the regime as it has been for decades now.

But to see that you are being called names and put down is hurtful. I won't take part in the blog discussions because I don't want to read all those comments.  

The cyberspace is a strange place. People tend to be more provoking, more argumentative and less kind when they're hiding behind their monitors.  That's why I am staying out of all discussions. I admire your courage and your strength but as for me, I do not wish to become people's "kisseyeh box" so they bring all their real life frustrations here and throw it at me. That's why I have stayed away.

Your pictures were showing a refreshing side of Tehran. The peaceful, green and lush parks and carefree people playing and exercising. It's a gorgeous sight and I thank you for sharing them with me.  You're a beautiful soul, strong and intelligent lady who happen to have a different political view, and I am honored to have you as a friend.

Saleh no be shoma va azizanet mobarak basheh.




by Jaleho on



Bah, IRANDOKHT Gol Golab!!

by Jaleho on

 So good to see the best of IC around again :-)  This must be the sign of good things happening in the coming new year: I have seen you, Niloufar, FB, Kharmagas, Abarmard, Manoucher, Marge...and few others who had disappeared last year, now honoring us again lately!

Yes my dear, jayeh shoma ra khali kardam. And yes, thank you for noticing the old guy on the workout machines in the park, I DID think that intelligent people would notice the beauty of that :-)     Very cool indeed, but also note the younger guy doing yoga in the street behind! They did the Yoga thingie in the mountain a lot before, but there is an amazing surge of popularity in sports in the town now. It is very cute to see parks crowded with young ones playing badminton day AND night.

Anyway, good to see you here, and I hope you'll have a FANTASTIC Year ahead of you.




by IRANdokht on

What beautiful pictures! Dastet dard nakoneh Jaleh jan. Delam baz shod... :)

I am sure you had a great Norouz back home. Jayeh maro ham khali kardi?

Park Gheytarieh looks great. Was that guy using one of those workout machines in the park? Things have changed...

Thanks for the beautiful photo essay. I am sure glad I came by to visit :)
