Nowruz in New York

photo essay: 5th annual Persian Parade

by javad fakharzadeh
The Nowruz 1388 was celebrated in Manhattan, New York City, on Sunday March 29, 2009. Huge crowd joined to commemorate the 5th annual Persian Parade. People as far as California and Canada participated in this historic celebration.

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Wow! You're still here insulting...

by ThePope on

You have nothing else to do in life?

Listen loser, of course I'm not; fekr kardi hameh mesleh khodet Gohan?
Aadat kardi beh Goh-e zeeyaadi khordan, mostly when you're proven wrong?

The only "beesavaad" and "laat" on this thread is you with your insults and Goh khordan haa-ye zeeyaadi, such as this: "Meereenam roo sare Iranian culture." 
-Khejaalat nemikeshi az een toheen kardanaat?
-Too tavileh mageh bozorg shodi?
No man, it's Iranians that "meereenan too sare" to (va amsaaleh to) keh Goh'haa-ye zeeyaadi nakhori.

BTW, is insulting the only thing you know when you're in a discussion? From your very first comment all you do is insult 'till the very last one. Not only you're rude and irrational, but it's clear that you're also too immature to even understand what you are writing.

Also, you are sooo MUCH full of blind hate and anger that you mix politics with culture. YES, we ARE PROUD of our culture, and we'll keep on with the Persian parades. 


Oh yeah, sorry but your manner, class, intelligence and logic is just too low for this community.


p.s. It's evident that you've had previous user names. Your language, tone and character gives it away. Instead of changing user names, change your attitude. If you can't, SEEK some professional help.


Dear Maziar

by Souri on

Sorry for tha late response, I just read your comment :-)

I didn't go there this year (to my full regret) because I have been fooled by the forecast which had predicted a rainy day!! I even paid a penalty for canceling the hotel reservation, and was so upset when I saw those beautiful pictures and the videos of the event.

But at least it was another happy parade and I'm glad and honored for that. Hopefully next time we will go there all together :O)


Let us get the Real Iranian Flag for this Parade.

by Davood_Banayan on

Americans for a Democratic Republic in Iran.

The people who were the organizers of the Iranian Parade in New york should follow International law.

The 2009 Iranian flag is present at the United Nations.

Please refer to the following site:


It has been over 30 years since the Iranian Revolution.  

No government in Iran has lasted as long continuously as the present government in Tehran.

President Obama has wished Ayat'Allah Seyed Ali Khamenei a happy Iranian New Year.

It is high time for Iranians everywhere and anywhere to back direct talks and stand behind the true Iranian flag.


The Iranian flag that helped fight Saddam during the 8 year Iran-Iraq War.


It was this present day Iranian flag that ended a dictatorship that was imposed on the freedom loving Iranian people in 1925.


In 1941 Reza Khan, a dictator was removed by the British.  It must be
said it was the British that installed Reza Khan.  It was the Czarist
Russians that trained Reza Khan as a Cossak Colonel.  The foreigners
installed him and removed him.

From 1941 ro 1953 Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was imposed on the Iranian
masses.  During that time, Mohammad Reza did nothing for Iran. 
Mohammad Reza married an Egyptian princess named Fowzia.  Fowzia later
divorced the Shah.  The Shah remarried to Soraya Esfandiari.  Soraya
divorced the Shah because the Shah was a bi-sexual.  The Shah had
sexual relations with his male ministers Alam and Ernest Perron.  

In 1953, the Shah was run out of the country.  In a CIA plan the Shah was re-installed in late 1953.

The Shah then ruled with an Iron fist from 1953 to January 16, 1979.

The Shah's secret police SAVAK killed people right and left.

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch all documented the Shah's attrocities.

On February 11, 1979 the Iranian masses accepted the Revolution and abolished the Iranian monarchy forever.


In 2009 president Hussein Obama has wished Ayat'Allah Khamenei a happy Iranian New Year.

Let us all move on.  it is high time all Iranians move on and ask for direct talks with the Iranian government.


"MiNeum71"; Baba to digeh ki hasti!!!

by ThePope on

"Baba to digeh ki hasti", not only it's a common saying, but it's also a famous persian song! And clearly not meant to be an insult in any way, shape or form. It's just a famous Tehrani slang expression...and even considered a 'warm' expression'!



az aan cheh nemeedaani, sokhan magoo. -Imam Ali


You sure do have a lot of nerves "MiNeum71"

by ThePope on

Wow! Now you see everyone as low as yourself! You think everyone is like you?!
All your comments on this thread are filled with immature discussions by using empty slogans and insults; insulting ALL Iranians in general just to empty yourself and satisfy your rage.
You do have lots of complexes and that's not an insult when it's obvious that you're angry and have lots of issues, so I asked you to let go of your complexes in order for you to engage in a mature discussion and try to understand instead of making a fool out of yourself.
Not even 24 hours has passed since you apoligized for your rudeness towards Iranians and now your back again making an idiot out of yourself once more, and again insulting all Iranians and  me (but I don't get insulted by a 'low life'). Here are some of your last generalizations towards Iranians: 
-" typically Iranee "
" Lajhbazee and Chert-o-pert Goftan is typically Iranian "
No man, lajbaazi and chert o pert goftan is typically YOU
and NOT "typically Iranian". Stop belittling Iranians. How low are you willing to take us Iranians just to make yourself feel good?! You're a "typical loser". Work on yourself and try to develop some dignity...


FYI, to digeh ki hasti, is not an insult but rather a slang expression (and a polite one). Also, let go of your complexes, is not an insult when it's obvious that you have issues with the Pahlavis (& as I said before, I really don't care). Im just saying that your hatred towards the Pahlavis has completely blinded you. 

Now this is your level; insulting not only me but all Iranians:
--"silly and stupid", "This is the ultimate evidence that Iranians are silly"
What the hell are these Ahmagh-ha doing there?"
Are they just acting the fool or are they really the most stupid people in the world?"
--"typically Iranee"
By ther way, also Lajhbazee and Chert-o-pert Goftan ist typically Iranian"

And you get offended when we ask you to let go of your complexes?!!
What? You expected us to applaud you for your offenssive and provocative statements towards Iranians!


...and nothing new in the rest of your comment (just like your other posts), just repeating the same nonsense without any valid argument.                                                  


p.s.  we're all very much aware that takbir, shahada and the word allah are islamic, but did you know that the language of islam is arabic?!! ;-) 


Typically "ThePope",

by MiNeum71 on

This is your level, insulting personally baabaa to digeh ki hasti! and let go of your complexes, typically ThePope, typically Iranee.

By ther way, also Lajhbazee and Chert-o-pert Goftan ist typically Iranian: The TRUE flag of Iran is the SUN & LION and it does NOT belong to any specific person, family or group. Is it really sooo difficult to understand the difference between Shir-o-khorshid and Green-White-Red Shir-o-khorshid? And didn´t you think that the words allah and Shahada could have been Islamic?



Dear "Behrooz",

by MiNeum71 on

You are a true Iranian Bee-savad-e Ogh-de-ee.



by ThePope on

"...this flag is not arabized..."  

So you're saying that the Iranian flag with 22 takbirs (which is 24 arabic words) and the word khodaa in arabic (allah) and the shahada is NOT arabized (arabicized)!!!
-baabaa to digeh ki hasti!

Takbir:   // 
Shahada:  // 


"I don´t know the difference between the state and the civil flages between 1925 and 1979"!!!
-Well, after all the info provided for you, I guess I was right, you really do have some "kind of problem nesbat beh Beiragh-e Iran?!!".
Listen, it's obvious that you have a hatred towards the Pahlavis (and I don't care), but if you let go of your complexes and READ the info that was provided, you should know the difference.
The TRUE flag of Iran is the SUN & LION and it does NOT belong to any specific person, family or group.
That's the (real) Iranian flag, PERIOD. Like it or not.

Again, the Sun & Lion with the crown on top is the State flag (or Pahlavi flag like you call it!!!):  //

No matter what, our only flag is SHIR O KHORSHID. And lets hope, soon, it will RISE again over all of Iran.  -Amen.

PS   If you still don't get it, just never mind it,, you're right,,, whatever you say....!


Dear MiNeum71

by Behrooz (not verified) on

Before anything let me say that I acknowledge that in my first response I might have gone too far and for that I do apologize to you and other readers. My intention was never to make this discussion personal. However you should also accept that your first posting was also noting but insult of all Iranians and specially those who cherish their identity culture and national symbols.

Now, if you do not call this insult then I do not know what it is

“Are they just acting the fool or are they really the most stupid people in the world?”

So my friend, as you see the insult started by you, when you decided to insult my fellow countrymen, my nationality, my identity and my culture. However as I told you before that should not have been an excuse for me to claim down to your level and go trough that same root as you went. You see my friend? The difference between us is the fact that I am prepared to accept my mistakes and either correct them or live with the circumstances. But can you say the same.

However in evaluation of your words and position I do not think I made a mistake in drawing resemblance between your views and those of the political groups that are now in Iran’s dust bean of history

In your second posting as you started to ask some legitimate questions and mentioned a few reference then I saw it as my duty to engage in dialog and try to inform you, or get informed by you and learn a thing or two from yourself. That was why I saw the need to open my mind to see if you have got anything valuable to offer and so far you have NOT.

Firstly the WIKI is not a reliable source of information at all, as you would have known this, if you have bothered to read the terms and conditions of its use. This is an open source reference which can be altered by anyone without them having to show a reliable backing for their claim.

Secondly I never accused you to be an IRI supporter I just reminded you of the groups of people who belittle our culture and national symbol and left the decision you to pick your own rank.

Thirdly you have asked where in your posting you have used empty slogans and insults. I draw you attention to the following cutting from your own posting.

“I demonize those Iranians like you, who think that the Iranians and the Iranian culture is so great and wonderful and that 1979 disaster was only an accident caused by god and forget, that the revolution was caused by Iranians, and there are Iranians who are destroying Iran in the last 30 years”

Now if that is not cheap insult and empty slogans I do not know what it is.
You see? In your whole posting you did not offer one single solution or even a realistic evaluation of the problem.

As I told you before I am not a supporter of Pahlavi and I do not think that everything they did was right. I also believe that the so called “revolution” of 1979 was a disaster and a national suicide. However my sense of fairness demands to evaluate Pahlavi’s good deeds with the bad and their triumph with their mistakes and its disasters results. Also I see the need to evaluate each event and decision, considering the political, international and national circumstances of the time. You see? Hyneside is a comforting and wonderful luxury, but in real life there are no luxuries and one needs to take decisions in the heat of the moment. That is when mistakes are made especialy inabsence of good council.

Thirdly It was never my intension to shut you up. In fact on the contrary I very much would like to engage in a dialog with you as I believe that, this is how progress is made. However if you decide to state your opinion in such public firms you should also be prepared to get responses, some of which might match your own level of vocabulary.

Fourthly you mentioned that

“I´m ashamed of many Iranians. I love Iran”

These are two very contradictory sentences. Without Iranians there is no Iran. What gives value to this piece of land and makes it so special to us is the people who live here and their culture, together with all the good and bad aspects of it. Without Iranians there is no Iran and this area is just a piece of land no different to other areas on the planet. It is very easy to say
”I love Iran” as they say “talk is cheap”. But what I and many others who are reading this article would like to know is that, what have you ever done for the country you love or have you ever tried to work out why you do not like many Iranians and engage in a dialog with them in order to change what you do not like about them? Or instead of insulting them, have you ever tried to point their short comes in a constructive manner?
In the end I would like to emphasize that as a fellow countryman I respect you and believe that we are all in the same boat. Iran will always remain our home wherever in the world we might be and the fact that you are on this site instead of some local European site is a self testament to that fact. In the end we all need to sit together and try to find a solution to our current problems by having a fair assessment of the situation and the circumstances that led us here. That’s is why whatever our differences of opinion might be, I am more than willing to engage in a dialog and an adult conversation whenever you feel like it.


Good, "ThePope",

by MiNeum71 on

My fav flag is the arabized one? :)))  Is it sooo difficult to understand sentences like I demonize the Pahlavi craps and the Khomeini scumbags or Iranians who are destroying Iran in the last 30 years? Besides, this flag is not arabized, it´s IRI´ized.

I don´t know the difference between the state and the civil flages between 1925 and 1979, but I see the flag using in NY is EXACTLY the same one which was used during the 1976 AFC Asian Cup in Iran. It´s quite ridiculous defending the Pahlavi flag as the Iranian one. I know that since 1576 we had always (except few years) the lion in our flag, but this combination of green-white-red bands in this ratio is Pahlavi´s one.

And I must ask for forgiveness I forgot that Pahlavi´s era wasn´t a fascist but a democratic one respecting human rights. Sorry.



Exactly, "Behrooz",

by MiNeum71 on

You insulted me personally and my parents, although I hadn´t said anything towards you, and now you dare to write: ... one first needs to be mutual and set his personal perceptions and emotions aside ...? You could have done this before, but at first you had to behave Iranee and insult me and then to come and behave normally and trying to only look at the historical facts and circumstances of that era. I don´t understand your way of changing from only stupid “Bisavaad” in here is you to You have the right to live your life. I receive an impression there are two persons responding.

And what´s this: Whenever you decided to grow up and engage in a mature discussion instead of trying to satisfy your own rage by using insult and empty slogans? Insulting just for fun? Where do you read any slogans? What qualifies you for a mature discussion. I wrote only facts. And it´s not difficult to figure out which flag existed in which time.

My only opinion was that I don´t understand why those people in NY use the Pahlavi flag. Not more. You write stories about this and that. They are also interesting but they don´t concern the subject.

And there is something else which is embarrissing. This is this black and white of the recent Iranian history. If you say Shah was an Idiot, then people insult you as a member of far left, Islamism Marxists and other fossil groups; if you say Khomeini was an Idiot then people insult you as a member of fucked up monarchists. Are all the Iranians really that silly?

It must be possible to say: Both were failures. You want me to read to your articles carefully before responding to them, but why don´t you do the same and read my words carefully: I demonize the Pahlavi craps and the Khomeini scumbags, destroying Iran in the last 30 years; are they evidences of me supporting the IRI???

I am an European man of Iranian descent and I´m ashamed of many Iranians. I love Iran and nobody is allowed to call that into question. I will not be put off by people attempting to cut my voice, because in the end we only can change for the better if we take to heart: Self-knowledge is the first step toward self-improvement.




by ThePope on

Great pics...
What a great parade.
Thanks for sharing...

Amazing how in major cities in either the East
or West coast there is a Persian gathering every year, and the beautiful
flag of Iran is displayed... Dameshoon Garm.

Dameshoon garm that they're representing our true identity which
is totally contrary to what mullahs have displayed in the past 30 years
(religious fanaticism, 'political extremism', terrorists, terrorist $upporters,

BTW, I think the Iranian community of LA should organize a Persian Parade like they do in NY. (not only a gathering)


MiNeum71, what are you talking about?! Do you have some kind of problem nesbat beh Beiragh-e Iran?!!

"...facist shir o khorshid flag..."!!!!  Fascist!?!!!! Wow, you're full of it...
(and learn how to spell fascist...)

"...the green-white-red flag with Shir-o-khorshid is Pahlavi´s flag..."!!! -seriously, you are full of ...;
I don't see any crown on top of the sun & lion (State flag or "Pahlavi flag" as you call it!):

Here's a sample of Iran's flag (civil flag):     

And Shah's flag, Imperial Iranian flag. (Now it's Reza Pahlavi's...)

And here's your favorite; the ARABIZED Iranian flag:

Now you know the difference...

, since you seem to be very much into Wikipedia, I provided the links from your favorite source!


take this and.....

by maziar058 (not verified) on

call me tomorrow;red,white and green with the lion is the one that we were born with and die with; if that's our destiny ,if pahlavis are gone our flag does not have to; hr. hyder 071 take it easy.


sad sad....

by Shir-o-Khorshid (not verified) on

We Iranians are unfortunately so full of it that it's nauseating reading some of these comments/threads... sad thing is that we toot our own horns and believe that 'we' know more than others... personal beliefs and opinions don't matter .. It’s all about 'zoor gooyee' and shoving one's opinion down everyone else' throats... this is exactly what the mullah's have done to our country/people in the past 30 years and this is why many people who could have left our beloved country. So who cares when this flag was incarnated... who gives a shit whether it was the Pahlavi’s, or the Qajars or the Zands... let's not lose site of the fact that a sacred, ancient, ritual is being celebrated by many and if they're waving the flag that was made popular by the Pahlavi’s the so-be-it - this is irrelevant. When are we going to learn that having respect for our culture, our people and respect for our differences is what will get us past this petty stage of existence and on to greater things. MiNeum71, you are the epitome of our dysfunctional culture and why our country and people will never progress in this world - your criticism serves no purpose other than to highlight our divide...just another person blowing hot air!


Dear MiNeum71

by Behrooz (not verified) on

I am afraid I did not find anything new in your response other than the old wofel bofel that haas been spewed by the far left, Islamism Marxists and other fossil groups

As far as the Shir O Khorshid is concerned you really need to do more study and by study I do not mean the old rubbish that is spewed in the IRI’s text book. If you want give me your email and I will send you several pdf books and articles about Iranian flag, Shir o Khorshid and your history.

however I can send you and you can real but if you do not descide to open you mind that would not come to much as an old saying of

"one can always waken up him who is asleep but can never awaken the one who I pretending to be asleep"

As far as your angry nonsense about the Pahlavi era and their legacy is concerned, I can assure you that today all of Iranian people know very well about what they did or did not do and I personally can write a book about it, as that was the subject of my study in collage while I was studying in UK. I have also read many independent books about the pros and cons of that era. However this is not the time and the place for this argument.

Whenever you decided to grow up and engage in a mature discussion instead of trying to satisfy your own rage by using insult and empty slogans, I would gladly walk you through the history of Iran from the end of Ghajar era until bahman of 1357 and what Reza Sshah and Mohammad Reza Shah did in the most important and dangerous period of Iran’s history and how they saved Iran from being broken up to different small states. However to start an argument like this, one first needs to be mutual and set his personal perceptions and emotions aside trying to only look at the historical facts and circumstances of that era.

Having said this I should emphasize that I am a republican but I believe in order to learn the lessons of history on needs to look back to the past fairly and mutually, not to score points but to learn from ones mistake and draw strength from one's successes. Also one need to be fair and consider the good deeds of any past regime along with the bad, even though in disagreement. This is not because of that past ruler but to show to the future leaders and people in position of power that we see the good a long with the bad and as well as protesting the short come we appreciate the services that the have done to their country.

I should also tell you that I do agree with you in the sense that there are a lot of social and behavioural problems with our country and society today. However unlike you who believe that the answer to this problem is demonizing and insulting our country people country and culture. I believe that the answer is engagement, advice and enlightenment. Now, nobody says it is easy or quick and Iran is not the only country going through such period. One only needs to look back at the bloody history of Europe and America no less than 50 years ago, when in Europe 4 million people were sent to concentration camps in Poland and gassed to death or in US a black person could be killed for marrying a white woman in the mid States. Please Also bear in mind that The West did not come this long way over night or very cheap and is had many helps along the way from the like of Martin Luter king, JFK, Winston Churchill and many others and even today they still have many problems which they are trying to resolve.
This is the way that we and all who love their country and want to progress have to go.

Now if you do not feel any thing for your people and country that is ok too. You have the right to live your life in the West the way you want and we do not ask you for anything. But at least have the dignity to honour our rights to fight for what we love

PS Also please try to read my articles carefully before responding to it. As if you did so you would have realized that I live in Iran.


Yeaaaaaaaaaah, "Behrooz ",

by MiNeum71 on

1) Exactly, this is quite embarrissing when you call me bee-savad but you yourself have no idea of the history of the Iranian flags.

If you had finished the primarly school, you would have been able to know the difference between a flag and an emblem. Shir-o-khorshid is Iranian, the green-white-red flag with Shir-o-khorshid is Pahlavi´s flag, and the flags you see on the pictures were used between 1964 and 1979. Oh, I´m sooo sorry that I blowed you up, but it was your own fault anyway.

2) I belong to the fourth group. I demonize the Pahlavi craps and the Khomeini scumbags. And I demonize those Iranians like you, who think that the Iranians and the Iranian culture is so great and wonderful and that 1979 desaster was only an accident caused by god and forget, that the revolution was caused by Iranians, and there are Iranians who are destroying Iran in the last 30 years.

According to UN and AI saved data, Iran is leading the women abuse, children abuse, criminal abuse and minority abuse statistics. Great culture? Meereenam roo sare Iranian culture.

3) Yes, you are true Iranian. You insulted me personally and my parents. This Iranee-bazee is typically Iranian. And you think you can discuss about loyalty while living in the States? Are you on drugs?



Dear MiNeum71

by Behrooz (not verified) on

It seems to me that the only stupid “Bisavaad” in here is you and your alike.

This is really a shame that after thirty years of hardship and paying such a hefty price for that act on insanity in 1979 some of us Iranian still haven't learned to get their facts straight before shouting their big mouth off and embarrassing themselves.

Well sir. If you have never opened a book in your life about history of Iran and especially the 3000 years old emblem of “Shir o khorshid” I guess that is your problem and your loss. More importantly it says a lot about you and the environment have you have been brought up in. It also says a lot the mentality the parents who have never bothered to teach their son about identity, culture, loyalty or dignity.

However for the rest of us true Iranians, we do not trade our loyalty and identity with all the money and stability in the world. As much as those outside Iran have come to realize that their host countries however good and comfy it might be, would never replace their motherland, and its culture is no match for Persian culture, we Iranians inside Iran have learned (although the hard way) that the only road to salvation is to revive our identity and guard our traditions, as that would be the best way to fight foreign intrusion of any kind especially Islamic fascism. And we all are passing this philosophy to our kids and the future generations.

But of course this awakening movement have made a few groups worried for their own interests and affairs.
The first group is the IRI and those who deal and wheel with it, and profit from the current miseries of our people. They know very well that one day when IRI is brought down, they would have to stand trial along with the murderers, thieves and torturers of IRI and answer for their crimes against our nation.

The second group are those who are still living the false phoney dreams of 1979 and still refuse to accept their mistakes or the share of their responsibility for getting our country into this mess. These people are not and have never been brave enough to face the truth and accept their responsibility for the role that they have played in the disaster of 1979. They are still using phoney excuses (Ozr e Bad tar Az Gonaah) to relive themselves from this responsibility and are still stuck in the old decomposing ideologies, from which the world and Iranian people have moved on long times ago.

And the third group are those who have never had a sense of belonging and loyalty. These are people have no identity history dignity or sense of belonging. Those who take the money which should be spent building Iran to Dubai, US Canada and other places and do not refer to themselves as Iranians. They even dress and behave like the natives. These are the same people who allow the name of Persian Gulf to be questioned by others and just as they are prepared to throw away their national flag and symbols, they have no problem with giving away the name of Persian Gulf or the ownership of our three Islands in there. Now the funny thing is that quiet often these people are not even taken seriously by their host communities and are referred to as phoney wanabees who are subject of laughter, ridicule and belittling

Now you can pick your rank and choose what group you belong to.

As for the rest of us, we love our country, we regard it as our duty to protect and preserve our identity and traditions and that includes
“Parcham e Se Rang e Shir o Khorshid”.
Furthermore all Iranians inside and outside of Iran have duties towards this aim. As we inside Iran fight the suppression of IRI and protect our culture against Taazi invasion and destruction by ignorance. Iranians outside have a duty to act as our ambassadors, and show the true face of Iranian culture and identity to the rest of the world.
Furthermore the efforts that has been made in for the past 30 years in order to separate Iranian outside Iran from their fellow countrymen inside Iran or to water down their role and effectiveness is a callous IRI plot and has to be confronted at any cost. We Iranian inside Iran are proud of our fellow countrymen around the world and would like to remind them that they have a massive duty toward their country and anytime they doubt their effectiveness I erg them to think about the pro-Israeli lobby and the Jewish community in U.S and try to learn a lesson or two from them.


Stupid and Silly

by MiNeum71 on

This is the ultimate evidence that Iranians are silly. What the hell are these Ahmagh-ha doing there?

These people are living in a free country in stable political circumstances, and walk along with a facist shir o khorshid flag. Another phoning woman is holding a shir o khorshid flag and wearing a scarf (which was partially forbidden in the great Pahlavi era).

Are they just acting the fool or are they really the most stupid people in the world?



NY Persian Parade 2009

by simin s (not verified) on



by Anonymous (not verified) on

Splendid event, & superb pictures.
Thanks for sharing!
Happy NoRooz & Happy New Year to All


A good Norooz crowd!

by Shadi Rahmani (not verified) on

Now this is what I call a parade and this is what I call a photo essay! Full of exciting, colorful and lively people, unlike the middle-aged and sagging Los Angeles crowd (sorry, it's true), which was really sad to page through.

I loved looking at these Iranians. Thank you.


بهاران خجسته باد

simin khanum (not verified)

Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures of the Persian Parade in New york city.


nice crowd

by maziar058 (not verified) on

good for them,souri khanum wher are thou?