Partying Without the President

Photo essay: President missing among top officials at Supreme Leader's annual religious ceremony

by Fars, ISNA & Borna

دیگر‌بان: محمود احمدی‌نژاد حاضر نشد در نخستین شب عزاداری فرزند پیامبر اسلام که همه ساله از سوی علی خامنه‌ای برگزار می‌شود شرکت کند٬ در این مراسم کاظم صدیقی و منصور ارضی حملاتی متوجه احمدی‌نژاد کرده‌اند. این مراسم شامگاه چهارشنبه (۱۴ اردیبهشت) در حسینیه (امام خمینی) در شرایطی با حضور آقای خامنه‌ای و برخی مقام‌های جمهوری اسلامی برگزار شد که رئیس دولت دهم مهم‌ترین غایب آن بود. آیت‌الله کاظم صدیقی که سخنران این مراسم بود در اظهاراتی از مقاومت احمدی‌نژاد در برابر خامنه‌ای انتقاد کرد و گفت: «ما از فردی که در زمان انتخابات گفته می‌شد هیئات و حسینیه‌ها دفا‌تر تبلیغاتی او بوده‌اند و همچنین داعیه ولایی بودن داشته انتظار چنین رفتاری را نداشتیم.» آقای صدیقی افزوده است: «بنده اطلاع دارم، حتی اطرافیان نزدیک آقای احمدی‌نژاد هم از رفتار اخیر او به شدت ناراضی و ناراحت هستند.» منصور ارضی نیز در سخنانی تیم محمود احمدی‌نژاد را منافقانی خواند که در زمان انتخابات با «پرچم ولایت» جلو آمده بودند. اظهارات این روحانی و مداح در مجلسی ایراد شد که رهبر جمهوری اسلامی میزبان آن بود و در این مراسم حضور داشت>>>

Photos from ISNA, Borna & Fars News



Our Version of Royal Wedding!!

by ariane on

Notice the faces! Do the pay them to be this ugly and scruffy? Offcourse they do! It's the first thing on the job description.




Sounds like monkey lost the battle with mullahs

by Siavash300 on

As it could be predicted,  monkey lost the battle. Mullahs got upper hand as they did for last 32 in dealing with their oppositions. The power is still in hands of stinky mullahs.

Who are these retarded people in these pictures? Are they Iranians? I am ashemed to call them Iranians.

tehran e Azad

ahmadi vs khamenei

by tehran e Azad on

IRI era is coming to an end really fast and Khamenei and his supporters think if they get rid of Ahmadi every thing is going to go back to normal.

First of all it's 2 years too late , second the problem of Iranians is not Ahmadi it's Khamenei. He is the one who directly ordered the death, rape and torture  of hundreds of Iranians after the elections. He is the one with ties to terrorists and funds them. Khamenei is the one that has destroyed all of our resourses. Khamenei due to his mismanagement, is the  cause of all the economical down turn in iran.  He is the one that runs Iran not Ahmadi.

I have one thing to say:



Each mullah should be given

by vildemose on

Each mullah should be given an Oscar for their acting ability. They would do well in



خیمه شب بازی


do we have time to waste with them.... tik tak tik tak !

Bahram G

Thank you RG

by Bahram G on

For your response to my question. But tell me which blog you were referring to  as "the most popular blog on this site today." I want to read it. Thanks.

Bahram G


I answer your question.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

The "millions who support these islamist scums" as you nicely put it,  form a small and shrinking minority of our 70million plus polulation. How do this small minority enforce it's power? simple, they have guns, mobilised and ordered to shoot. The rest of us, the majority are told to "march and protest in silence and peace". Those of us abroad are told to "form bridges" with the islamist regime instead of exposing their crimes and duplicity of  their lobbyist here in US. Just look at the most popular blog on this site today! The rest of us, the majority, spend our time arguing over  our political differences instead of uniting and forming an alternative, absolutely  not so peaceful, but very hostile to the islamist regime  opposition.

I strongly believe that the Islamists regime's days are numbered. The question is, are they going to be finished off by Iranians or foreign forces. I certainly hope for the former. 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Bahram G

Someone answer this, please

by Bahram G on

Time and again I read all manners of hammihanaan proclaim the demise of the Islamic Republic is just around the corner. In the same breath they say that these ruling thieves or thugs or what nots are despised by the Iranian nation. I love to believe that. But again, who are those millions who support these scums? Who are those hordes who fill the streets, beat, arrest, imprison, and rape our hamvatanaan? Are they all imported Arabs? If not, then as long as the shameless thugs have these enforcers and supporters they continue their horrific rule. And all this seemingly disagreement between Geda Ali and the Monkey Man are minor skirmishes intended to keep the public occupied with the hope that they are really about to devour each other and the rest of the people who don't support the wolves can have the country back. A question that turned out to be a long comment.

Bahram G

Terry McBride

where are the NAVY SEAL's???

by Terry McBride on

where are the SEALS  when you need them???



"scam artists" indeed!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Kind of surprising that non of our learned in house political analysts have mentioned the possibility of all this game being a prelude to creation of yet another "alternative", "reformist" candidate for the next so called "election" for the so called "president" of this islamist so called "republic".

Really how long do these islamist thieves belive they can survive by fooling an entire nation? How long do they think they can hang to power before  meeting their well deserved ends, strung by their necks from every lamp post in the city of Tehran?

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Bunch of thieving scam

by vildemose on

Bunch of thieving scam artists? I wonder How much money Khamenie et al stand to lose when the revolution happens?

Shifteh Ansari

Photo: Enter Mahmoud

by Shifteh Ansari on

So he finally shows up on the 4th night.


Jahanshah Javid

Areh bekhand...

by Jahanshah Javid on

Notice the happiest guy in the room is Moslehi:

He saying to himself: "Mahmoud joon... kaaret saakhtas."

So unbelievable that a regime would so belittle a loyal servant like Ahmadinejad (cheh bereseh beh Mousavi and Karroubi). Question Khamenei's absolute authority and you're history.

Always remember: it's none of your business that bala cheshe rahbar abroost. Just shut up and do what Khamenei wants you to do. It's so simple! Why doesn't anyone get it?

tehran e Azad

All there is to this!

by tehran e Azad on

سخنی از ناپلئون:

سخن مانند دامن زنان است هر چه کوتاهتر بهتر و به هدف نزدیکتر


لعنت بر جمیع دروغگویان


در قرآن نه ذکری از ولایت فقیه است و نه از امام زمان و نه از حجتیه. ولایت فقط ولایت حق است در قرآن و خدا به گروهگی دروغین بنام حجتیه برای اثبات حجت خود نیاز ندارد. ایران هم چه اول و چه آخر اسمی بیش نیست همانند هر اسم دیگر. ارزش انسان به اسم و ملیت و رنگ و نقش پرچم نیست. والسلام.


ولایت یا حجتی؟لعنت بر هر دو




Both represent the same basic barbaric Islam and Quran, slightly different flavors of the same Arab cult.


Sage zard baradare shoghale

by rain bow movment on

All the story about the mafia type groupe will ended up the same ,they tearing each other apart  at the end of their life span.



by reader1 on

No .. just a corporate bonding event.


عوام فریبی شاخ و دم ندارد


چه اهمیتی دارد که احمدی ویا هر عوام فریب دیگر به این جمع باطل بپیوندد ویا نپوندد. خانه از بیخ ویران است وگریه روباه هم به اقتضای طبیعت و مکر روباه است.
و به جاى خدا چيزهايى را مى‏پرستند كه نه به آنان زيان مى‏رساند و نه به آنان سود مى‏دهد و مى‏گويند اينها نزد خدا شفاعتگران ما هستند بگو آيا خدا را به چيزى كه در آسمانها و در زمين نمى‏داند آگاه م‏یگردانيد او پاك و برتر است از آنچه [با وى] شريك مى‏سازند (قرآن ۱۰:۱۸)


Let me put some dots here too...

by پندارنیک on

In all honesty, I don't see it as a sign of change, but a natural course of evolution. You've already received a link which shows A.N's alleged ideological affiliation. He was sort of an outsider to the leader's circle from the very beginning.



by yolanda on

Thank you, پندارنیک !

Things change very fast! It is amazing that AN lost the favor of Khamenei so fast..........AN is expendable!


Yes, dear Yolanda

by پندارنیک on

And some speakers made some critical, if not hostile, remarks against him in this gathering.



by yolanda on

So AN is still boycotting and MIA!