Power Over People

Photo essay: Eva "Evita" Perón museum in Buenos Aires

by Jahanshah Javid
Evita, an icon whose historical importance spans two centuries, now has her own museum. The walls of this building once echoed with the strong voice of Evita and the joyful voices of the women and children who found refuge in it. Now it houses the Museo Evita, a living museum where people can come to know, understand and appreciate the life of the most important woman of Argentine history >>>

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Joan Baez—Don’t Cry for me, Argentina

by Zorumbaa on

It is about the life of Argentine political leader Eva Perón, the second wife of Argentine president Juan Perón. The story follows Evita’s early life, rise to power, charity work, and eventual death. Evita, the wife of a dictator was loved by her people, Evita never left the collective consciousness of Argentines. Don’t cry for me, Argentina is in Joan Baes voice, www.1001harf.com , one of the most beautiful and clear soft voices in American music seen in 1960s, still singing as warm and beautiful after all these years.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

Oliverio Girondo ... A mi tambien me gustan unas obras suyas (estos poemas son buenos para hacer canciones bonitas y lentas...),aunque hace tiempo que las releido por la falta de tiempo.

Ya han pasado 45 años de su muerte,ha habido una ceremonia en Madrid en su memoria .

Que descanse en Paz.


El sueño melodioso.

by Sinibaldi on



lento pasar

la noche




Places in the heart

by sam jade on

When you are with people , you are always in their heart.. live or dead , Same as Gahndi , Dr. Mossadegh , Lech Wałęsa,..History will judge..

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

I reserve my opinion about Evita and her husband ...

Thank you Jahanshah jan for photo essay...the best like usual .

Darius Kadivar

Rainbow High !

by Darius Kadivar on

Great Photo Essay JJ Jan !


Darius Khondji's Cinematography !


Madonna - Evita - 13 Rainbow High (1996)


Madonna - Evita - 12 High Flying, Adored (1996)


Madonna - Evita - 02 Oh! What a Circus (1996)


Madonna - Evita - 16 Waltz for Eva and Che (1996)


"Sing you fools but you've got it wrong, enjoy your prayers cause you haven't got long, your Queen is dead, your King is through, she's not coming back to you." - Che in Evita