Secret Garden

Photo essay: Discovering Blake Garden, Berkeley, California

by Jahanshah Javid
All the pictures in this album were taken with my iPhone camera. None have been edited except to reduce the size. Looks like from now on I can get rid of my camera for good! That's quite a milestone for someone who has had dozens of cameras. A few days ago my friend Lida said she wanted to show off her discovery of Blake Garden. It surrounds the home of the president of University of California with a magnificent view of the San Francisco Bay Area. My cousin Bella and I came along. What a pretty little piece of heaven...

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vali baaz doorbeen nemisheh

by Monda on

try your Florence shots on your iPhone, I bet you they won't be the same! haalaa hey begoo : )

life is beautiful

Blake Garden

by life is beautiful on

Indeed it is a beautiful place.  This garden was my project for a landscape architecture class.  It has elements of an Islamic garden (chahar bagh and Italian romantic garden)  

Vali bazam mesle bagh-eram nemisheh:) 



by yolanda on

Very beautiful botanical garden and fish pond!

OMG! #72 looks like opium poppy:


Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Jahanshah for the beautiful pictures.

by Anahid Hojjati on

Very nice. My favorites are in 20s series since in those ones, you capture flowers which are very colorful. There are several that have vivid colors such as orange and different shades of red, purple. Very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Jahanshah Javid

will improve

by Jahanshah Javid on

Thanks Monda. We went there in the early afternoon. The camera is good enough for low-resolution web-publishing. Since I'm not a professional photographer and never plan to print these, I'm not going to worry too much about color perfection. Also, I'm sure the next generation of iPhone cameras will only improve.


some sweet shots!

by Monda on

and a sweet place too. i especially liked 9 & 14, plus your roses ( yellow and orange). but if i may suggest: don't throw away your real camera yet! (greens looked overexposed/ lifeless. did you visit the garden close to noon?)