Send in the clowns

Photo essay: Ahmadinejad putting on a show for the photographers

by News
Photographs from ISNA and Mehr news agencies showing Ahmadinejad participating on "Clean Air, Blue Sky Day".


President of shit

by Morveln on

I hope they bury this gang in these outfits.

Unshaved, smelly, dirty, evil people. I hope they get what they deserve.


IRI - I presume you are one of the lucky ones on the payroll of this satanic and evil regime. This must be the only reason why you sympathise with these animal. Cause they pay you. Or you are just a sick person who needs to be put in mental institute.




Where R U IRI? You have no answer! Ran out of your BS?

by obama on

I guess, you were only attacking anonymouse, thinking he is the only one whom you need to defend yourself against. Now, that we came to broaden the debate, you realized that you really cannot answer us since you cannot defend your official position and twisted logic. Wouldn't you wish that you could put us all in jail?

Ok, go back to hiding by just monitoring this site and report back to your bosses telling them that we are not backing off from the regime change demand!


IRI - you don't know what a free society is, do you?



 "   We will do this because people will support us. Gradual change will allow our society to filter all the unwanted parts of a free society  "


You see, the whole point is that the whole 'unwanted' part has the freedom and safety to be 'unwanted.'

That's what it means to have a pluralistic and diverse society. Nobody enforces their ideas on you, and these ideas include what they value as wanted or unwanted. 


Unfortunately such thinking is way beyond Iranians, hence the current mess and iran's history.  


IRI, "anti regime is a minority", excuse me? Green R reformers?

by obama on

Are you kidding me? This regime including you are criminals and must go! The only reform is no Islamic regime. You guys have degraded even the Islam around the world. May be some of us can become moslem again, if you leave!

You guys are MOFSEDOL FEL ARZ! so according to your own laws you should be put to deaths! Ahmadinejad calls us dirt? I think you (IRI) are piece of crap!

You have the nerve to come here and do the regime's propeganda since your ass is up in the air and you want to protect your own status and wealth gained though corruption?

I have known and met people from the regime coming over here for the last 4 years buying real estate for tens of millions of dollars for people inside your corrupt regime. You are defending them and yourself? You know well, if your regime fails you would lose everything.

Now you (regime) want to get smart and compromise to save your own asses so you can keep everything and when things settle down they start going back and kill more of their enemies! Before June, I wasn't antarinejad hater, and thought that he was trying to help the needy and he is not corrupt like the rest. However. after june, I realized what a liar and dictator he is.

IRI?! What the hell, what is your real name? We are afraid of IRI that's why we use bogus names. WHAT IS YOUR REASON FOR NOT USING YOUR REAL NAME? YOU (IRI) ARE AFRAID OF THE IRI REGIME TOO? But you are the damn regime. 

IRI, what village are you from? it is obvious that this regime is full of daahaatis like you! Leave the city to us shahris and go back to your daahaat! Down with Israel & IRI!  waiting for your response.



by Mehrban on

Now that is "arrogance".


Anonymous Observer

by IRI on

Glad that you know who I am, nice to finally meet you. I meant what I said, here is the fix:

I have always advocated to all my friends and colleagues to discover Iran and not their own family and neighborhood before becoming a freedom fighter or Western democracy style advocate, who has class and intelligence, such as yourself Anonymous Observer.

Yes visiting Iran doesn't mean much. Seeing Iran is another. People tend to hangout with people who share their own ideologies and political parties, and normally believe that that's the normal way, or everyone is the same.
Iran has many groups and those anti regime are the minority. However the reformists are gaining ground and we would like to implement a more open and lawful society starting from the top. We will do this because people will support us. Gradual change will allow our society to filter all the unwanted parts of a free society by keeping what most people value the most as their Iranian identity.
Instead of insulting people and leadership, we try to make our case so the future generation have the most with the least costly price.

Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

"I have always advocated to all my friends and colleagues to discover Iran and not their own family and neighborhood before becoming a freedom fighter or Western democratic advocated with class and intelligence, such as yourself Anonymous Observer."

I have no idea what this sentence means (and I read it multiple times--it just doesn't make sense), but that aside, how do you know that I haven't been in Iran recently (FYI-I was there less than a year ago :-)).

PS/ no need to write under various usernames...we know who you are! 


Anonymous Observer

by IRI on

I am not a spokes person for IRI but I am an active member of my party, which strongly believes in Reform. I hope that you and your friends who have similar mindset know that all the actions in Iran is from Reformists and if you don't respect reformists, you don't respect those who fight for it. There are no revolutionaries, revolutionary ideologies, or leadership as of right now.
For your question my son, if you come and visit your country then you realize that making jokes and talking dirty is a very simple and normal daily events and no one will ever be shocked, but you maybe shocked by what you will discover. I have always advocated to all my friends and colleagues to discover Iran and not their own family and neighborhood before becoming a freedom fighter or Western democratic advocated with class and intelligence, such as yourself Anonymous Observer.


باز بچه بسیجی‌‌ها سرو کلشون پیدا شد.


با چنتا اسم متفاوت، یه
نفره برای خودشون اظهار نظر می‌کنن. شاه خدا بیامرز لزومی نداشت بیاد این
چاپلوسی‌ها رو بکنه. به جاش مشغول آباد کردن کشور بود. وقت این مسخره
بازی‌ها رو نداشت. مردم رو بهشون ماه هاست حقوق نمیدن، میاد با چنتا پاچه
خارش دوچرخه سواری میکنه کمی‌ محبوبیت پیدا کنه. کجاش این مرتیکه قاطی
مردم عادی شده؟ محافظاش رو توی عکس‌ها نمیبینین؟ انقدر محبوب هست، هم یه
بار تنها بگیرنش، تیکه بزرگش گوششه.




چشاتو خوب واا کن، اون موقع میبینی‌. زیادی پشت مانیتور نشستی، چشات ضعیف شدن. واشنگتن پاشینگتن به من ربطی‌ نداره، ایران وطن منه و برای اون و فقط اون دلم میسوزه.

خدا شفات بده.

Anonymous Observer

Question for you IRI

by Anonymous Observer on

Since you have identified yourself as the spokesperson for the IRI, I guess you are the appropriate person to answer this question:

Is it true that Khamenei is the boyfriend of the Lebanese Hezbollah terrorist Abu Nasser, and that he is the "maf'ool" in the relationship?   



Good point Parsagarda

by IRI on

The reality is that if you have a horrible government such as Ahmadinejad with chocking system of Velayat Faghih that is based on political independence, you would still be far ahead of yourself if you were instead a Western slave.
Some young who look to glorious past don't seem to look and see how truly glorious it was.


Compare Ahmadi to the Arrogance of Pahlavi

by Parsagarda on

Compare Ahmadi to the "better-than-thou" Phalavis. Do you ever remember his royal majesty the king of kings, god's own blessing to the Aryan nation ever going among the people? At least Ahmadi comes from the people and lives among the people.

Arrogance has its limits.


Chinese products all around?

by Jaleho on

you said:


منجمله دوچرخه چینی‌، کفش چینی‌، گرم کن چینی‌ و احتمالا زیر پیرهن محافظانش اسلحه چینی‌. ایران مستعمره چین.

This sounds more like Washington, New York, California, Florida, Michigan.....UNITED STATES OF AMERICA "mostamereh Chin"

Please find something smarter to denigrate Iran and Iranians, your oghdeh-khod-kam-bini should be able to do better than that. Maybe, there is not enough blonds among those "bogando" Iranians who are wearing "clean white clothes" immitating the clean lighter skin ones!


Notice the Chinese products surroundig them.

by پیام on

منجمله دوچرخه چینی‌، کفش چینی‌، گرم کن چینی‌ و احتمالا زیر پیرهن محافظانش اسلحه چینی‌. ایران مستعمره چین.


Pahlevoon panbeh ha

by jasonrobardas on

    These over fed Hajis look so fake and phony in their sport oufits . It is obvious that they are wearing thses white Adidas for the first time just to take these photos . All brand new , and ironed and clean . No sign of physical activity there .


Kopehe nangand

by statira on

Be ghole nanejoone khodabiamorzam, een khomeini va tarafdarash yek kopehe nangand va kofr az ghiafeshoon mybare! 



by Souri on

Just FYI:

Jaleho is a real and actual Iranian family name. Last summer I'd read about an Iranian professor of university called Jaleho whose son (or himself ??) was arrested.

I don't remember the exact news right now, but something like that. Either himself or his son was arrested by the IRI for having participated in  anti-IRI activities.

He was in US and when he came back to Iran, he got arrested at the airport.

Of course, that professor has nothing with the Jaleho of IC, but I just wanted to answer your question : Inam shod esm ? :))


زیر نویسها


عکس 2 - احمدی: این کوچیکه؟

عکس 6 – اینقدر میمکم تا همۀ مغزت در آد.

عکس 8 – خانمها رقص ، جاکشا دست

عکس 10 – ببینید دولت و مردم مثل این دوتا پاهای منه. اگر از هم دور بشن آدم کونش پاره میشه.

عکس 11 – پس برنامۀ شربت هم بوده. ما دیر رسیدیم.

عکس 12 – فقط باید همین یک حرکت را یاد بگیرید که بشید یک میمون درست حسابی.

عکس 14 – هر وقت بهتون گفتند چرا رای ما رو دزدیدید، شونه هاتون رو این جوری بندازید بالا.

عکس 16 – نه، من همه چیز رو می بینم ولی اهمیت نمیدم. اگر کور بودم که این جوری راه می رفتم.

عکس 18 – نگران نباشید، شما هنوز دو سال دیگه مونده تا به سن اعدام برسید.


JJJ why did u block Hajiagha again? Why? Akheh baba why??! Why?!

by Anonymouse on

Hajiagha jaan welcome!  Welcome and welcome! ;-)  Supperman ha?! What's your favorite supper?!

Everything is sacred.


حاجی از کانادا


احمدی نژاد جونم آمد . امروز دو تا ای مال از جی جی داشتم .و نوشتم برایش که نگهداشتن کار های من بر خلاف شرع هنری و کپی رایت است هرچند صفحه ایرانیان خودم من را مشغول کرده و گنجایش آن هم زیاد است و ارزان برای من تمام شد .اما برای بدست آوردن قلب مردم باید مهربانی کرد نه دروغ و مسخره کردن و تهمت زدن ..و احمدی راه آن را بلد است که با مردم باشد چرا از بیان حقیقت در غرب وحشت داریم ؟ جواب آن خودخواهی خود ما است . حاجی از کانادا

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

امان و صد امان که تاریخ مجددا تکرار میشود...

اینان همان کاسه لیسانی هستند که عمری به خدمت قزاق‌ها بودند و حال به پا بوسی شیوخ مشغولند و اینجور روزی بستانند !

وای بر ما که این چنین کردیم و مملکت را به دست نا‌ اهلان سپردیم و به فرنگ جان در بردیم !

Sardar Assad

یکی نیست به این

Sardar Assad

مادر به خطاها بگه بگه قدر اینزوزها روبدونید که همتونو بزودی دار میزنیم

Anonymous Observer

It's actually not about bicycles

by Anonymous Observer on

they're practicing for 22 Bahman, when they will be delivered another dish of whoop-a** by the Iranian people.  And since their Basijis are scared s**tless of people and cower in the corner when confronted by the masses, Antari-Nejad and the bunch behind him in these photos are the only ones left to defend the Islamic Republic...them, and of course, Abu Nasser and Hussain Munir Ashmar of Lebanese Hezbollah.  So, they're practicing on bicycles and they will graduate to motorbikes before 22 Bahman.  They will also take their truncheon wielding techniques and "how to beat defenseless women over the head with a baton" and "how to run over people with trucks" lessons off camera.    


I hope

by Onlyiran on

that Adidas doesn't use these photos in its commercials.



حالا يك مشت مفنگى ورزشكار هم شدن


تنبونشون و نميتونن بالا بكشن ولى واسه ما دو چرخه سوار شدن

زور شون هم كه فقط به زن و بچه بيگناه مردم ميرسه

Louie Louie

Do your own juicing

by Louie Louie on


جناب آقایون ژاله هو (اینم شد اسم) و ایری


اوتور بابا، چن تا چنتا نظر میذارین. حالا یکی‌ یه چیزی گفت و شما حشری شودین. شیوه جدیده که شبیه گله شغال میپرین وسط. این احمقی دکتراش رو تو مهندسی ترافیک گرفت حالا به مردم میگه دوچرخه سوواری کنن؟  اگه دندونپزشک میشد میگفت سوپ بخورین دندوناتون نشکنه.


Photo number 6 is nice

by IRI on

I really like that one


Beautiful work

by IRI on

In the name of creator.

We have many differences and believe that President Ahmadinejad has made our country unsafe. As a member of Islamic Republic I admire these kinds of gesture and believe that bringing public awareness about our health and air quality is the way to solve our pollution crises.