Stop World War III

Iranian Americans for peace

by Enayat Katooli


These pictures show that

by Nader Jamshidi - West Covina (not verified) on

These pictures show that Iranians are infected with a disease called HASOODI! It is amazing that this event was organized, assumingly, to show support for peace and rally against war on Iran. However, as it’s clearly obvious, it turned into an anti-U.S rally (as it always does) by the same HASOOD and ungrateful Iranians who live in the U.S and benefit from the U.S government services and U.S taxpayers money. It is time for the silent majority of Iranians to wake up and take back our intellectual movement from these backward, ultra-leftist communists who have hijacked the Iranian voice for the last 50 years and led our beautiful country to destruction during the 1979 revolution and by today supporting the IRI by coming up with every excuse in the book to justify the acts of this barbaric regime. As an Iranian, I denounce and reject and fight against killing of any civilian in wars in any corner of the world, including Iran, but lets not forget that it is the action of the murderous regime of Iran who will lead our country to another devastating war, not the US government, not Arabs, Moguls, ENGLESS, DAEI JAAN NAPOLEON,, Imperialism, capitalism, communism……the sole responsible is the fascist Iranian regime and its supporters.


Stop Shooting, Start Thinking!!!

by Farzad (not verified) on

To all stupids who attended and organized this protest, please stop shooting that heroin up your ass for a few minutes before reading the following lines. so your brain can process and understand the words I am about to tell you and perhaps if there are still any undamaged cells left in there, hopefully they can help you think for a change.

first of all, what do you mean by "Do not bomb Iran"? do you mean DO NOT bomb the mullahs, pasdaran, basijis, rapist, executioners and tortures of evin prisons. The murders who have taken 70 million iranians hostage for over 28 years? what does that really mean? uhh, right, " I never really thought about that, DUUUUDE", "it is just cool to say do not bomb, no war and it might help you get laid with that flower girl. I mean common, why do you have to make things so complicated? here, smoke this and you'll understand" or actually un-understand!

BTW, all the people mentioned above-mullahs, pas ...- thank you for organizing and participating in this event and making their innocent voices to be heard in US. and yes, they thank that old naked dude too.

secondly, why would US bomb the Islamic regime? the regime and concept they planned and dreamed of with old friends (Euro whores) for a long time with many failed attempts that finally against all odds became reality in 1979. why would they bomb their own bastard child? if they bombed and toppled this regime then who would support all the terrorists, whom are so badly needed for justifying US (and friends) imperialistic foreign policy?, who would give support to hamas and jahad to sabotage the peace and fight fathah on the street of Gaza and west bank all in favor of the good old pal Israel? who would ensure iranians sitting on the second oil and gas reserve in the world are kept in middle ages and kept buying that Euro and Chinese junk flowing in the country?

Please, stop smoking that green shit and let the smoke clear in your brain. start thinking of real solutions to free Iran and Iranians (and maybe someday, Iranian Americans too?!?!btw, what is that shit about?) Do it for all that 70 million who are dying everyday under the lashes of the barbaric Islamic regime, do it for all those being tortured and awaiting execution in the dark underground cells of evin and sepah prisons. Do it for yourself for god sakes.


Peace is what we DEMAND NOW!

by Tomas O'Leididh (not verified) on

Dear Friends,

I have Persian cousins. I am also a veteran of the US Marine Corps (Viet Nam). This is not funny business war and the sabre rattling which preceeds Bushian bellicosity.

Iran is my family.

We must unite to stifle the insanity of this lost fascist George W. Bush now.

World War III is no laughing matter.

Wake Up!

Siochan! Salaam! Hoa Binh! Peace! Shalom! La Paz!



by Tonya (not verified) on

Well, that was... umm... interesting.  I know SF is pretty liberal, heck, I'M pretty liberal... but, well hell, I don't even know what to say.  Maybe if he would have at least been carrying a sign or something.  Maybe I could see the point... I mean the reason for this picture.  And to think that I fussed at Haji!  


This is for those of you who are Talking shit...

by Persian_Trooper on

I was was awesome! There were around 500 of us
(Iranian Americans). There were around 20000 people in the march. (Some organizers said 30,000 but official figures
were closer to 20,000). It was high
energy, peaceful and fun event. Almost all of the Iranian-Americans that where
there were Anti Islamic regime in Iran AND Anti war with Iran. That’s why the main banner said “no war in
Iran” and “for Democracy in Iran”. To the ignorant fools here that are talking
shit… you weren’t there and you didn’t talk to these folks and you don’t know
where they stand so u can shut the hell up!
we stood there under Iranian American banner, talked to American people and
told them Iranian people are under a repressive regime and we are peaceful and
we don’t want war with them…what did you do for Iran? We did much more than you
hypocrites who don’t even call themselves Iranian and think participating in
these rallies are Un-American . You are so backward and close minded that you
don’t realized participating in public protest is very American and its one of
the reasons that makes this country so great. The reason that this country was created was because
bunch of people got together and decided to question the government that was
ruling unfairly over them ! so stop being so narrow minded and judgmental…


Bomb Iran Now!!!

by Kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on

The Brits tried diplomacy with Germany and look where it got them. The Germans are a free people now, because the Nazi Regime was finally confronted with force.

Confront Mullahs with Bombs Now!!!! Free Iran Now!!!


every thing you see are lies even you can't trust your eyes.

by samad&susan@L.A (not verified) on

Oh It is not mistake, you are mistaking that was gay pride day mixup by few les and fags people so in middle of that few iranian hezbullahi shit people show up, they are not much people were there to show big so far so good for that they join gay pride and American anti-war to bring own children and husband to home and they were screaming who is care stupid 3 word country wanted get libreted F them all idiot are idiot can't change fact bring our family back to home, as you see Iranian are less then your hand fingers were showing with fake made up with marker as sign around city to show huge.


hajiga is our pet

by Azadeh (not verified) on

Oh come on, don't teach that moron to do sucide and killing self. I need hajiga to stay life so I/we can smak his head all the times, He is our pet.

Kaveh Nouraee

Why Publish The Naked Guy?

by Kaveh Nouraee on

What is the purpose of publishing pictures of a naked old man walking in the presence of children?



Were these pictures at least turned over to the police to have this guy arrested for indecent exposure?




Liberalism has been confused with the concept of "anything goes".


Hajiagha missing us soon

by baboon (not verified) on

for some reason you can't call the above hotline for now so I have a better suggestion to you, we can fundraising at here so you can buy any product you like to make you happy and please for make up might you will come back.




We are sure you will not feel alone. don't forget give her name too.


Hajiagha ghahr nakon

by Anonymouse on

Haji don't pout (ghahr nakon).  So they deleted your comment, so what? We are so close to finding you a wife here.  This is no time to pack you bags and leave.  I was going to have a blog to have a debate between you and the feminists.  It would have been your opportunity to talk about your honest views about women and feminism.  These contributors are going on strike and now it's not a good time for the debate, but it is coming!


Bargard! Bargard! pasheemoon mishi akhar!  Bargard! Bargard! Bargard! Baaaargaaaard!


Jojehra Akhar Payiz Mishmoren

by Stupid Mullahs (not verified) on

Pashash chi basheh kalpachesh chi! you are talking biger then yourself little man.
Once US bomb Iran with own speacial high tech even you can dream about it.
every Mullahs and them lovely childern run way to hiding any mouse hole they can find,
-like old days nothing happen to anyone of them and not long ago they done it before sending every fools and idiot to heaven by plastic keys, and you will go married with 72 virgin bitches in your hypicripe dream and Mahdi coming to save you all, lol.
We will see moron the time come inside country what real people want? that's time do you have bull talk like this too and fantasy about, or beging for mercy? for sure for now and temporay you can talk as much you want say as much you want and what ever you want and fantasy about.
When real power show up you and me nothing all, and you will see who is in charge and who is you daddy.
don't forget biger then you the Amerca hang them up side down, and so how being banished and... god knows, YOU ARE NOTHING, most of the any Iranian with them reportation lol....
Be honest with yourself where are you now? and what is your nick name as midel-names are calling you in the world as being Iranian? do not forget that too.
You didn't to yourself.
Now which way are you choosing again dark age as cave men and call with so many names or you seeking reall future with high technology to yourself for a better life and to your childern with peace mind.
and freely you can go any where you want and countries you want whith out being stop or giving you any looks? even at the any cyber speace internet no body bother you and no more those things talk only talk about happiness and being forgotten?
Unless you are totally sick person can't see Persian/Iranian country and people them joy and glory freedom they can sit relaxing happiness to plan better futures.
Just take own reponblity and stop blaming to others and any nation it is happing to you now, you done it to yourself and no body false.
You are idiot and acting hot shot why should I pay your crime. after all you will get answers to all mullahs go F yourself and I do care about Iran after all of the gone from country not now.
becuase I do support Iran mean I am supportting every Mullah terroris.
Once they all gone we will build Iran more beautifll and never ever again to do same mastake we did in pass.
For now it is better USA BOMB IRAN.
hey in LA over 2M. Iranian living there what is happen only few of them like less then 80 people was there if was there and the alll of them glowing self to American people!!!
American people want bring back own children home, wich we should give cridet to them.
But those Iranian advange taker as usuall twised to different drection, nice try and nice as alwayes mullahs alwayes try to trick and cheat Iranian people.



by cyrus80 (not verified) on

so you have contacted your senator and told him to go and kill iranian because i hate akhonds!
if they attack iran akhond would run away and ordinarie iranian would fight with their last blod and belive me you are not welcomed to a country that you want destroied.
and by the way your senater is laughing at you, because if he attack iran he would not do it for you bache sade, they would do it for money


sorry no more cartoons to Iranian page

by hajiagha on


they cut my comment on this page and i don't like censorship

this is last times you saw me here and no one have right to poblish any cartoons from me on Iranian

Hossein Hajiagha



by Farzad (not verified) on

This regime must go at any cost, I have contacted my senator and congrresman to show my full support to bomb the nuke sites and destroy this fucking regime; 28 fucking years under this garbage regime is enough...


naked guy

by Anotypishy (not verified) on

Who was the naked guy? What did his sign say? Did he miss the how Berkeley you can be march and end up in SF?
Bay Area demonstrations are so entertaining.
Loved the Homeland Security brother in the loin cloth.


You got it Hajiagha! but no Bush attack :-(

by Anonymouse on

Nothing is sacred! (in public that is ;-) Thanks for whoever posted these pictures and didn't censor them, like some are suggesting.


reletive of mullahs

by family mullahs (not verified) on

oh my God i didn't know in your city there is so many mullahs family live there


TO: Anonymous234 & P

by unknown (not verified) on

you guys are in no position to be talking!


Bomb Iran Now!!!

by Anonymous234 (not verified) on

U.S. should have bombed and destroyed the Mullah regime when hostage were taken. It was a mistake to have Saddam confront Iran and to later remove Saddam which the Iranian government could not have done if it tried.

U.S. need to confront Iran directly and needs to do so now!

Bomb them now!


pic 31

by ali (not verified) on

i meant the girl in pic. 31


girl in t-shirt

by ali (not verified) on

the girl that is holding the sign which reads STAY OUT OF IRAG i love your T-shirt and your so cute can we hook up for a cup of coffee?


TheIslamic terrorists like Qumars Bolourchian must

by P (not verified) on

be annihilated. America will bomb the Islamic Republic of Mullahs and their criminal thugs like Q!

Faster, Faster Please.


Pictures 32 and 33 (Canada ;-)

by Anonymouse on

Hajiagha pictures 32 and 33 could easily be your subject for a cartoon!  If it is like this in USA, I wonder how people walk in the streets of Canada!


Genuine opposition

by Fred (not verified) on

What a wonderful action by SF Iranians. The message would have had much more reverberation and carry more weight if the stale sixtyish Communist language of the speaker was not so. Also Iran is in serious jeopardy right now, concentrate on that and not a bag full of other issues mirroring Islamist Republic, certainly not Palestine. the opposition, the genuine one, needs to zero in on emancipating Iran before it is too late



by Q on

I hope Washington gets the message that Iranian Americans are against their militaristic policies!