Tehran in white

Photo essay

by Hamed


I need snow and mountains

by hossein (not verified) on

I need snow and mountains too be able to live outside Tehran. I have missed the great view Tehran had


Working in Iran

by Keryn (not verified) on

Your photos brought back to me the 2 weeks I spent working in Tehran in December 2005 (instructing TV producers on making children's television). I dearly want to go back to Iran to photograph and write a book on Persian gardens and food. I would love to live with Iranian families and maybe teach English in return for hospitality and I would also pay for my food. Does anyone know who I could contact about this? I would be bringing my husband this time. I would appreciate any feedback.



To Irandokht

by Anonymous888 (not verified) on

I got you!!!!!!


Nice pictures

by IRANdokht on

What nice looking folks too.

The pictures and the scenery is so wonderful even makes non-Iranians  love Iran :0) wonderful job!

Thanks for sharing your personal pics



I Love Iran

by Anonymous888 (not verified) on

Nice pics. Thanks for sharing with us.


Tehran in white.......

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

.......like a virgin by her marriage.
Lucky those who did not deserted as the great satan and irs minimi were thrown away. the latters do not get homesick now. since they are at home. And the "IRANIAN"s? can blog and damn the mullahs. No daut, the üpics are wonderfull. However some of them are private. Greeting


I miss Tehran

by Ellee (not verified) on

Beautiful pictures. Makes me go home and visit soon. Thanks for sharing your pictures. I will set one of them as a screen background at work so i can look it all day long.

ebi amirhosseini

Hamed Jaan

by ebi amirhosseini on

Simply beautiful & nostalgic !.


Ebi aka Haaji

Iranian Reader

Oh my god, time to get really really homesick!

by Iranian Reader on

Thanks Hamed. Nothing like a casual encounter with the nothing-in-particular that hits home!