Unity under universal rights

Photo essay: Iranian rights activists from around the world gather in San Jose, California

by talieshah

Ari Siletz reports: Everyone at the recent Iran Human Rights Seminar in San Jose, northern California, got a copy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). During the presentations there was much discussion of religion, and it is possible to review the event by comparing the UDHR to a much older declaration in the Bible. There are ten commandments in the laws of Moses, and three times as many in the UDHR. The first four laws that came down from the mountain aren't at all about how humans should treat each other; rather they establish the authority of the lawgiver: 1. I'm God, 2. Don't worship anything else, 3. Respect my name, 4. Every seventh day is "God day." >>>FULL TEXT

* Also see Farsi report by Leva Zand
گزارش سمینار "بررسی موانع تحقق و رعایت حقوق بشر در ایران"

Photos by Talieh Shahrokhi



Too bad

by Dariush (not verified) on

Too bad this event was held with such small # of people to attend. The organizers could have done much better job promoting this event in very large Iranian cummunity in San Jose, so more people would attend. I leave in San Jose and I had no idea this was going on. who paid for it? Looks like it was held in the City Hall. If so how much city of San Jose put up money for it and who got the money?


How could we wack the mole? You're keeping it a secret.

by Shadooneh (not verified) on

Azadeh, you have failed to backup your brain droppings with any, not even a single, reference to whom you are blaming to be "mole(s)". Since you brought up the subject of infiltration of the "legitimate opposition" groups, your post would have been much more credible if you had made an effort to name names. By the way, are you the one who decides which group is legitimate? Why won't you or can't you be more specific, don't you trust your readers have enough intelligence to handle these things?!!! Based on your nonsense posting, the only conclusion I can draw is the only mole I can identify is the one running back and forth between your ears filling up your brain cavity with mole droppings. Unfortunately using fancy words like "faux" and "socio-political" does not add weight to your gossips.


anon-2: did you attend this

by Anonymousanonymous (not verified) on

anon-2: did you attend this seminar?


Azadeh enlighten us and tell

by Anonymous2 (not verified) on

Azadeh enlighten us and tell us who these moles are! We need your wisdom so badly. Oh Azadeh, if only you would enlighten us, then the opposition groups' efforts would not be sabotaged and Iran would be saved. Oh Azadeh, if only...!


Azadeh jan: Can you name

by Anonymousanonymous (not verified) on

Azadeh jan: Can you name these corrupt organizations?

I see one of the moles participating in this event...


Dealing with Corrupt Iranians?

by Azadeh on

I happen to know that one of the largest Iranian community organizations in San Jose is made up of people with direct ties to the Islamic Republic and I mean ties to government factions.  They spread Islamic ideology under the faux cover of "cultural" programs.  I hope that the group for Human Rights in Iran addressed these types of groups operating in the USA on behalf of the Islamic Republic, including the one in their own town of San Jose.  Without discussion of how to deal with such corruption from Iranians who easily do this for meager compensation and their own crazy ideologies, then how can we address human rights for Iran?  This needs to be addressed just as strongly as socio-political reasons for lack of human rights in Iran.  It has become a big problem because corrupt groups will infiltrate the legitimate opposition groups and sabotage efforts from within....they are moles!  This is one of the reasons that in 2003, one of the strongest opposition movements failed!!!  Corrupt people and organizations infiltrated honest democratic movements and the efforts imploded!

Jahanshah Javid

Hope and progress

by Jahanshah Javid on

This gathering -- and many similar ones in recent years outside Iran -- are tremendously encouraging. Thirty years ago, human rights and democratic values were not considered anything worth fighting for. Today it's rare to find opposition activists or politicians who do not believe in the universal declaration of human rights or democracy. This enthusiastic embracing of fundamental rights by such a wide spectrum of Iranians (lawyers, students, academics, politicians...) only gives hope in a brighter, freer future for Iran and Iranians.

Who remembers a time when prominent non-Bahais publicly defended the right for Bahais to freely practice their faith and enjoy all rights? Who remembers a time when so many support the women's movement for equality? Who remembers a time when anyone even acknowledged the existence of homosexuality, let alone tolerate it to the extent we do today? When in our history has democracy been so widely accepted as THE most desired form of government?

The battle is by no means over. But this is tremendous progress.


Unity under universal rights

by lucifercus (not verified) on

does it mean the the united states prepares for ratifying the human rights charta and join the international comunity?

Darius Kadivar


by Darius Kadivar on

More Power to You.

Civil Society in the making ...