Unity at United Nations

Photo essay: Last 2 days of New York hunger strike

by Parandeh


How many people gathered?

by Abarmard on

It matters to see how Iranians are taking this seriously. Is there anywhere that the crowd was large percentage of the local population?


Let's not trust those who arrange private demonstrations!

by siminkhanum on

I personally do not believe in anyone who dictates not to bring any flag or slogans in any demonstration or such events. I do not trust those who secretly invite certain people! We have to be careful this time and not to fall in a same deeper ditch again!

David ET

haashieh pardazi

by David ET on

Gangi talked about everything but Khamenei and Ahmadinejad in this clip. Ok we got it, you dont like USA although you are standing on their soil and they are spending money for your protection and safety during 24/7 hunger strike!

But we thought this was supposed to be about Iran! 

He is always so full of himself !


proverb of the day: Har sokhan Jaei o har nokteh maghami darad

(Every word has its own place)




by koa on

God help us from these hungry people which came out from these Harsh and very difficult days of fasting .

Mr. Sazegara  was all concern  about  usa. Than anything else.he basically said

“all of us here gathered just talk about USA  only not about his boss Mr. Khatami,

Mousavi and their gay lord KHAMNEI and his dirty regime .

God help us from these hungry people