We have questions too

Students demonstrate against Ahmadinejad visit at Tehran University

by M K

BBC (8 October 2007): A rare anti-government demonstration has been held in the Iranian capital during a speech at Tehran University by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. There were scuffles as hundreds of supporters and opponents of the president gathered outside the venue. Eyewitnesses said police used tear gas to hold the demonstrators back>>>Also see Iran Emrooz report in Persian

Photo sources
* Amir Kabir University News: autnews.info
* Iran Emrooz: iran-emrooz.net
* ISNA: isna.ir
* IRNA: irna.com



The speed.........

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

No Complains. Only During the rush hour i have problems with the speed. It is all tolarable yet. Greetings


A suggestion

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

thank you for the hint. Greeting


Afarin bar.................

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D: (not verified) on

I think these Students you name asadikhah are only too well fed. I dont know how old you are. before many many years the last iranian king murdered at least 15.000 ( fifteen thausend ) peaple only in tehran in only ONE day. They were the real Asadikhas. other Asadikhahs lay in beheshte Sahra. they are and only they, so i think the only oned who have made the nation free. And they demand: NOTHING. No one of your students would even give one drpo blood for what he was shauting for. and they demand much. Dont worry my friend be happy.


Sad Afarin...........

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

could you please tell how many students are studying in the iranian universities? and how many of them have been nasty to President? anyway: dont worry, be happy.


Passravy dar Iran

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

I think the most valuable tthing we iranians have is: we are not governed by strangers. We see this phenomenon in no other country. all european countries are influenced by US. so the american peaples are not governed by peaples. they have no Influence on the Politiks. Nobody can deney that in Iran all the authorities are elected by nation. And in america? Mr. Bush is now president because a court had decided so. Is this democracy? The answer is naturally and of course: YES, american kind of democracy. Do the Iranians want this? NO, they do not. they have allready proved this 1978/79. Please dont worry, be happy.



by faribors maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

To be able to get adequate advantage from this valuble book demands special qualifikations. I think one must have studied several terms Philosophie and Litrature and has to be able to understand the farsi AND arbaic language. So it is not everybodys case. If you wish to do things like you write in your appeal nobody will prevent you. get advantage from full democracy. And else: dont worry be happy.


No Accident

by faribors maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

Dear Mr. XERXES, if you happen to go to ASADI Sportstadium to attend the event Football competition Persepolis and the orhte team for which team would you cheer up? which team are you fan of? other day a so a picture from Asadi stadium, i could not believe it is in Iran. Much is changed there since 1979 positivly. and if ask the french sarkozy ... oh better not! Greetings



by eival (not verified) on

Bacheha, bacheha, biaid ba ham berinim too nahjolbalaghe va shiegari!!! Hame dast jami!!



RE: XerXex

by jamshid on

XerXes: Bullshit! You are right here in the US or somewhere out of Iran. This site is filtered and inaccessible in Iran.


Shahrokh: I sincerely apologize for nominating you for being one of the top 5 stooges of Iranian.com. This imbecile XeXes has taken all 5 top spots all on his own. Even Hagiagha has more brain that this idiot.



by Majid on

Damet garm my friend!

Zamaan-e Reza shah, yek sarhangi mikhaast yek sarbaazi ro tanbih kone, dastoor daad 1000 zarbeh shallagh!
Sarbaaz goft "jenaab sarhang ! ya shemordan balad nisti ya shallagh dar-e koonet nakhorde"!
Haalaa hekayt-e XERXES hast !


to farrad 02

by ardeshir keyvan (not verified) on



To Xerxes: به خودت و رژیمتان نمره قبولی ندهید لطفآ!


هموطن ظاهرآ حزب اللهی، به خودت و رژیمت نمره 20 نده به این سرعت! به چه دلیل بیست و نه سال بعد از انقلاب 1357 جوانان ما نباید اجازه حضور در سالن و سوال از رییس جمهور به اصطلاح منتخب خود را داشته باشند؟  چرا حتی یک دانشجوی مخالف هم به سالن راه داده نشد؟! چرا این رژیم به وضعیت اسف بار اقتصادی، فساد اجتماعی و آینده نا معلومی که بر زندگی نسل جوان امروز ایران حکمفرماست رسیدگی نکرده است؟ چرا در زمان شکوفاترین دوران (از نظر نقدینگی و در آمد دولت) اقتصاد ایران در بیمار ترین وضعیت بسر میبرد؟ چرا بیماران از نبود دارو و تجهیزات استاندارد بیمارستانی رنج ببرند و ما میلیونها دلار در دهان چاه انرژی اتمی و به جیب بی انتهای روسها بیریزیم؟ و چرا میلیونها دلار به عرب لبنانی و فلسطینی بدهیم که بعد از گرفتن چمدان پول به همان مامور حامل دلار ها هم زیر لب اجم خار کسته میگویند؟!  اگر ایران در مسیر دمکراسی است آنطور که شما میفرمایید، چرا جواب به این سوالات باتون پلیس و زندان است؟

شما اگر ادعایتان درمورد اقامت در ایران درست باشد یا کور و کر تشریف دارید و یا از میدان ونک به پایین نمیروید! آقا از خواب یا خوش باوری ات بیدار شو و یک سفر به جنوب تهران و شهرهای دیگر برو. برو از دانشجو و متخصصین در هر موسسه فرهنگی، علمی و پژوهشی سوال کن که آیا ایران در راه اعتلا و پیشرفت است یا پس رفته است؟ برو ببین در وزارتخانه ها این دولت پادگتنی شما چه به روز کارمندان آورده!

 بعد بیا اینجا به خودت و علی گدا نمره قبولی بده!  



No Accident

by XerXes (not verified) on

This is no accident that the students can chant against their elected president. This is a democratic Iran that is moving to become more powerful and stable. This makes me proud to be here in Iran. I lived in US for 20 years and now I am back home, enjoying my country and its progress. Don't you wish you could do the same in the country that you're residing? We don't get much credit for being so democratic.


Access speed is fine for me; it may be on your side

by farrad02 on

EDS and other guys. Accessing Iranian.com, including pictures is okay for me; they come up at an acceptable rate. But sometimes it gets stuck or takes longer.

It may be on your side (user side) if we're having different experiences. Have another PC user in your location access the same things and see if they experience the same (That will tell you if it's on ur PC or in the network).




Re: shahrokh

by jamshid on

You made it to top 5 of Iranian.com stooges list. What an idiot. "avazi" ke migan be in migan.


Sharokh get a life

by junobe shari (not verified) on

shahrokh what are you saying for God sake? These are some brave students that are risking their lives to do this. FYI education in Iran is not free as you were saying and I am from that part of Tehran you call dirt poor jonbe shar and I am proud of it, so stop stereotyping. You can't even write a simple feedback you jumped all over.


What are these students protesting?

by ShahRokh Niavarani (not verified) on

They are protesting their President? Seems odd? Why did they vote for him? The majority of Iranians in Iran voted that guy in. The students at Tehran University are either sons of Mullah, paeen Shahrees (from the south of Tehran and dirt poor), basijis, sons of pasdars.

You tell me, a bunch of Tehran University students who get a free education are protesting? In the US we pay for a college education.

What their professors were dismissed and 3 students were jailed?

Shouldn't they just get their college degree and go to work?

So what that Columbia University Students questioned Ahamadinejad? That was in the US where there is FREEDOM OF SPEECH! There is no freedom of speech in Iran. There never was freedom of speech. During the Shah's time if you criticized the Shah you would be picked up by SAVAK in the middle of the night and disappear until who knows when. This was all documented by Amnesty International.

If you ask me these student should get their degrees and leave the country and work in the U.S. or Western Europe. I call it the brain drain. Fight back, leave that place and go somewhere without restrictions.

That's what Mohammad did when Mecca became unlivable... and that is where the Iranian Calander comes from 1386... is the number of solar years from the time Mohammad migrated from Mecca to Medina.

Lets all migrate (mohajerat). We can empty that place out and see who will run their petroleum industry.


Afarin bar azadikhahane Iran!

by Parsua (not verified) on

I am very proud of these students. They really are amazing and admirable. When I see these students, putting their lives in danger to speak out, I become very proud. I compare these courageous people with some Iranians in US that wear their biggest sunglasses to come out once in a while and participate in some anti IR demonstrations!

Zendeh Bad


JJ ! I agree with EDS, first comment .

by Majid on

Please do something about it , Clicking on the pictures are a pain in the neck (2 feet lower ) !


Your comment

by Sanam (not verified) on

Foad, you are are an idiot! Still frozen in history!


A suggestion

by caspianseamermaid (not verified) on

Try to get in touch with


(Ignore the formal jargon)
These are decent people. All of them. They will try to help you as much as they can.


I'm proud of these Iranian students!

by farrad02 on

We must all be proud of the courage and spirit these students are showing. It takes guts to come out and shout against this regime and it's Nazi style youth pressure groups in universities!

Please spread their message by telling your North American and European neighbors, co-workers and colleagues about what they are doing!




by Foad on

They are the people who should and will determine future of Iran not warmongers like Pahlavi cabals, their stooges and treasonous Mujaheddin. Foad


So proud of these kids!

by expat (not verified) on

So proud of these kids! Such COURAGE!!!!
May Divine Providence bless and protect them!
We all must do our best to support and to strengthen
these righteous warriors. As united patriots we
must defeat and put to flight the arab imperialists
infesting and enslaving our beloved Iran!



The speed on Iranian.com is unacceptable

by EDS (not verified) on

Since the overhaul the speed of accessing pages has become unacceptably slow. It is to the point that looking up pictures is no longer doable. You may want to fix this before you start loosing traffic.