Tehran’s Fault Lines

No crisis plan in case an earthquake happens

24-Apr-2010 (8 comments)
Tehran’s probability to have an earthquake is quite high due to some major fault lines going across the city based on many national geotechnical projects done in this field. The very densely populated metropolitan is the home of an estimated 13 million people and day-population of 15, is fully covered with seismically hazardous buildings. Before reinforcing the building seismic codes, buildings were built with no provisions of earthquake proof structures>>>

The Queen's Government


The Western Wall

Jewish Tribune
recommended by Exir
Sahameddin Ghiassi
برای مبارزه با این دستگاه جنایتکار و دزد و فاسد بایست همه مردم سعی کنند که بهم و به باورهای هم احترام بگذارند در راه دانش اندوزی بکوشند >>>


The Hurt Locker’s Missing Disclaimer

No Arabs Were Harmed During the Making of this Movie

I just saw The Hurt Locker on DVD. Movies about the psychological travails of professional killers are not exactly my cup of tea, but I have to admit that this one richly deserved the Oscars for Film Editing, Sound Mixing and Sound Effects. Its explosions jolted even my supremely blasé Maine Coon out of her slumber and favorite perch. I don’t even begrudge Katherine Bigelow and Mark Boal their Oscars for Best Director and Best Original Screenplay>>>
M. Saadat Noury
24-Apr-2010 (4 comments)
In this article, the life story and the literary works of Mohammad Taghi Bahar as the First Iranian Poet and Scholar who was appointed as the Minister of Culture will be studied and discussed. >>>


Sherlock Holmes’ Daughter (3)

“I’ve been having dreams about you"

24-Apr-2010 (2 comments)
I wanted Christie to feel like I needed her, but there was no way I would use Paul’s immaculate truck to actually move furniture. A tiny scratch could total our friendship and I would never see his wife again. I rented a U-Haul trailer, occasionally driving the truck around the block so that when Paul inspected it he couldn’t tell Christie the odometer hadn’t budged. Operating Paul’s pristine machine that week I had become overly sensitized to fine craftsmanship. Every time I saw Katie at work, I marveled at her breathtaking sense of self-design>>>


یادگار جنگل خونین

به میرزای جنگلی‌ و مردم غیور ایران

24-Apr-2010 (38 comments)
من از این صخره‌های سخت ساحل ها
که بر پیوند موج و ساحل مقصود دیوار است بیزارم
من از هر مانعی در خشم و دلگیرم
من از ساروج این بارو
من از سیمان و از زنجیر این گودال سر بسته
من از دیواره‌های این خراب آباد صاحب نام بیزارم
یک گزارش جالب از مواد درسی‌ کلاس‌های آموزش ازدواج >>>
Darius Kadivar
24-Apr-2010 (one comment)
The Shah of Iran denounces what he deems as an Unholy Alliance between the Red ( Communists) and the Black ( Muslim Religious Fundamentalists) who wish to topple him. (circa 1977/78) >>>

Pretty significant development

Depression, Sickness, And Hunger Strike

Shifteh Ansari

Three American Hikers’ Evin Blues

International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran
recommended by Shifteh Ansari

manufacturers, insurers and service providers

Shifteh Ansari

Companies Feeling More Pressure to Cut Ties to Iran

New York Times / Peter Baker
recommended by Shifteh Ansari
24-Apr-2010 (16 comments)
He was such a Godsend >>>
24-Apr-2010 (one comment)
Bonjour Tristesse. Mon grand-père, Ostaad Shojaeddin Shafa, mon Baba Shafa, est parti. Et il a laissé un grand vide. >>>