The "freedom loving democracy of IRI" cracks down

Shifteh Ansari

Iran hinders web searches leading up to planned rally, sources say

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Egytian Muslim Brothrerhood Respons to Khamenei

sam jade
LA TIMES / Meris Luts
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12-Feb-2011 (4 comments)
Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi
 تمامی یا بیشتر قهرمانان ملی پس از پیروزی به هیولاهای دیکتاتوری تبدیل شدند  همانانکه از میان مثلا مردم فقیر برخاسته بودند  بعد از رسیدن به قدرت شمشیر به روی همان فقرا کشیدند و پایمالشان کردند؟  >>>


Demanding Democracy

New chapter in struggle against dictatorship

12-Feb-2011 (21 comments)
The 1979 Iranian Revolution was supposed to be such revolution, which was hijacked by the most organized, radical and ruthless Islamist who at the time appeared to be benign and on the side of the people. Their success in coming to power brought awe and admiration to all oppressed people in the world and rang a bell of hope that brought deafness the ears of those who stood too close in guard. It soon became apparent that the Iranian people were taken for a ride into a prison of their own making>>>
It is an unacceptable prospect for us>>>

Iran Khodro predicts 1.3 Billion Dollars profit


Road-map to Free Iran

Iranians hold key to America's long-term strategic interests

12-Feb-2011 (6 comments)
As the Islamic regime of Iran celebrates its 32nd anniversary, the people of Iran face monumental economic challenges similar to those faced by other countries in the region like Tunisia and Egypt. The economy is feeling the sting of sanctions with shortages, unemployment, layoffs and inflation fears creating a widening gap between the regime and the people. Indeed, the regime is facing its toughest challenge – its 32-year monopoly may be about to be busted wide open>>>



Egypt and Iran; Different looks at people power / ROBERT H. REID
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ما امضا کنندگان این نامه، خواستار توقف فوری احکام غیرمنصفانه صادر شده برای سعید ملک پور، فارغ التحصیل دانشگاه صنعتی شریف هستیم>>>
An epic film that should make us all proud....just kidding. >>>

Scared Terrorist IRI Blocks "Bahman" on Internet


Iran hinders web searches before planned rally, sources say

CNN / Reza Sayah
recommended by IranFirst


حکومت طلائی

ماشین بی.ام.و من قربانی انقلاب شد تا عدالت بر قرار شود

12-Feb-2011 (30 comments)
بسیاری از همین آدمها که امروز بدون رفتن به رستورانهای گرانبها و خوردن شرابهای کهنه اشرافی که بشود با آنها پز داد امورشان نمیگذرد همانهائی هستند که تا دیروز قصه دستگیره های طلای سیفون توالت کاخ شاه را اینجا و آنجا تعریف میکردند تا نشان بدهند که چه افراد تجمل پرستی کشور را اداره میکنند. جالبتر اینکه در میان این آدمها گروههائی هم هستند که بشدت خود را پایبند آداب و رسوم سفره رقیه و زینب میدانند و تمدن غرب را فاسد بشمار میآورند >>>

Iranians celebrate their Revolution: photos


Iranians celebrate their Revolution: photos

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12-Feb-2011 (12 comments)

اگه واسه دندوناتون میرین

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12-Feb-2011 (4 comments)
A Special Day to celebrate Love and Friendship around the world >>>