Too slow?

Darius Kadivar

Is Obama dithering over Libya?

recommended by Darius Kadivar

Tonight they Die thanks New US Foreign Policy


Gaddafi Warns Of 'No Mercy' In Rebel City

Sky News
recommended by Escape
17-Mar-2011 (one comment)
Sahameddin Ghiassi
 و مردم منافع شخصی خود را به منافع عمومی ترجیح ندهند  آنوقت است که فاتحه دیکتاتورها خوانده شده است  آګاهی مردم  اتحاد آنان با هم و درهم ریختن ترس و بی تفاوتی و ظلم   >>>

Not in Georges Name.What would George Do? Not sit!


Protester gunned down on film

The Sun
recommended by Escape
17-Mar-2011 (7 comments)
A horrific video of a Bahrain protestor missing half his skull thanks to Saudi invaders is likely to stir things up as news of the event circulates in eastern Saudi provinces>>>

Short Video: The Death of Journalism

Sahar Naaz

Chris Hedges on the ‘Disintegrated’ Media, Cultural Illiteracy

Truth Dig / Chirs Hedges
recommended by Sahar Naaz

Short Video: The "F" Word & Chinese Don't Get It

Sahar Naaz

Philanthro-Feudalism Is the Future!

Grit TV on Truth Out
recommended by Sahar Naaz
Darius Kadivar
17-Mar-2011 (2 comments)
The film is set during the two-week Cuban missile crisis, and it centers on how President John F. Kennedy, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, handled the explosive situation>>>
Chef KShar
17-Mar-2011 (12 comments)
Here is a quick Haft Seen video. Over the next few days, I will be releasing more Haft Seen videos. Stay Tuned...>>>

Arms from Iran: A Rash of Intercepted Shipments


Arms from Iran: A Rash of Intercepted Shipments

yahoo/time / KARL VICK
recommended by yolanda

سوغاتی اهل بیت یادشون نره

Arab & Iranian Racism Towards One Another

Afshin Ehx

De-Racialising Revolutions

Aljazeera / Hamid Dabashi
recommended by Afshin Ehx
17-Mar-2011 (one comment)

Greed Is the King Here

Afshin Ehx

Prescribed Pain by Corporate America

Aljazeera / Cliff Schecter
recommended by Afshin Ehx
17-Mar-2011 (12 comments)
دعای اخر سال ! >>>