چرا دین برای بعضی ها ثروت شوکت اعتبار و محبوبیت میآورد و برای برخی زندان شکنجه آوارگی و مرگ وبیکاری؟
An Excellent French Documentary on the
Shah of Iran directed by Reynold Ismard produced by FRANCE 5 Channel entitled
Le Shah d' Iran : un homme à abattre aka
The Shah of Iran: A Man To Destroy tells the story of the Rise and Fall of the Last Persian Emperor. Watch Here
Richard Roundtree in the Pilot movie on the Harlem Cop SHAFT. Watch the Opening in Persian here
Those of us who were around in the 1980s are reliving those days. I go back to the summer of 1986, when I went to Iran after my cousin Marjan was released from Evin