When media competes, the viewer wins! I'm pleased to announce that our efforts in television production is slowly starting to rub off on other Iranian TV Networks. A certain Satellite TV network, with the motto that there is nothing above them, stated not to long ago that they had decided to move away from sitting behind a desk and to go out and interact with people in the open, away from the studio, and to provide more reality tv style programs.
The divorce rate in California is around 40%...with 25000-30000 baby boomer middle class couples in LA and Orange county Iranian divorce lawyers are looking at a very prosperous future.
فراتر از غربت
در وادی رنج, در سرزمين محنت
پشت اين ديوار ستبر
در گوشه زندان
An activist friend told me ...
The recent news about the change of leadership at the "Sepah Pasadaran" got me to thinking about how absurdly inefficient the current Iranian defense structure is. Take a country with a limited amount of resources available to allocate to its defense needs, then find yourself forced to split those resources between two identical organizations (the "Artesh", and the "Sepah") created, in parallel, to meet the defense needs of that country?!?!
This summer, I was thinking about AZADI word. When you look for it in Iranian literature and discussion you find a huge vacuum! So I’d like to propose you a new version of EI Iran. May be it could help to start a discussing letting us to define what is AZADI for Iranians!
Two-part video clips on Iranian rappers feel about living in USA. I feel like they have a lot to say which we can learn about them.
Let me assure you that I'm not writing at the behest of any certain group or organization but solely on behalf of our shared humanity in the meager hope that I may arouse some level of moral decency at your paper that would offer an apology to the 70 million Iranian people you have offended.
Bahman Mahmoudi writes: President George W. Bush and his Vice-President Dick Chaeyney have concluded that it is time to straighten the record so that history would reflect a better image of their imperial rule and collect better speaking fees. Mr. Cheyney suggested to deport all Iranians and let them go home and enjoy the fruits of the Islamiic revolution in 1979.
This Weblog denoted to Honar & Adabiat Farsi.
"Tasliyat." The recent election of a known scoundrel to the leadership post of an important decision-making council in Iran's body-politic amounts to nothing short of a national tragedy, and a reconfirmation of repeated observations and experiences over 28 years establishing either the inability or unwillingness of Iran's "rohaniyat" (as evidenced in the outcome of their vote in this very same election) to properly address the challenges and needs facing the Iranian nation.
In the early 1990s, prior to the Rwandan genocide, the minority Tutsi group in Rwanda were constantly called inyenzi, or cockroaches, by those who sought to destroy them. The strategy was to dehumanize the minority group, making it easier to inspire others to join in destroying the minority group, thus resulting in the Rwandan genocide in 1994. The same rhetoric has often been used by Israeli soliders and generals which have been connected with Palestinian massacres.