A bunch of sons of whores in the US Army


US soldier's killing spree puts Afghanistan on a knife-edge

guardian.co.uk / Emma Graham-Harrison
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War Mongering, UN Charter, and International Laws

Afshin Ehx

Iran, Threats and the UN Charter

Salon.Com / Glenn Greenwald
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Israel and the 1%

Afshin Ehx

AIPAC Works for the 1 Percent

Truth Out / Chris Hedges
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Iran threat only %5, Israel and US %73


Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies publishes the preliminary findings of the Arab Opinion Index report

Arab Center for Policy
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11-Mar-2012 (one comment)

Miss Asia (UK) with half-Iranian roots


Pahrnia Parsons, former Rugby-playing tomboy with half-Iranian roots becomes Miss-Asia

11-Mar-2012 (3 comments)

ریاضیات فرهنگی‌

Harbingers of the (Iranian) new year...

"توریسم" در منطقه جنگی

Relearning Chinese history of civilization

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China: Rise, Fall and Re-Emergence as a Global Power

Information Clearing House / James Petras
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Restore Persia

Darius Kadivar

Santorum: Give Iran back to Persians - Video

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10-Mar-2012 (21 comments)

Iran's Culture is Happiness-Islam's Terror&Sadness