Last night as I was getting ready to watch Saturday Night Live, there was breaking news that the healthcare bill has passed the house and one Republican has voted for the bill.
Last year I wrote a blog about him at
This lone Republican is Joseph Cao who won William Jefferson's seat last year after he was found guilty of bribery for stashing $200,000 in cold (literally) hard cash in his freezer! Last year about this time he was being interviewed by Betty Nguyen from CNN, another Vietnamese American, after he had won this heavily democratic district.
She asked him how did you win and he answered honestly that he was hoping there would be low turnout. So he won and now he can tell his district to come and vote en mass! Having a Vietnamese barber for the past 6 years and few co-workers at work I know alittle about Vietnamese culture and I talked with them about him last year. Vietnamese cuisine is by the way much much healtier than Chinese food.
I really like him and he has shown his courage as well as representing his district by voting for this bill. Everybody knows him now and he's an interesting political figure to follow!
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by ex programmer craig on Mon Nov 09, 2009 01:02 PM PSTWhy would you think Anonymouse might find anything DailyKOS had to say "interesting"? Do you think he's insane? He doesn't seem insane, to me. I, however, find it interesting that use an infamous and disreputable leftist website to back up your supposedly moderate opinions. Was that you speaking of absurdity, earlier? :p
Anonymouse jan
by IRANdokht on Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:56 PM PSTI think you might find this article interesting:
My Thoughts On The Stupid Stupak-Pitts AmendmentIRANdokht
How come this country can afford years of war but no healthcare?
by Anonymouse on Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:47 PM PSTWhat is this about not being able to afford it? How come not only everything else can be afforded but the country can also afford the skyrocketing healthcare prices on top of everything else?
What kind of healthcare can the country afford? The discount plans that are bought online? like pay $80/month/person and then get 5% discount on every cost, be it simple doctor's visit or emergency room visit?
There is always an excuse. I'm not defending democrats in favor of Republicans just for the sake of "scapegoating" the other party. It has just come to this. It has come to the point that the country needs a super majority to get anything done, and for now that super majority is available and they're using it.
Republicans had it all. Their dream candidate in Bush and a majority in both houses and they didn't do squat! Jack squat I'm sorry! I know it sounds like I'm scapegoating Republicans, but it is just too funny and I can't help it! I'm thinking of picking up that 2000 pages healthcare bill that Republican representatives toss to the ground and throw it right back at them!
They just want to have a 2 page healthcare bill so they can understand like a "discount" healthcare plan!
Everything is sacred.
by timothyfloyd on Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:41 PM PSTThe Ahmadinejad blazer's was a Joke!!!!!!!!
Have a wonderful free day!
Irandohkt thats fine
by timothyfloyd on Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:34 PM PSTIrandohkt thats fine to respond to me and thank you.I had responded to the entire conversation here which you were part of.
Its old politics to scapegoat the other party to dismiss their own failure's,both party's do it often.It's not absurd,I say be aware of the Democrat-can-do-no-wrong montra.Because we are in Afghanistan due to Bush's invasion,I'm sure you know that does not give us the right to Bomb Pakistani villages across the border or keep chasing them invading any other country's.Even if it may help the cause,which this I believe does not.
Even so,there is alot of good things the Military has done in Afghanistan,we have never left it to rot.You know we have been helping to re-build that country and the Govt there,the people in day to day life.I know you would never visit the Military website and it's a shame but you must know sub consciously,its true.
Anonymouse it's quite funny what someone said during the campaign and their actions today..As well as the 'change' I believe The reason this country has not had 'Universal healthcare' before is not because we were denying people civil right's,its simply because this country cannot afford it.As we are most likely about to find out.
I went by the Rally last Wed nite,noone was at the CNN building but about a Dozen people with Ahmadinejhad blazers were at the Federal building.It seemed rainy and gloomy but then some bright faces were brightening the corner..
Have a wonderful free day!
You didn't go?! Why?! Who said anything about supporting or
by Anonymouse on Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:36 AM PSTYou didn't go?! Why?! Who said anything about supporting or understanding?! You were to go and take a picture of an obnoxious person and post it, that's all! Oh well.
Now about this healthcare, I'm glad you acknowledge the Iranian style inflation of healthcare costs that has drowned just about everything else. I didn't say people like you (or me) who have insurance shouldn't make noise, I said shouldn't make the "most" noise!
You know on this subject of Iranian inflation, Ahmadi said in his TV debate with Karoubi that the inflation is actually about 10% and gave some Perot style pie charts of his own to back it up! So those who say healthcare is fine as is and the current plan for healthcare bill should be killed, use similar kind of pie charts.
I know there is "a lot" of noise about turning the healthcare over to Govt, but that is not the case, not from what I've read. This country can have a universal healthcare. In my opinion the reason it doesn't, or hasn't yet, is based on the same principles that denied Civil Rights to some citizens or caused so much health issues for failing to disclose tobacco's deadly addiction. There are many other examples. Some day some how the insurance lobby is going to loose its grip and this problem will be solved. I'm hoping it can "start" this year.
Everything is sacred.
by ex programmer craig on Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:47 AM PSTThose who have insurance or can afford it, will afford the reformed insurance too and may actually pay less than what they're paying now. But these same people are making the most noise!
I pay for my own medical and dental coverage, anonymouse, and I'm making noise! I also went without any insurance at all for sevral years in the early 1990s which is when I was a newlywed. And I'm making noise! It's not reform I object to. I detest the insurance companies have been raping the public for the last few decades. And you are absolutely right about the sky-rocketing cost of healthcare. There's no freaking way that a visit to the emergency room should cost more than most people make in a month, and if it wasn't for insurance companies and the way everyone abuses the system, I'm sure it wouldn't! But the solution is not to turn healthcare over to government administration. That's what I'm making noise about!
About the rally in LA, nope! Didn't go! I don't know who is who in the Green Movement, that's obvious. And I don't want to support something I don't understand.
Craig did u go & witness the Iranian LA rally over the weekend?
by Anonymouse on Mon Nov 09, 2009 09:54 AM PSTEverything is sacred.
Remember Biden's position on Pakistan during the debates?
by Anonymouse on Mon Nov 09, 2009 09:59 AM PSTDuring the democractic debates where it was all customary and fashionable to discuss 1) what would the US do if Iran obtained WMD or 2) Israel is attacked; other candidates would say either it'd not be acceptable to have Iran obtain nuclear capabilities or there are years away from obtaining that capability which gives US time to work with allies to put in place a unified front against Iran.
I thought during those debates Biden had the best outlook. He'd say while we're worry about if 1) what would we do if Iran gets WMD and 2) when will Iran reach the capability; let's look at Pakistan that already has the WMD and has mastered the capability and has tested the nuke and has housed and harbored terrorists and Taliban (to include KSM) and possibly Bin Laden and Al Zawhiri.
So while US has not sent troops to Pakistan, it has acknowledged the threat and so far the safe harbor of Waziristan is now being worked on by the Pakistani themselves. And the story goes on.
As for Healthcare, like the Civil Rights or other national issues of importance it is nothing new. It's been going on for a while since what 50s? The mandatory thing is like your car's mandatory insurance. It used to be many years ago it wasn't mandatory for all states.
Every year the healthcare costs and insurance premiums for it, quadruple, a little like the inflation in Iran. And if you loose your job or end up needing to get COBRA for yourself, it is just like the inflation in Iran and if you need to get COBRA for your family, a lot worse than inflation in Iran!
Those who have insurance or can afford it, will afford the reformed insurance too and may actually pay less than what they're paying now. But these same people are making the most noise!
Everything is sacred.
Another absurdity
by ex programmer craig on Mon Nov 09, 2009 09:47 AM PSTID, you seem to have forgotten that democrats have been running the Houes and the Senate (both) since 2006? As far as the economy goes, anything that happened from 2006 on is on them. The President doesn't make any decisions that affect the domestic economy. Even now on Healthcare, it's Obama's plan but it's up to the Senate and the House to come up with something. All Obama gets to do is sign it, or veto it.
by ex programmer craig on Mon Nov 09, 2009 09:41 AM PSTI wish you could see what I'm hearing from Pakistanis on a couple of mailing lists. If you thought things couldn't get worse under Obama, you were totally wrong. Obama is going to end up f#%ing all of South Asia by the time he's done. And it won't be due to military action, it will be due to incompetent diplomacy.
BUSH and then left to rot and become the breeding ground for radical islamists.
It was already the breeding ground for radical islamists before we ever got there. Taliban and al Qaida popped up after 9/11?
Well, in cany case... how much fun are we all going to be having when both Afghanistan AND Pakistan become breeding grounds for radical islamists? And what will India do about that? Because the US damn sure isn't going to do anything about it.
OMG this is just absurd!!!
by IRANdokht on Mon Nov 09, 2009 09:02 AM PSTObama already has taken us someplace 'worse' Anonymouse,straight into Pakistan.
I'm sorry but I do recall that Afghanistan was bombed 8 years ago by BUSH and then left to rot and become the breeding ground for radical islamists.
I know Anonymouse can reply to you just fine, but your totally absurd comment about Obama and your calling Bush a scapegoat made my jaw drop.
Obama already has taken us
by timothyfloyd on Mon Nov 09, 2009 08:44 AM PSTObama already has taken us someplace 'worse' Anonymouse,straight into Pakistan.Almost immediately after taking office...But I don't necessarily blame him and If you were to ask him why,I'm sure his reason's like Bush's would astound you for being such a follower of Obama's.I know one of those reason's is because he has decided to fight terrorism,as Bush did.
The economic downfall of the U.S. began with the Democrat's in charge of Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac when they overtook so called 'responsibility' in congress in 2006.
You may have forgotten or not known that the American Govt is ran by Congress and laws are approved or disapproved by the President..That's why this election was important.
Only time will tell if attempting to change the healthcare system will be a negative or positive,not a Democrat or a Republican.
I believe one difference in the plan is now,you must pay for insurance if you don't have it.You are forced to buy insurance or be penalized,this is actually is in favor of the insurance lobby (and their 'grip against the bill) .Just as the bail out was in favor of Wall Street,just as the Bail out was in favor of all the Banks in America and some of the car company's.
Don't let The scapegoat of Bush allow Democrat Dogma.
ID jaan there were other Republicans in Democratic districts too
by Anonymouse on Mon Nov 09, 2009 06:21 AM PSTID jaan there were other Republicans in Democratic districts too. Republican's giving him "permission" is just a ploy to present themselves as "caring"! Cao's move has not left them much to respond to. In Cao's interview over the weekend he said he understands his vote does not align with his party's position on healthcare.
This is just the insurance lobby doing everything they can to stop loosing their massive profits. Like the tobacco lobby did in the 90s. It takes time to loosen their grip.
Tobacco companies are not making as much money now as they did before when they ruled with impunity. Same arguments were used against restricting tobacco's influence.
I don't think Kucinich's no vote on the Democratic side has any comparison to Cao's courage to vote yes on the Republican side.
Everything is sacred.
Moron is Bush who took us to war & ruined the economy in 8 years
by Anonymouse on Mon Nov 09, 2009 06:26 AM PSTEverything is forgotten about Bush and how he owns this whole mess. He took us to endless and expensive warS while Obama is taking us to universal healthcare. Ooh how scarey!
For 8 years we had to deal with that well defined moron of a Bush who could not end a day without creating another mess for someone else to clean up. And Bush was Republicans' star player, let's not forget.
I am sure Obama will not take us any place worse than where Bush left this country in 2008. The healthcare reform is pushing forward. Choo choo choo, aaall aboard!
Everything is sacred.
This guy is a moron...
by Nousha Arzu on Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:25 PM PST... and a douchebag, and nothing more. Whoever votes for this monstrosity of a health care bill will bankrupt this country -- that's why you have carreer hezbollahis like Q, who are rooting strong for this health care bill. That's because they know that this single bill will turn America into a second rate, socialist, bankrupt nation.
The immigrant islamists LOVE it when America is run by the Jimmy Carters and Obamas of the world, because when ruled by such whimps and cowards, their masters in Tehran will be able to do as they wish and get away with it.
The hezbollahis love anything and anyone who will bring America down from its rarified air atop the mountain, even if by only one notch. As their old saying went, "Down with America." They still follow this mantra, even if they live in America and enjoy its amenities and liberties. As some may know, what brought Rome down was not the barbarians at the gate, but the barbarians INSIDE the gate.
And douchebags like this congressman and the Obamas of the world are going to do just that, and that is why our house Hezbollahis cheer for such cowards.
Thanks Anonymouse
by IRANdokht on Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:26 PM PSTIt's good to know this rep. I heard he had permission from the party to vote yes because he's from a democratic district and they didn't want to lose the seat.
Dennis Kucinich explained why he voted no after he made sure it'll pass. He took a stand for adding an amendment for single payer state by state.
by yolanda on Sun Nov 08, 2009 08:34 PM PSTWow! The guy has an ageless face, he does not look like 42 years old at all....I like Vietnamese dessert, tapioca,
It is soooo delicious!
I also like Pho with beef tendon. Vietnamese food is way less greasier than Chinese food, but Chinese restaurants outnumber Vietnamese restaurants. It could be challenging to find a Vietnamese restaurant nearby.
Introduction, perhaps
by Ari Siletz on Sun Nov 08, 2009 06:23 PM PSTThanks Ari jaan that about sums it up, however other than some
by Anonymouse on Sun Nov 08, 2009 05:16 PM PSTThanks Ari jaan that about sums it up, however other than some Iranians like yourself, I don't know of many Iranians whom we can really rely on to be humble.
It'd be nice to have a politician of Iranian descent but I don't want him/her to make us cringe or deny his/her Iranianness while wearing a wig with pony tail! wink! wink!
Everything is sacred.
What I came away with
by Ari Siletz on Sun Nov 08, 2009 03:34 PM PST1. Better to raise the bar on ourselves than to try to lower others.
2. Iranian-Americans should get more involved in American politics.
3. Other immigrants have something to teach us, and some are worthy of praise as role models.
4. We should concentrate more on substance than appearence.
Ari jaan you mean calling mullahs Arabs and then insult Arabs?!
by Anonymouse on Sun Nov 08, 2009 02:33 PM PSTEverything is sacred.
In retrospect, there were 39 Democrats who soiled themselves!
by Anonymouse on Sun Nov 08, 2009 02:24 PM PSTHis 2010 election is going to be interesting. Republicans will probably try to offer an "alternative" in the primary and try to make him pay for his "insubordination"! On the other hand Democrats will probably try to not challenge him with a serious contendor in this heavily democratic district. He sure knew how to check mate them all! And it is all for a good cause, to serve the people.
It'll be also interesting to watch how Republicans will respond to him in the coming week in the media.
Everything is sacred.
Good for him
by Q on Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:13 PM PSTfor having the courage to stand up to the redneck caucus.
Read your PM article
by Ari Siletz on Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:10 AM PSTGood for him. Pho is the
by vildemose on Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:33 AM PSTGood for him. Pho is the healthiest soup ever. I have it almost everyweek.
Their seafood, that is if you can get a homemade one is to die for.
Yes, their food in "hot clay" is also very good
by Anahid Hojjati on Sun Nov 08, 2009 09:15 AM PSTYes Anonymouse, their food in clay is tasty. I believe their sweets are good too. While we are at it, I have to say that I also like Thai food. We need someone to post recipes for Vietnamese food. I already have a Thai cook book and have cooked Thai food but not Vietnamese.
It's A Shame That The Repulican Party....
by NOT_AK69 on Sun Nov 08, 2009 08:27 AM PSTIs filled with idiots such as Bush, Cheney and this moron for voting for a bill that will not deliver what Mr. Obama promised.
I guess fame is better than principles.
Anahid jaan I love their food in the "hot clays". Very unique
by Anonymouse on Sun Nov 08, 2009 07:58 AM PSTTheir food in hot clays is very unique and tasty. I always try it with chop sticks. Their beef w/ vegetable noodles is very good as well as their dozens of various kinds of soups.
I'm sure they have knuckleheads in their community like anyone else, but by and large they're very friendly.
Everything is sacred.
Dear Anonymouse, you are so right about Vietnamese food
by Anahid Hojjati on Sun Nov 08, 2009 07:37 AM PSTDear mouse, not only Vietnamese food is healthier than Chinese food but some of it are my favorite. I like their Pho, their eggplant chicken and their sandwiches are also "Iranipasand". I have found that I get along well with Vietnamese people and there are some similarities between them and Iranians. In engineering school, we had many Vietnamese students and their girls were some of the best students in our school.