Some say Gandhi was gay


Some say Gandhi was gay
by Ari Siletz

A while back I was reading a review of a book where it said Gandhi had a gay affair going on with a German-Jewish body builder, and I was thinking for God’s sake why am I wasting time on this tabloid stuff? First it was Tom Cruise rumors, then John Travolta, then the Shah of Iran, then Anderson Cooper…and now Gandhi?! I stopped reading.

But yesterday I found out that the Indian government just coughed up $ 1.28 million to buy a pile of Gandhi letters from the grandniece of Hermann Kallenbach, the bodybuilder Gandhi was supposedly in love with. Well OK Hermann was also an architect, but I’ll stick my neck out and say his being a bodybuilder, weightlifter or whatever is more in context.   

Of course the letters were purchased for historical research. But when Gandhi wrote things to Kallenbach like, “How completely you have taken possession of my body. This is slavery with a vengeance,” you wonder how much of the $1.28 million was for research and how much just to get the letters out of circulation to protect Gandhi's saintly image. Indian society is quite homophobic (though there are signs of improvement; the law against homosexuality was struck down in 2009).

Anyway the Gandhi being gay thing was year-old news and on its way to being forgotten if the Indian government hadn’t bought up the letters and foolishly reminded everyone of Hermann just when Reza Pahlavi had compared himself to Gandhi. Iranians aren't much better than Indians at tolerating gays, and Reza Pahlavi probably wouldn't have put on Gandhi's dhoti in that interview if he had kept up on his book reviews--and possibly the books themselves. Still, talk about bad luck timing in politics!



Image: Mahatma Pahlavi by Red Wine


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Darius Kadivar

Man meekham Obama roh Bekonam ...

by Darius Kadivar on


OK, Hamsade

by Faramarz on



That's the best that I could come up with.

I wonder if Reza Pahlavi or Gandhi have a position on the Gay Marriage or the ObamaCare that we can throw in here too! 

hamsade ghadimi

faramarz, i dont't think

by hamsade ghadimi on

faramarz, i dont't think that ari is that base: to insinuate that rp is a faggot just because he rebuffed ari for an interview.  i think that the hostility goes way back.  as one can see, there is currently a campaign--through many blogs, and articles--to attack rp on various words or phrases he's used.  this is one of many such efforts.  the same mass exercise has been done on mojahedin, mosadegh, or any current person or group opposing the regime.

i read the blog because it seemed interesting but as soon as i saw the blog's picture (done by rw), i knew it wasn't on the up and up.


Never Cross an Iranian!

by Faramarz on



The roots of the ill feelings that Ari has for Reza Pahlavi goes back to that meeting that Ari attended, but was not able to get an interview with him. Even worse, Reza Pahlavi didn't want to talk about some of his distant cousins that Ari knew from school.

I would've been pissed too. But as I said at the time, at least the catered food was good. So it was not a big waste of time.


hamsade ghadimi

آری جان،

hamsade ghadimi

آری جان، احسنت.  خیلی‌ ممنون برای بلاگ.  حالا ربط گوز و شقیقه را فهمیدم. چونکه بعضی‌ها میگن گاندی همجنس‌باز بوده، و آقا رضا خودش را در مورد فعالیت اجتماعی و سیاسی به گاندی تشبیه کرده.  پس یعنی‌ بله.  آقا رضا اوا خواهر از آب درومد.  وای چه خرابکاری کرد این نیم پهلوی.  من شرط میبندم که کچل هم هست شبیه گاندی ولی‌ پستیژ می‌گذاره.  غذای مورد علاقه‌ش هم سیب زمینی‌ ویندالو هست.

Darius Kadivar

Oh YES he Was ... ;0))))))))))))))

by Darius Kadivar on

Esfand Aashena

If by gay u mean bright and pleasant, then yes Mossadegh was it!

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred

Darius Kadivar

Was it ? ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Esfand Aashena

So Mossadegh was never gay! That was the point!

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred

Darius Kadivar

Esfand Jan Precisely ... ;0))

by Darius Kadivar on

"You go to some villages and people may not know Khomeini but they'll know Mossadegh!"




In the Navy

Macho Man

Esfand Aashena

Darius jaan RUNG again! RUNG!

by Esfand Aashena on

Every Iranian knows Mossadegh as the most famous Iranian patriot.  Mossadegh is to Iran as Gandhi is to India.  You go to some villages and people may not know Khomeini but they'll know Mossadegh!

You are proving yourself RUNG by saying Mossadegh has an eyebrow above his eyes!  While you're at it why don't you say the same thing about Takhti?!  Takhti and Mossadegh both extremely popular.

Everything is sacred

Darius Kadivar

Of course he was ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Esfand Aashena

Well at least Mossadegh was never gay!

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred

Darius Kadivar

And your 'tanned' ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Friendly Notes

Some say Obama is gay

by Friendly Notes on

Rumors have swirled that Reggie Love, Obama’s friend and personal trainer, has been involved in a homosexual relationship with Obama. Obama referred to Love as his “body man” and frequently had 15-minute personal training appointments. Love announced in 2011 he would be stepping down from the position. WMR reported that, at the same time, evidence surfaced which suggested Love was involved in gay sex parties at Duke University and the University of North Carolina.
There has also been suspicion that Obama and Kal Penn, a gay actor who was appointed associate director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, had a sexual relationship.

Esfand Aashena

Darius jaan you are RUNG!

by Esfand Aashena on

Obama is as much the first "gay president" as Bill Clinton was the first "black president"!

Everything is sacred

Darius Kadivar

And 'Tanned' Too ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Darius Kadivar

So is Obama ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Esfand Aashena

گاندی خوش اشتها بوده خودش لاغر مردنی، معشوقش قهرمان زیبای اندام!

Esfand Aashena

Everything is sacred

Multiple Personality Disorder

That makes perfect sense, Ari

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

A "REAL" man is not peace-loving, tree-hugging, turn-the-other-cheek kind of a person.  A "REAL" man is a warrior, and the rest of us are fag..., pus..., well, let's just say the rest of us are sissies, and leave it at that.  Look at Masoud Rajavi, he is a real man!

PS, I don't even think Gandhi wore shorts under his robe.


Disclaimer: Do not take this comment seriously, or you might blow a fuse.

Anonymous Observer

Not fashionable enough

by Anonymous Observer on

no self respecting gay person would be caught dead in a toga and a loincloth.  Unless, of course, it's Halloween.


So is RP

by amirkabear4u on

I am not the type of person who blame everything on him, for example I do not think he is a thief when it comes to shah's assets. But considering the evidence at hand, RP is gay.


Anahid Hojjati

Mick Jagger, David Bowie, I think I heard Rod Stewart is gay too

by Anahid Hojjati on

Still I think Rod Stewart has the sexiest voice and to me it does not make much difference if Gandhi, Jagger, Stewart, Tom Cruise, Bowie, etc, are gay or not. By the way was Ramesh Lesbian?

First Amendment


by First Amendment on

He hasn't been throned yet, and he's already stuck between Gandhi's fanny and Mandela's dong........a synoptic portrait of the Perrrrrzhen monarchy....


According to Mick Jagger

by Faramarz on



In his new biography, Mick Jagger, after admitting to having sex with more than 4,000 women, said this about his "affairs" with David Bowie, "It was the glitter era, and everybody wanted to be part of the bisexual revolution!"

But I have to admit that there is something funny about Mohandes and the Bodybuilder. I hope that is was all non-violent!

Esfand Aashena

Say what? Prince Chubby now wants to be a body builder??!

by Esfand Aashena on

If he can't be a Gandi to Iran he might as well be his gay body builder's lover?! Is that what you're saying?! 

Everything is sacred