

by Ari Siletz

Last year, narcissistic personality disorder, characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance and the obsessive need for attention, was eliminated from the manual of mental disorders. But a new chapter has been added to the manual on the subject of “Tritaphobia, ” or irrational fear of Trita Parsi.

I spoke briefly with Dr. Sadegh Bimanzoor, PsyD the discoverer of the new mental disorder.

Ari: Psychological disorders sometimes have roots in our childhood. Have Tritaphobics been neglected as children?

Dr. B: On the contrary, they have been pampered as children but ignored as adults. Most well adjusted adults find substitutes for parental love once they are out in the world. This is often in the form of encouragements we receive for kindly behavior, concern for the collective good, personal accomplishments, specific talents, or even pleasing appearance. Tritaphobes have difficulty weaning themselves of the unconditional love of their parents. As a result they fail to develop qualities that society finds worthy of notice. The Tritaphobe’s primary emotion is that of feeing ignored by those around him.

Ari: What is the reason Tritaphobics hang around play parks?

Dr. B: They frequent playgrounds to upgrade their childish ways and learn the latest in squabbling, bullying and name calling forms from the youngest generation.

Ari: That must make parents uneasy. How would they know that a Tritaphobic is just there for a refresher on infantile behavior?

Dr. B: Tritaphobics invariably exhibit pack behavior. If you see members of a gang patting each other on the back near the merry-go-round and referring to each other in endearing terms, there’s nothing to worry about, they're just Tritaphobics.

Ari: Is there a cure for Tritaphobia?

Dr. B: No. Previous attempts at a cure have made the disorder progress even faster in the patient.

Ari: What are the risks of Tritaphobia?

Dr. B: There are degrees of severity. A third-degree Tritaphobic would refuse to drink water if he finds out that Trita Parsi also drinks water. He would end up in the hospital. A second-degree Tritaphobic may sell his car and walk for the rest of his life if he/she saw Trita Parsi driving a car. Some second degree Tritaphobics walk around barefoot or naked. Others avoid haircuts or baths. Occasionally we see cases where the patient has to be put on dialysis. Fortunately the disorder does not often develop beyond its first-degree symptoms.

Ari: What are the first-degree symptoms?

Dr. B: Patients spend their waking hours indulging in self-aggrandizing fantasies. They give “great-leader” speeches in front of imaginary crowds. Occasionally they go on websites and write long manifestos. Also, for unknown reasons, first degree Tritaphobics are inclined to paleophilia.

Ari: Paleophilia?

Dr B: A Pathological attrachment to fossils.

Ari: Are there many Tritaphobics in the population?

Dr. B: No, it’s a rare disorder, but due to the self-aggrandizing displays and pack behavior the numbers appear larger.

What is an early warning sign of Tritaphobia onset.

Dr. B: Early detection is important. During the “Foam At The Mouth” test, the therapist mentions the word “NIAC,” while a device measures the amount of froth around the patient’s mouth. The FATM test is 99% accurate.

Ari: What about the remaining 1%?

Dr. B: Some people—Tritaphobic or not—foam at the mouth for no apparent reason. This accounts for the 1% failure rate of the test.

Ari: Is anyone who disagrees with Trita Parsi at risk for this disorder.

Dr. B: Not at all. We have found no correlation between disagreement with Trita Parsi and Tritaphobia. The strongest correlation, as I mentioned, is with overwhelming feelings of societal neglect or a deep sense of worthlessness. A person who simply disagrees with Trita Parsi is no more at risk of Tritaphobia than the rest of the population.

Ari: Thank you for your time, Dr. Bimanzoor.

Dr. B: Later, dude!

Note: “Tritaphobia” is a fictitious disorder, but Politicophobia, fear or abnormal dislike of politicians, is a recognized psychological disorder. This website offers help.


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Bullshit Phobic, not Trita Phobic

by bahmani on

I'm not Tritaphobic as much as I am Bullshitphobic. Sometimes Trita says bullshit, sometimes he is right on the mark.

I think especially with our Tritas we must call the bullshit when we see or hear or read it.

Trita is at once one of our most brilliant and occasionally one of our most lost and deluded minds in a small tight package.

When he strays (occasionally), we need to steer him back with our opinion.

When he hits it right on the mark (more often), we need to encourage and support him.

Where is he OFF?

The whole MEK de-listing is NOT the priority right now. It never has been and as long as the MEK calls itself the MEK and keeps the same basic strategy of complexed sexual fascination it has with the IRI, it NEVER WILL BE.

So Trita needs to be steered to move off this topic and onto the IRI directly. that's the source of everyone's grief and especially the cynicism of this satirical ironic piece.

Where is he ON?

Astute analysis of the Middle East, US foreign policy towards Iran, Iranian foreign policy towards the US. Trita would be an outstanding diplomat for us in a FREE Iran. I can see him as US or UN ambassador, easily.

Probably he'll want to go to Sweden.

Where is NIAC OFF?

It's neither "National", nor is it a "Council". It's a club for members only. Apparently members who don't know anything but are the kind of fashion forward trend hunting folks who like to support something that sounds good and gets them off the hook of answering "Why aren't you doing anything?", or sounds "gangsta activist" when they tell everyone at the party.

To be even remotely "National", NIAC needs to have at least a 2nd office, and it has to be outside of DC. For it to be an "Iranian-American Council", there has to be some sort of public (not private club membership) accountability and feedback system to gauge the will of Iranian-Americans in general (not just the private club membership).

Of course this costs money and is too expensive to do, and even though they have a lot of it, it will never happen.

Because Iranians want to play Louis Vuitton politics, but at Costco prices. Or cheaper.

To read more bahmani posts visit: //


Simply fantastic!

by Mammad on

Extremely funny and at the same time very much true, even if the disease is "fictional," which is not.




by Truthseeker9 on


Simply brilliant…

by Bavafa on

Dr. B: They frequent playgrounds to upgrade their childish ways and learn the latest in squabbling, bullying and name calling forms from the youngest generation

If we have not been witnessing that here on IC

Ari: Is there a cure for Tritaphobia?
Dr. B: No. Previous attempts at a cure have made the disorder progress even faster in the patient.

In some cases, even ignoring them has not yield any result.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 




by Abarmard on

Very funny Ari. Happy Friday.


Mehrban / Ari

by MM on


IC is full of hate blogs regarding Trita parsi and NIAC.  Why cannot someone put up a tanz-blog saying it ain't so?


I was going to ask Dr. B. if he could prescribe Tritaphillic pills for us!


People with glass houses should not throw stones

by Mehrban on

  Ari with your incessant defence of a specific politician (of whom I have no opinion) and your critisicm of art as it suits your political agenda you are losing every ounce of credibility (with me at least). 

Is it not you who is one of the cheerleaders of the illustration below?


In a democracy, it is the citizens' responsibility to question the actions of public figures.  To call their efforts phobias and to paint them as clowns is a form of intimidation.  In Iran's long history such intimidations are generally left to the thugs.


Ps: I don't have a problem with Azadeh's illustration.


And I love this one:

by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan on

"...pampered as children but ignored as adults."

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

 " Is there a cure for Tritaphobia? "

No. Previous attempts at a cure have made the disorder progress even faster in the patient. "


I loved Dr. Bimanzoor's answers .. 

: )