In Memmory of Ali N..... My Nephew


In  Memmory of Ali N..... My Nephew
by capt_ayhab

It was three years ago to date,  the phone call came in, a call that every family dreads ….

Call of a young man in family having been murdered, viciously and in cold blood.

The call was from my baby sister, about her son, her boy, her Ali her 27 year old soon to gbe married to his sweet heart. Her pride and joy, soon to graduate with highest degree in civil engineering from Sharif University.

Ali N. an industrious engineer, a brilliant writer, a soft spoken romantic poet. A young man with a smile that brightened life. A man with all the hopes of future gleaming in his eyes. With a soul that was bigger than this entire universe.

What do you say to a mother a sister who has lost such a boy? How do you attempt to sooth her pain? What do you say to a father who was planning his son’s wedding, who instead has to plan a funeral? What do you say to younger brother who has lost his hero, his buddy, his role model, his help and hope in future? What do you say to soon to be beautiful bride who is in black and shattered for her man?

How do you look into their eyes without breaking to pieces? How do you help a mother and a  father whose tears are dried up, their soul broken, their hearts in shreds and their lives ruined?

Ali, Daie jun, There is not a day since you have been gone that I do not feel your presence. There is not a day that goes by without us crying for your mother, you father, my sister, and my lawful bother. Only thing that helps us through is your memory, your poetry, your eloquent writings, you smiling pictures and sounds of your laughter that rings in our dreams.

Your soul was bigger than life itself, your spirit didn’t belong on this cesspool of greed, lies, deceptions and corruption called earthly life.  You went to where you belong, place where no one can hurt you again, where your soul is in peace and harmony, surrounded by beauty, love, affection and purity.

BUT you left behind a shattered mother, broken father, lonely brother, crying bride and dozens and dozens of aunts uncles, cousins and friends who miss you so dearly.

I  so miss you Ali, I so miss you, please say hello to Grand Papa.

نفرت چشمها را نزدیک بین میکند ، خشم آستیگمات
ترس آنها را پف میدهد، دروغ آنها را از حدقه بیرون میزند
پنهان کاری آنها را فراری میکند ، مهربانی آنها را چروک دار
امنیت آنها را قرمز میکند ، فاصله آنها را سفید
عشق چشمها را روشن میکند ، صبر آرام بخش
Ali N.
Saturday, October 28, 2006

Last name is being withheld to protect my sisters privacy. 


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Bless his young Soul & Memory

by Khar on

Captain Jaan I wish you and your family strength to deal with this great loss and to carry on.

In memory of beloved Ali...

Tears In Heaven - Choirboys (Clapton)

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

What a handsome, kind face he had

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Dear Captain,

I'm sorry for your pain. Losing young loved ones is the worst pain anyone can endure. 


I can only wish you and your sister strength

by Monda on

to be present for her other son, your nephew, as she and you were for Ali.  At times like this, the sibling's survivor guilt is tremendous and needs tending to. I am sure the wise caring individuals that you and your sister are, you are mindful of that.  


bless your heart capt_ayhab

by Monda on

Your Ali reads very familiar.  Thanks for your share.  I'll be checking your blog again.


Monda Jan

by capt_ayhab on

Three years has passed since the dreaded day. I have seen my sister 3 times since, A vibrant woman three years ago,  is now a broken one.

She is an university professor in Iran, who has always been active in social programs. From working at woman's shelter to writing and particularly her love and passion of her two sons.

There are times when I speak to her on the phone, despite her instinctive strength which she has got from our mother, despite her valiant attempt in hiding her pain, I feel so much sorrow in her being that breaks me to tears.

Her life, THEIR lives will never be the same. There are not enough years in eternity that can sooth their pain. They will NEVER be the same. WE will never be the same.

I sincerely appreciate your kind words, and your sincere comment.



Sunday, October 29, 2006

by capt_ayhab on


نمایشی بود
برای ثبت خودم
برای یافتن خودم
اثبات خودم
برای سنجیدن خودم
برای آنکه خودم را دریابم
برای آنکه
به دیگران خودم را بنمایانم
راه را دیدم
و دیگر نمایش برایم جز
تکرار گفته ها چیزی ندارد
و دیگر نمایش جز درد فریاد زدن گنگ عشقبازی ها
چیزی برایم ندارد
دیگر برایم روشن شده که راهم چیست و کجا می انجامد
احتیاجی به مطالعه بازخورد حرفها و نگاهها و کف زدن ها ندارم
نجاتم ، در آغوشم پهلو گرفته و فانوس به دست من را به اقیانوس میخواند
درازی در پیش است و گردنه های راهم جایی در ذهن شما ندارند
سفر من ..
مانند تمام سفرهای شما.. یک مسافر دارد
همراهانم سفر.. از من سفرنامه
نمیخواهند... همراهی و قلب و جنگ و استقامت و مقاومت میخواهند
.. سفر میخواهند.. نه سفرنامه...
کوله پشتی ام را پر میکنم
بقچه ام
را گره میزنم
در آغوشتان میگیرم
و راهی میشوم

حق یاورتان




Dear capt_ayhab,

by Monda on

I can only imagine your pain of losing your wonderful bright Ali. My heart goes out to you and Ali's other loved ones.  Thank you so much for sharing your feelings and thoughts of Ali with us here.  Please consider sharing more on him, if possible.  I'd love to read more of his poems, know more about his murderers, how you handled his loss, how your sister and his bride made sense of Ali's death... I want to know so much more about him. While I would totally respect your decision if you chose not to share more of your pain. Thank you.