The neo-con machine at (Fred, Darius Kadivar et al)


Via Chris Davis
by Via Chris Davis

I have studied the work tactic of the neo-cons for quite some time, and the case of NIAC has popped up several times due to the immense resources the neo-cons and the Israel lobby have undertaken to destroy this group.

I am in the process of writing a larger article, due to my identification the real identity of Fred and a few others on this forum who constantly attack NIAC and propagate a pro-Israeli agenda. Without revealing too much, I have also identified the New York based PR firm that pays and trains "Fred." 

in the process of writing this article, I have reached out to a few people, including Dr. Trita Parsi. Having spoken to him just a few days ago in Washington, it is clear to me that he never attended any conference in Tehran. In fact, his quote in the New York Times is very dismissive of the idea of holding such conferences.

But it is a perfect case of how the neo-con machine works. They take a piece of information, take it out of context, add a lot of innuendo and lies to it, then they blast it out via 10-15 different paid bloggers and by that, they work to slowly but surely discredit and destroy any organization that stands in their way. 

For instance, it is clear from the NIAC website that Elaheh Enssani served on the NIAC board 2006-2007. Darius Kadivar, however, on this forum, makes the claim that NIAC removed her from their board the minute this "controversy" occurred.

Kadivar, a self-described monarchist, whose idol Pahlavi has long collaborated with the neo-cons and the Israel lobby, uses a technique the neo-cons call "referenced half-truth".

It is very effective. You state a half-truth, such as "Ensanni served on the NIAC board but was kicked off as soon as the controversy occurred". It is a half truth. Ensani did serve on the board, but she hasn't been on the board for 3 years now. Only half the statement is true - the most important part is a lie.

But you then add a reference - in this case a link.

The reference gives the impression that the statement is backed up with facts. 99% of readers won't click on the link. And the 1% who do, will usually not pick up the part that isn't true. As a result, the vast majority of readers will be left with the impression that Kadivar - who clearly knows that he is lying - is speaking the truth and has evidence to back himself up. 

Now, i am not saying that Kadivar works for the same firm in New York as Fred does. But if one looks at the traffic he creates on, it is clear that he spends a significant amount of time here. Either he is unemployed or he does get some indirect compensation for his involvement in the neo-con machinery. 

I am not very familiar with the community of Iranian-Americans, but I know that these techniques are extremely effective in the Arab community due to their propensity to believe in conspiracy theories. 

Iranian-Americans would be wise to keep their eyes open to ensure they aren't fooled by the the neo-con propagandists on


Recently by Via Chris DavisCommentsDate
The Neocon Method
Jul 22, 2010
more from Via Chris Davis

نه بابا بچه محل خودمان است

I Voted Ahmadinejad

جنوب لبنان

ram jams


Wait wait

by Doctor X on


First things first (obey your thirst) no but seriously, let's get this straight first. 

Via davis: I am not an Iranian. LOL yeah. Okay (wink wink )

Dude. Your writing screamsssssss from Million miles aways that you are more iranian than you think you are. Stop the charade okay? come on. It is christmas:)))

K now... Who was saying what about 6 pack? something Pack? Ice pack? Whacketi Whack?:))


Chris Davis you are welcomed.

by Javadagha on

I do not understand, many those who are attacking Chris Davis are those who advocate “Freedom of Speech.”  How idiotic.

 Chris Davis you are welcomed.  I enjoyed your write up and welcome you to this site.                                                    VPK, I have not been to Qom and have no connection(s) there.  You do not like a carpet from any other places such as Qazvin?  Try one. 

I disagree with those who contend that AIPAC has not hurt our people.  Illegal sanctions are promoted by AIPAC which hurt our people.  Some of the bombings in Iran are attributed to AIPAC.  How about the following link: //


You are right Chris Davis

by cyclicforward on

We don't need YOU to tell us HOW to think and What to think. We have minds of our own and don't need to follow you or anyone else. Now buzz off and preach elsewhere. We don't need another stupid Rahbar  on this site.

Via Chris Davis

Always on the attack

by Via Chris Davis on

A few of the commentators on this forum have asked me who i am and why I believe I have a say on matters here since I am not Iranian.

Well, we are in America, is registered in the US and as an American, I am very concerned about the future of the US and very concerned about efforts to drag the US and Iran into a war.

As a blogger and journalist, I try to raise awareness about efforts by shadow groups to start such a war. This means that I follow the neo-cons, to see what they are doing. And for reasons they have to explain, the neo-cons are very much focused on Iran right now and any group that stands in their way in an efficient manner. That is where NIAC comes in.

If readers here already are aware of the techniques Fred and other paid neo-con PR associates use, then my efforts are redundant. But the many attacks against me here indicates to me that my work can be of much value to you.

Thank you.  

(Incidentelly, the attacks against me for this simple blog post is what is called "attack the messanger". Instead of addressing the issue I raise, they swarm the website with attacks against me, to change the subject away from what I actually wrote)

Darius Kadivar

You'll NEVER Outfox the Fox !

by Darius Kadivar on

"Gadzooks! It's spooks!"

Who is Darius KADIVAR ?



by I Voted Ahmadinejad on

,In 2008 after 4 or 5 years of coming to, I got kicked outbecause of disturbing some bahi members. I remeber, back then, every other blog was about bahaies struggle and passionist towards the community. It was so obvious that many people started complaining about getting so much of one community. Back then, there was almost only Zion who pushed the israeli agenda in this site, but with so much passion and motivation. I got busy with work and now I m back only to see a new group of people have taken over.

Just like any other business, iranian. com would seek a stradegy that brings the most profir for the establishment, which is, as far as I m concerened, fine.

I wont be suprised if i get kicked out once again, oh well it is worth the fun.

ram jams


Yawn Fred, why play games?

by Q on

I have clearly said I back AIPAC's policy, singular,

Yes, their "Iran" policy might be "singular" but it involves $Millions and many initiatives, advertising, bills in congress and funding of terrorists and seperatists in support of that same policy.

You can define the policy itself as narrowly as you want (I think you would say, it is "airtight sanctions"), but this is not a goal of course, it is a means to an end. In reality it is foreign aided regime change for the purposes of Israeli regional politics.

about the Islamist Rapists and have also
clearly stated if the time comes that policy conflicts with my core belief I will drop that backing.

I don't know what your core beliefs are and I'm not interested. AIPAC's policies does right now conflict with mine and millions of others who do not want santions and do not need Israeli meddling in Iranian internal affairs and have never asked for it. In fact, this "one" AIPAC policy is destroying their legitimate democratic aspirations.

so where do you get the general backing of "AIPAC's causes" from?

Well, all "causes" Iranian. You can try to split hairs on where one cause stops and another begins but they are all related.

I will show you that you have admitted not just to the "airtight sanctions" policy but their entire approach toward Iran.

by Fred on Sun May 17, 2009 03:58 PM PDT

There are many who look beyond the current ruinous Palestine-centric policies of the Islamist republic and do recognize the vital interests of the two states of Iran and Israel as nearly identical.

Both states are surrounded by common rabid enemies who are hell-bent on their destruction. Both nations share amicable historical/cultural relationships as well as strategic, economical and diplomatic outlook.

The AIPAC lobby is after safeguarding the vital interests of the state of Israel, it so happens that they do coincide neatly with those of the Iranian nation as opposed to those of the Islamist republic.

The AIPAC lobby has correctly recognized that the Islamist republic is a mortal danger to the stability of the region, safety of the state of Israel and many Iranians who are under the yoke of the Islamist republic too do consider IRI as their mortal enemy.

It is not a coincidence that all Islamists, their allies, benefactors and lobbies consider AIPAC as their nemesis.

Therefore the answer to your question is, you bet with a caveat. Should the time come when the national interests of Iran and Israel do not coincide, the AIPAC lobby can most definitely count me out.

The problem is that most Iranians don't think AIPAC represents their interests as you seem to. Therefore your "backdoor" disclaimer that "I will leave AIPAC if they go against the interests of Iran" is already meaningless. People could have the same opinion of MEK and in fact IRI.

All of this is seperate from the word-games you usually play in your blogs and the accusations you level with single-minded professional public relations efficiency. It is clear you are not interested in what you yourself are talking about, but only to attack and slander from the safety of your organizations operations. (this is my strong hypothesis but not fact)

For example, for years now you have been calling NIAC, "Islamist Lobby" or in various ways imply that it works for the IRI. When a NIAC member showed up in the signing-ceremony of President Obama's sanctions bill against Iran, you claimed it was forced to do so. The act --which I did not approve of, for the record-- is yet another clear piece of evidence, in a long line of anti-IRI condemnations that NIAC has done and that proves that NIAC couldn't possibly be an "IRI lobby".

But this does not stop you from calling them this on daily basis with your increadible free time so that their name becomes smeared and sullied in cyberspace with complete impunity. They really would have a great libel case against you if they wanted to go foward with it. But ethically, it is absolutely clear that it is nothing but vicious slander.

You do this because you can, there is no risk for it and there is plenty of reward. Since there is no real case that NIAC is some kind of Islmist lobby (with a Zoroastrian President!), the only reason to continue this is the old Mafia move of taking out an enemy, which is what NIAC has been identified as by neocons, MEK and Israel hawks.

I do appreciate that you have been open about your ideological association with AIPAC. If you truly, really think that backing AIPAC = backing intersts of "the Iranian nation", you should at least have enough respect to let Iranians themselves ask for this help. How about this? We will call you when we want help from AIPAC, is that fair?

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Javad Khan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I support Fred's right to have his say. I have many differences with him. You should read our posts to figure out the difference if that matters to you. 

I don't need help from Chris Davis to figure out where Fred or DK or anyone else stand. That is  typical Western high handed attitude. To come to the rescue of us poor Iranians. Figure it out for us as if we don't know how to tell. Very BBC!

I already said I need help with my carpet. They are darned expensive. Why don't you get your akhoond buddies to send me a couple of rugs from Quom? 


Regarding AIPAC and IRI. AIPAC has not caused deaths of any Iranians. The IRI on the other hand is up to its neck in the blood or innocent Iranians. So to me there is no question who is the terrorist: IRI. Of course the way IRI is acting they will probably provoke the US and Israel to attack. Then you will have a reason to whine.


Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

"I have clearly said I back AIPAC's policy, singular, about the Islamist Rapists and have also clearly stated if the time comes that policy conflicts with my core belief I will drop that backing. so where do you get the general backing of "AIPAC's causes" from?"


It was a generalization, as you state. If it is in error , now you've told me ( I read your blog sporadically and know your point of view only in generalities).  Wouldn't make a difference in my position one way or the other. Agree with AIPAC on one position or many, still ain't right to take the fight outside the ring.  


"via chris davis"; now that is an original choice of a User ID!

by yousef on

 Normally it is names like: "i voted a monkey" ,"I love Iran", " banafshe Parsi", "sotvan porgooz", "I fear no one", "Persian John", "Mullah Nassrullah", "Javadkhanoom", and when the islamist imaginbation dries up, then one letter user ID's like "X", "Y", "Z".....

10 out of 10 for originality bache haji, at least you dont have to write in farsi for us due to your "foreign origins".....


Fred Co using to promote their terrorist activities

by Javadagha on

Okay, my turn.

I agree I would not put DK who I like and disagreed in the Fred and Co. group.                                   

Several questions and comments in no particular order:

Why no one is asking who Yousef is?  He joined on 8/7/2010 and immediately supported Fred and Co.

I agree with many members who say there is something going on that Fred and Co.’s lies appear on front page every day?   Let me give an example:

On Aug 8, 2010, Fred’s lie was posted on front page, I quote: “NIAC lobby board member in Tehran Expat Conference.”  I read his citation of the New York Times twice and did not see anything about this lie.  I wrote under that blog that it is a lie.  This lie was posted on front page.  Why IC giving preference to lies?

  According to USA and Israel, if you make a threat or suggest bombing a place or someone, you are a terrorist.  Therefore, Fred and Co are terrorists. is used to promote hatred and destructions.        For those members who are hiding while spew “Freedom of Speech", let Chris Davis express his views.  Farmarz, Ari, and others you do not make sense.              

VPK, you are supporting Fred and Co who constantly ask for help (surgical help), but you say . . .  “we do not need help”!!!  You need help, mental help.

  Fred supports AIPAC.  Fine with me.  But he objects those who support NIAC.  Just do a search of these organizations and say who has blood or more bloods on their hands.  AIPAC has openly supported terrorists, destructions, espionage of technology and stealing of lands.                  

Thanks to those who have exposed Fred and Co.  Fred and Co. are using to promote their terrorist activities.


Just you wait Chris Davis

by Mehrban on

DK is gonna wake up in a few hours and you will be toast :-).


Congratulations Fred,

by cyclicforward on

You managed to single handedly bring out the IRR groupies out of their hole and be a nuisance to them. This alone entitles you for a heartfelt thank you from all of us outside Iran who are struggling to put an end to this fascist regime.


A NIACy thing to do

by Fred on

That is a NIACy thing to do Ari, taking a supportive posture while it is not.

I suppose you have proof for what you say about my “Also if it turns out that Fred isn't somehow contributing to AIPAC's causes, one would think he wasn't doing his best to act according to his beliefs”

I have clearly said I back AIPAC's policy, singular, about the Islamist Rapists and have also clearly stated if the time comes that policy conflicts with my core belief I will drop that backing. so where do you get the general backing of "AIPAC's causes" from?

If you don't have a citation for your assertion a retraction is in order.

As to this NIAC hired gun he has some explaining to do, I am waiting for his revelation and/or for NIAC lobby to disown him.


I Voted Ahmadinejad

by Fatollah on

it's because, Fred is concise and to the point, while Darius blogs are often long with a lot of links. read the policy of blogging on IC before paranoia gets into you ...

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Via Chris Davis

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Will you please send me the name of the NY PR firm? I am in need of extra money and would like to see if the will pay me. I also would love to get paid training. Anyone here could attest that I *hate* Islam and will make an excellent NeoCon mouthpeice. I really need the money because I am buying a couple of Quom Rugs and they are frigging expensive. If these damn Mullahs would just send me some silk rugs I would not have to stoop to this. But time after time Q; Mollah; SP and other IRI types let me down. 

Therefoere I have no choice but to seek employment with the NY firm. Now be good enough to email me the name. I may be contacted using my facebook page.


Molla; Q and SP: this is your last chance to send me some Quom rugs. Or else I have to join this stupid PR firm so get on with it.


Ari Siletz

Pointless blog!

by Ari Siletz on

1. If you were to expose Fred or Darius as secret IRI admirers and gave documentable evidence, this would be an interesting read. Otherwise these two bloggers have been straight with us regarding their beliefs. Also if it turns out that Fred isn't somehow contributing to AIPAC's causes, one would think he wasn't doing his best to act according to his beliefs--even if it involves contributing in a paid position. Whatever there is to expose here would only serve voyeuristic appetites; beyond that you're dealing with two bloggers who've made their allegiances clear.

2. It was OK to call a foul on Darius' below the belt comment regarding Ensani; not cool to foul in retaliation.


Well said Ahura, but...

by comrade on

There is no such a thing as a new user, or writer. IC is a big recycling facility.


“The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people.”


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Ahura and Mehrdad already said it well. In this instance I agree with both of them. We are able to figure things out by ourselves and don't need help. 

The way Via Chris Davis writes is a liability to NIAC and is not helping.


We are just fine

by Faramarz on

Dear Chris Davis,

I echo the comments that are posted by Ahura, Raul, Cyclicforward (what duh..) and others.
We definitely don't need someone to jump in the middle of these discussions and tell us what to think. Fred, DK, et al (who is that?) are known commodities around here and while one may agree or disagree with their opinions, we can definitely deal with it among ourselves. The threatening language and "exposing" people have no place in a civil discussion.

I, for one, actually like Trita Parsi and have watched him mature over the past several years. But I also think that he is naive about the regime and the nature of the beast called the Islamic Republic. Also, since you are not Iranian, please consider the following things about us:

1. When Iranians argue, we are not expressing our opinions, we are stating facts; the multiple versions of it! That's why if you read the blogs here, you hardly ever see the phrase "In My Opinion!"

2. Like most large families, we are dysfunctional! We have our crazy uncles and the loony grandpa. But we have learned to deal with them. And I am not talking about Sargord Pirooz here. I swear!

3. We definitely have opinions about every subject, even if we don't know anything about it. And if you put 3 Iranians in a room, you will get at least 10 opinions!

Thank You.


Well said Ahura,

by Bavafa on

Those of us who have been regular visitor of IC thus subjected to the two-blog-a-day propaganda of Fred know well his nature and loyalty. We do not need bogus character such as author of this blog or some other hard core IRI supporters that recently have been popping up on IC one after another only give ammunition and undue credibility to the anti Iranian folks such as Fred.

As for Darius Kadivar, despite my vast difference of opinion with him, I would never consider him anti-Iran or Iranians. In fact I think he is a very considered and vatan doost Iranian.


Mola Nasredeen

Via Chris Davis, you are right on the money

by Mola Nasredeen on

I have been going back and forth with the neocons for a few years now on this website. This is how I have come to see them:

1. The Grand Dragon of Israel Lobby known as Fred (also known as Fred INC and FredCo): There are a few writers who write both in English and Farsi/Persian under the name Fred, hence you find two or three blog entries written and featured under this name on a daily basis. Their styles of writing changes from time to time and that's how my 'dozary oftad' meaning that's how I found out there are more than one person.

2. Zionist groupies. This list changes from time to time. Some have been here for a year or so and some have been here for a few months and some for a few days. You can see it by clicking on their names. I have divided this group into three sub-groups.

Group A: Some of these zionist groupies advocate bombing and killing millions of Iranians if necessary. As Q puts it "These people betray a sense of obligation to defend against any and all, even the slightest negative perception of Israel, and are truly part of the Lobby, weather they have membership cards or not" 

Group B: This group when confronted, as Q puts "Distance oneself from Israel, ala "I like most other Iranians do not know any israelis"

Group C: The Closet Zionist groupies who don't dare to proclaim their outright support for Israel to attack and "change Iran's regime". This group is the most pathetic one of all and we have them right here on this blog.

Those who've been here for a few years have seen it all. We used to have an Efriteh named Zion and she had her own groupies who advocated attacking Iran for years, mind you it was during Khatami's presidency. She and her groupies would insult or threaten anybody who criticized Israel or Israeli Lobby and she was active here 24/7. She's gone now or has joined Fred INC's group. This is what's all about. Cant wait to read the result of your research. 


No Credibility, Via Chris Davis

by Ahura on

You show up “2 weeks 4 days” ago with your neo-con pro-Israeli labeling logic and now threaten to stop the writers who are campaigning against the criminal Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) regime,  by pretending to defend NIAC. The Iranians who frequent IC know the regular commentators here and can use their own good judgment without the help of an unknown biased analyst with some hidden agenda.

With your writings, Via Chris Davis, you are a liability to NIAC and not an asset.


co-owner of

by I Voted Ahmadinejad on

Every BS that this fred guy posts it shows up on the first page. he must have some sort interesst in this site or paying money for his sick advertising. I m no member of NIAC or whatever it is....but i can tell u these people like fred and the other ones just like their master Israel bark as lot but dont have courage to bite.

ram jams


Couple of issues

by Raoul1955 on

1) I have visited this site for some time and material posted by Darius Kadivar is primarily historical in nature and his opinions are pretty much clearly presented.  He also has his own web sites and one can clearly interact with him as openly as one wishes.
2) Is the author's first name 'Via?'  Seriously!  Perhaps the author may want to demonstrate the same level of professionalism as Darius Kadivar.

Reminder: Anyone can make claims of any nature, but it is always the responsibility of the claimant to present all supporting documents when presenting a case, and not promise such in the future.


Chris Davis

by cyclicforward on

Who the hell are you and when did you start showing up?  Can you make an introduction of yourself first and warm us up to your ideas please.

Little Tweet

akh gofti! :D

by Little Tweet on

Iranian-Americans would be wise to keep their eyes open to ensure they aren't fooled by the the neo-con propagandists on


one does not have to be a neo-con

by mahmoudg on

to support surgical attacks against a regime which puts the Nazi germany to shame.  The rule is simple, if we dont get rid of them, they will get rid of us.  The math is simple and people like me, Fred and Darius simply want to be on the side of civilization and win.  is that too much to ask??????

Ali P.

Mr. or Mrs. Chris Davis

by Ali P. on

What name have you been using to make comments on this forum, up until now?

We know what Fred stands, and what DK's agenda is.

Why don't you use your old ID, whatever it is?