Evil Must be Vigilantly Confronted & Defeated


by Faramarz_Fateh


With the hope this version is not deleted


When you face evil, ideals of tolerance, civility, respect, debate etc go out the door.  One of the justices of the U.S. supreme court wrote "you'll recognize pornography when you see it" when they were handing down an opinion on pornography and first amendment  rights. 

Most people recognize evil when they come across it.  Hitler and Nazism were evil.  Child molestation is evil.

Lets say your neighbor is a child molester.  He likes having sex with children under the age of 5 or 6.  Over time, you realize this.  What do you in this case?  Report this guy to authorities?  Or take matters in your own hand and either kidnap and castrate the guy and then put his house on fire or maybe you simply shoot him?

Majority of normal human beings, report this guy to authorities as soon as possible.  No debate, no discussion of tolerance for behavior different than ours etc.  Child molestation is beyond sick; its evil.

Suppose this neighbor of yours had a friend who enabled the sick behavior; he would bring young children from the neighborhood to this guys home for cookies and ice cream.  What would you do with this friend?  Talk to him and conduct an open civil debate to reform him?  If you are a normal human being, the answer would be a resounding no. You would report his ass.

The current Islamic regime of the IRI is evil. 50 million Iranians living in Iran share this view; young, old, male, female, rich, not so rich.  The pro/enablers of the regime, inside or outside Iran are also evil.  They propagate evil.  They stand for hanging of youth from i-beams and cranes without due process.  They stand for oppression of women.  They stand for attempts at genocide of Bahais.  They stand for stealing of sacred votes of 50 million Iranians who went to polls with utmost civility to cast their votes. 

There is no room for tolerance and debate with these people.  They are evil.  They don't have a place in the U.S. nor the cyber space where the hide behind anonymity.  With vigilance, pressure needs to be kept on them to keep them exposed and quiet.


more from Faramarz_Fateh
Anahid Hojjati

IRANdokht, keeping emotions in check is being silent ab. killing

by Anahid Hojjati on

IRANdokht, I  write about jailings, rapes and killings and you ask me to keep emotions in check? Am I supposed to be numb to my people being raped and killed? what kind of advice is this? Jaleho may not be responsible for crack down but she is playing her role of IRI mouthpiece perfectly. 

Then you write about Bush.  That is muddying the waters.  I did not write about Bush.  Besides, Bush is not relevant any more.  While AN is very much so.  I have to say I am disappointed in your comment to ask me to keep my emotions in check.  So far in this comment thread, you have called Faramarz delusional and written that I have to keep my emotions in check.  Maybe if IRI keeps its barbaric way in check, I would not have to get emotional. 


Hitler had a different point of view

by Faramarz_Fateh on

Hitler had a different point of view Hitler had a different point of view Hitler had a different point of view Hitler had a different point of view Hitler had a different point of view Hitler had a different point of view Hitler had a different point of view Hitler had a different point of view 

Maybe if its repeated enough times, it will sink in!!!!  :-) 

che khabar e

People are allowed to have different point of views

by che khabar e on

People are allowed to have different point of viewsPeople are allowed to have different point of viewsPeople are allowed to have different point of viewsPeople are allowed to have different point of viewsPeople are allowed to have different point of viewsPeople are allowed to have different point of viewsPeople are allowed to have different point of views.

maybe if it's said often enough, it will be true!!!!!! :-)



by Faramarz_Fateh on

IRI Dokht, why don't you remove the name Iran from your ID ..... its not appropriate.  IRI_Dokht is more YOU.

Secondly, stick to your day job.  Let Dr. Holakouee be the psychologist amongst us.  But come to think of it, you probably don't have a job.  Welfare collection doesn't qualify as a job. 

Lastly, the reason the poster JalehO who could even be one of your other IDs does not answer my question is because she cannot.

If she could, she would. 



Anahid jan

by IRANdokht on

I think this exaggeration is ridiculous. 

People are allowed to have different point of views. Bush attacked two countries and bombed civilians killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people, ordered people to be detained indefinitely based on suspicion alone, and allowed torture in prisons, but do you ever call a republican "evil"?

Lets keep emotions in check. Looking at people reasonably and realizing that they are allowed to have an opinion should not be as hard as you make it sound. Jaleh is not responsible for the crack down of the demonstrators and she has repeatedly expressed her sympathy for the young people of Iran who are frustrated by the domestic policies of the government.

Jaleh is opening a way to discuss the issues. She tells you her side and you can present yours. Fateh is attacking, insulting, demonizing and trying to decide what Jaleh should do, should say and where she should live.

If this was not about Iran, you probably would have been able to look at it more rationally and see who the bigoted evil really is.


che khabar e

sorry Faramarz

by che khabar e on

but don't worry.  The true humanitarians will come here and realize what you're saying is the truth.  To even suggest that the IRI isn't evil is to condone their actions.  Fishing those muddy waters again isn't EVER going to cover their EVIL actions up.  How quickly they like to call others evil but not the IRI??????   Apologists must be getting the squeeze this week to round up some support for AN.  LOL

Anahid Hojjati

IRANdokht, Do you believe IRI and its active supporters are evil

by Anahid Hojjati on

Faramarz is right.  After all jailings, killinsgs, rapes, are we wrong to call AN and its mouthpieces evil?  To actively come to this site like Jaleho and write these kind of blogs, this is evil.  To write that movement will be short since now there are too many young people and when they get older, movement will die, this is evil.  Evil does not have to have "Shakh va Dom".  Until when do we want to support evil behind mask of being pro freedom of speech?  


I looked it up!

by IRANdokht on

To come to a website and accuse people of being evil, compare them to child molesters, to obsess about other members who normally ignore you, writing hate blogs repeatedly condemning a large portion of the population for their religious beliefs and acting as a vigilante (a self-appointed doer of justice), prompted me to do a search.

Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness called a "psychosis" in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined. The main feature of this disorder is the presence of delusions, which are unshakable beliefs in something untrue. People with delusional disorder experience non-bizarre delusions, which involve situations that could occur in real life, such as being followed, poisoned, deceived, conspired against, or loved from a distance. These delusions usually involve the misinterpretation of perceptions or experiences. In reality, however, the situations are either not true at all or highly exaggerated.


I am not an expert but I think I found what ails you.

khoda shafa bedeh 
