If the U.S. attacks IRI, who will you side with?

by Faramarz_Fateh

Estimates of the number of Iranians living in the U.S. range from 350,000 to 600,000.  Lets say its 450,000 for the sake of argument. This is where idiots are gonna stop reading and ask for my sources and links!

This is not a small number by any standard. Of course, many of these people were either born here or came to the U.S. when they were kids.

So after reading a blog on here which asked the question "if Israel attacks Iran, who will you side with", I got thinking. 

What if the U.S. attacks Iran?  Who will I side with?  Who will most Iranians side with?

For me, the choice is clear when we talk about U.S. vs the IRI.  As a disclaimer I have to say I oppose ALL types of war except maybe if there is a situation like WWII.  I came to the U.S. at age 12 1/2.  Been here 35+ years.  And the U.S. as a country and Americans as a whole have been pretty decent hosts.

But what if its 2015 and Iran has turned into a democracy?  The choice then will not be clear cut.  On the other hand, U.S. will not have an excuse to go to war with a democratic secular Iran.




more from Faramarz_Fateh
Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on

were you convinced by your own hitler analogy? i mean, did you really think it was apt?



by sag koochooloo on


Niloufar Parsi

FF khan

by Niloufar Parsi on

i would if you actually did first. you have not answered the straight forward question yourself yet. so tell us, if tomorrow the US started bombing Iran to attack and despose the regime, would you support the US or Iran (as in the country that was attacked)?


to AIPAC mouth piece!

by kharmagas on

Fateh, to break the silence for your majesty:



Dear Ms. Parsi

by Faramarz_Fateh on

To me, IRI does not represent Iran.  IRI is only a dark chapter in Iran's history which like all other chapters will come to an end, sooner than later hopefully.  A huge percentage of Iranians inside and outside of Iran share this view.

There is absolutely no threat of a regional much less global war if Iran is attacked by either Israel or the U.S. or both.  Because, no one in the middle east or on planet earth for that matter, with the exception of Hamas and Hezbollah gives a rats ass about Iran &/or Iranians.  That is because Iranians are neither Arab nor Sunni.

So, like it or not, Iranians are on their own.  Please go ahead and tell us, in explicit terms, whose side will you be on?




by sag koochooloo on


Niloufar Parsi

Dear FF & Bijan

by Niloufar Parsi on

OK so you mean if they attacked the IRI rather than Iran? am not sure how that would be possible physically, but if for the sake of argument the US managed to catch the IRI in a dark alleyway, i would not be running to save her! but, come on now, that is not a plausible scenario - to put it mildly! an attack is an attack and it would mean war on a regional level with so many deaths of innocent iranians and others - if not a global one. who would support that in their right mind?

btw, the Taleban killed 6 UN staff in Kabul today. Did you hear? that is how weak the US is in managing any conflict. the similarities between afghanistan and vietnam are striking. a baseless attack (let's remember that Afghanistan never attacked the US. it was some unknown faction they call al-qaeda, which was basically a foreign organisation that was initialy US and saudi funded in afghanistan), leading to a regional war, ultimately leading to the humiliation of the US. again. rather a low capacity for learning, these US politicians...



Amazing how IRI mouth pieces are so silent

by Faramarz_Fateh on

IRI mouth pieces, i.com Islamic nafaskesh talaban are not taking sides on this one...sort of makes one wonder.

MardomMazloom, kharmagas, ostaad, jaleho, capt_a etc 



I remember...

by Shah.Heir on

tellin the circle of hash smokers and aragh sagi drankers ( my brothas in arms and in all in Teheran that kept my koon on cloud 9 for the duration of my visit) , lets take this shithole over long before last summers dumbass rioeters...one of em speaks up and goes, " avval bayad bah tamaameh kalantarihaye tehran shoori koneem", we all had a good ahahahahaha

Bijan A M

Attacking IRI

by Bijan A M on

does not mean siding with anyone. If someone attacks IRI, I'll say: "thanks for your support". But, that does not automatically mean I approve and support everything he does (even if I do).

Mardom Mazloom

‫کلمات و ترکیبات

Mardom Mazloom

جفنگ . [ ج َ ف َ ] (ص ) بیهوده . (ناظم الاطباء). یاوه . یافه . سخن لغو و بیهوده . مهمل . هرزه . ژاژ. لاطائل . خزعبل . کلام بی اساس و هرزه . گفته ٔ باطل . 

جفنگ گفتن . [ ج َ ف َ گ ُ ت َ] (مص مرکب ) یاوه گفتن . سخنان لغو و بی پایه گفتن . یاوه سرائی . هرزه درایی . ژاژخایی . بیهوده گفتن . لغو گفتن . حرفهای مهمل و لاطائل زدن .


Some clarification

by Faramarz_Fateh on

Mr. Parsi, ever since WWII, most wars fought on our planet have unjust and without good purpose.  My question was a general question, inquiring about people's loyalties.

Ali P Khan, I meant an armed conflict between 2 nations.

Ostaad jan, my family and I are not into bones unlike yours.  We do fillets and steaks.  Please keep the bones for your loved ones.



Niloufar Parsi

FF khan

by Niloufar Parsi on

are you really saying that just because a country is not democratic, then the US has the right to go to war with it?



a wise man once said every society deserves its government...

by Shah.Heir on

you ungrateful. good for nothing, moftkhors, ... if the US finally decides it is capable of pulling it off, it will mean i have already been on the ground laying the ground work. ish heads.

Ali P.

How would we view the conflict...

by Ali P. on

...as Iran v. USA?

Obama v. Khamenei?

Good v. Evil?

Aggessor v. victim?

The World v. Axis of Evil?

I guess it will depend on the circumstance, and each side's PR...


It is clear where your loyalties lie...


You can stop calling yourself a patrotic Iranian now. Good bye.

Mardom Mazloom

I'll side with the iranian people

by Mardom Mazloom on

who'll pay for the causalities. Isn't that important for you, Faramarz? You said that you have some relatives living in Iran, right? Would you like them to be hurt by such an attack?
More seriously, are you the guy who posted some articles on 'lets bomb Iran to get ride of mullahs' on this site?




چو ایران نباشد، تن من مباد



Faramarz, if you're desperate for a bone...

by Ostaad on

just say so. I'll be happy to throw you one that you can chew on for a few days. Don't be shy, just ask. OK buddy?


Someone is CHEEEEKEN!

by Faramarz_Fateh on

Ostaad.....knew you didn't have a backbone, but you are truly a coward aren't you?


None of your...

by Ostaad on
