10 things about Israel every Iranian should know


10 things about Israel every Iranian should know
by Fesenjoon2

As many of you know, our little young friend "Peacock Feather" goes around calling everyone who doesnt agree with him/her an "Israeli agent". I for one think that's hilarious. He thinks I'm an Arab and therefore would consider such things an insult! hah!

These people like to constantly portray Israel as an enemy of Iran, and repeat negative things about Israel, so that eventually you'll be recruited to fight Israel, instead of the tyranny of the mullahs.

So I thought I would enumerate 10 positive things about Israel I bet many Iranians dont probably know.

God save Iran. God bless America. And Long live Israel!

1. Did you know Israel helped Iran in the war against Iraq? In his book Treacherous Alliance: The secret dealings of Israel, Iran and the United States, Trita Parsi (!) states (pp.106-107) that roughly 80% of the weaponry bought by Tehran immediately after the onset of the war originated in Israel, totalling $500 million, all while the other powers were supporting Iraq. If this is not the definition of an ally, I dont know what is.

2. Did you know Iran still uses those Israeli weapons? Look at the picture above (source). See the gun the Ahmadinejad guard is holding? That's a Uzi, and it's made in Israel.

3. Did you know Israel helped Iran decapitate Iraq's nuclear weapons program? Israel destroyed Iraq's Nuclear Weapons facility in 1981, something Iranian forces had tried on September 30, 1980, and failed. An Iranian-Israeli collaboration? You bet! Had it not been for Iran and Israel's cooperation in Operation Opera in destroying reactors Tammuz-1 and Tammuz-2, Tehran might have been glowing green today.

4. Did you know that Israel ranks 2nd in the world in being the most educated country? 2nd in the world! Israel also ranks among the top countries of the world in the number of startup companies, probably the top in Bio-tech startups on a per capita basis.

5. Did you know that Israel has 10 Nobel Laureates? Not bad for the world's 100th smallest country, with less than 1/1000th of the world's population. It takes a Billion muslims to produce that same number of laureates.  

6. Speaking of per capita accomplishments, did you know Israel ranks among the very top producers of scientific papers per capita, as well as one of the highest per capita rates of patents filed? Even their actresses have scientific papers published. Example: See the name Natalie Hershlag here and here? That name belongs to none other than Natalie Portman. Hmmm. Look what she wrote for the Harvard Crimson

7. Speaking of diversity, Natalie Portman does bring up a good point. Did you know that Arab citizens of Israel comprise 20.6% of the country's total population? Did you know that Arabic is also an official language of Israel? That's more than I can say about Iran and Azari language!

8. Did you know Israel has great respect for Iranian heritage and culture? Watch the video. While Iran's Islamic regime tries very hard to erase its pre-historic past, Israel treasures excavating Iran's past. They even have a street named after Cyrus The Great! Does Iran have a street named after Cyrus the Great??!

9. Did you know the Quark was co-discovered by an Israeli? So was DNA computing. So were flash drives. So were interferon proteins. So was the world's smallest video medical camera. So were MRI guided ultrasound systems. So were exo-skeletons, and hundreds of other advanced medical devices. It's clear that while some people are busy with climbing embassy walls, Israelis are busy with accomplishing progress. Always a plus in my book.

10. Back to point #1: Did you know that Israel and Iran are natural allies? There is even a foreign policy doctrine that puts Iran and Israel side by side against the Arabs. It's called the periphery doctrine. To the Arab, you and me will always be the Magus and dhimmi and Adjam, if not worse. Hey, did you know that Adjam in Arabic originally meant "the retarded tongued"? During the Islamic conquests of Persia, we were dumb and couldnt understand the language of our masters, so that's how we got the nickname. So the next time you think Palestinians care about Iran, think again. See for yourself.


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excellent and courageous

by radius-of-the-persian-cat on

I like your short essay a lot, fesenjoon. I talked to Arabs in Israel, and many of them were proud to be Israeli citizens and happy to live in the only democratic country in ME with fixed minority rights. please have look at a photo series I did there recently //persian-cat.de/?p=2694  

to  IG: sorry, but I have to correct you, but except of a far right and a far left minority (~ 7% of votes at each election), there is no political group that questions the special relationship with Israel and the Jewish peope there and anywhere else in the world including in Germany itself. The majority of Germans, in particular the media and all people with higher education understand that antisemitism and hostility against Israel are an indication of cultural decay. We dont see a conflict neither between the Iranian people and the Jews, but clearly see the IRI regime in Tehran as fueling hate and violence in the ME.



Mehrdad jaan

by Reality-Bites on

Regarding this:

"11. The longest occupying regime in the 21st century."

China has also occupied Tibet all of the 21st century and overall it's been an occupier much longer than Israel. Morroco has occupied Western Sahara all of 21st century too, ditto with Russia in Chechnya etc etc.

Point: Israel's occupation of Palestinian land is wrong and must be condemned, but Israel is not the only occupier of other people's land, and it's nothing to do with Iran anyway. This occupation, along with all the others, sooner or later, must be resolved through international efforts and institutions. The IR has no business interfering and threathening Israel for it. IR's issue should be to deal with the plight of the Iranian people.

Ps: many Arabs claim that Iran has been occupying the three Persian Gulf Islands as well as Khuzestan (which they call Arabestan).


Good Blog Fesenjoon

by jirandoust on

You summed it up well in #10.

Anonymous Observer

And this whole thing about Israel not wanting rivals in

by Anonymous Observer on

the region is bullshit.  Before the 1979 devolution, israel sold wespons and all kinds of technology to Iran, including advanced farming technology that the despicable mullahs use to run the farming sector this day.  And it's doing the same thing with Turkey.  

If it wasn't for akhoonds' ideological animosity with Israel, Iran and Israel would have been great trade, military and technology partners today.  But instead we're stuck with a bunch of thugs from Hamas and the Lebanese Hezbollah. 

Anonymous Observer

IG - here's a quarter

by Anonymous Observer on

spit out a Jew hate comment. C'mon...don't be bashful...

And let me answer the imbecilic question that you keep asking.  Why did Hitler have a square moustache?  Answer: because you're an antisemite.  

What, the answer doesn't make sense?  Good, because neither do your moronic rants. 

Shazde Asdola Mirza

یه سگ اسرائیل می‌ارزه به هزار تا آخوند

Shazde Asdola Mirza


Thank you, Bavafa, for the clarification

by shahrvand2 on

I agree with you. The Palestinian cause should get due attention.  But the anti-Israel rant and virulent antisemitism that is constantly peddled by the IRI and her admirers should be rejected outright by the Iranian community.  One way of doing so is by stressing the areas of shared interest.  I think that is what Fesenjoon is trying to do and I thank him for that.

Immortal Guard

Look Fesenjoon you Jews don't have any real genuine friends!

by Immortal Guard on

Go and take a survey amongst people in Europe and North America as an undercover agent to discover how popular you Jews are.

I mean look at the Germans singing for you:



So the Germans are pissed at you because of Hitler's square moustache and the Roman legion marches of his thugs and WWII.

Now let's see about the Indians. Oh the Indians know that you put up Nader Shah to invade India and rob their treasures so that you could get a big part of the treasures and bring them to New York and start your financial empire. The news about this historical secret is spreading on the Internet and by word of mouth amongst Indians at a rapid pace. So even the Indians don't like you Jews anymore. And you lost us Persians by opting to make peace with Egypt.And the Arabs will never like you even if you bought them the whole of the United States.

So to be honest with you nobody likes you Jews. You guys should just try to keep your relations with others as business relations then when it comes to human relations everyone knows you are just actors.

As we say in Persian: "Maareh khosh khat o khaal".


funny video

by Fesenjoon2 on


#8 does IRI even have a Street named after Cyrus the Great

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on


Thats the Irony of it, the IRI fans call Bahai's Traitors to Iran, most Iranians know that the IRI are the greatest traitors Iran has experienced ever.


Shahrvand2: My statement was mostly....

by Bavafa on

About cherry picking by some who only see things thru a  black and white lenss whether out of ignorance or personal gain.



#11 was only an example which is certainly true and an illegal as well as immoral act.  However people choose to take it, it is up to them and their morality and sense of fairness.


It is not unusual where people cheer on for a violent act when it is to their own benefit and wining.  Many Germans cheered on during the ruthless reign of Hitler.

Likewise, most Iranian cherish Persia empire when they were invading other nations. However, ask an Indian how they feel about Nader Shah?

For the reference, I am proud of our history and heritage of Persia while accepting that not all actions were morally right at least based on today’s beliefs and standards.


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



LOL, you should have called the post,

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

The 10 things that upset, maryamjoon/peacock_feather/FundamentalistHijackersOfIran, On the material written in this blog, the majority of people would agree with the points made, though it focusses on parts that upset IRI fans as it highlights their total incompetance and why they are an illigitimate government.
It's Sad the IRI hasn't been able to produce even 5 intellectual
Iranians after 33 years, which is something we all have to live
with and must amend in the near future.  Really, a
government like IRI that can't produce any outstanding leaders in
various fields is the definition of Useless.  It must have something to
do with  the book/manual they are using to develop one another.


this is what will happen to all those mullahs one day

by Fesenjoon2 on



by Fesenjoon2 on

pre-historic --> pre-Islamic


Immortal Guard

Fesenjoon learn Arabic!

by Immortal Guard on

Look Fesenjoon as you said 20.6% of Israel's citizens are Arabs. You Semites are of the same stock. You say Shalom and they say Salam.

Please post your raves and rants on Arab websites and start your psychological warfare against them.


A regime which takes foreign diplomats as hostages....

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

attacks foreign diplomatic missions, repeatedly threathen to "wipe off the map of the earth" another United nation member country, then loses respect in intrnational arena to the extent that has  it's so called "president" being called a "piece of shite" and it's senior "diplomat" spat at and slapped whilst visiting UN, has obviously gone well past it's sell by date. 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


10 Things about Nima Hazini that you ought to know

by nozarmahallati on

Well, I can list them all here but my post will get flagged and removed faster than Nima reaches happy ending at the site of a good lookin fella with his shirt off.


Immortal Guard

I think that Israel and Germany are also natural allies!

by Immortal Guard on

I think that Jews hurt the most those who are closest to them and help them the most!

So Germany and Iran are prime examples.


Anonymous Observer

A lot of this Israel bashing by the usual crowd

by Anonymous Observer on

also has its origins in their mindless West-o-phobia.  They just see someone with European features (other than white supremacists whom they oddly appear to like) and they go nuts.  The legacy of Jalal Al Ahmad lives on! :-) 


Bavafa, IRI Uses Israel as a Ruse

by shahrvand2 on

You are right about the occupation of Palestinian lands by Israel. But your statement may not go down well with many ethnic minorities in many places. For example, the Northern Irish of UK, the Catalan and  the Basque of Spain, Uyghurs of China and Chechens of Russia would take issue with it. 

Anonymous Observer

In fact, if Mahmoud Abbas is reading this

by Anonymous Observer on

You're welcome!  I mean, considering that your application for statehood to the UN was filed about a year after I posted the suggestion, I'm sure you used my idea.  So...you're welcome!  The least you can do is send me a basket of Baklava!


Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

Good one.  To be honest, I'm really not a fan of Israel.  My personal opinion is that what it has been doing to the Palstinians is wrong and is in violation of international law.  In fact, I think I was the first one on IC to say that Pals. should declare statehood and then negotiate from a position of strength:


That being said, there's injustice in many parts of the world, much worse than what is happening to the Palestinian.  So, I don't think that IR and its supporters' crocodile tears for the Palestinians has an element of honesty.  It's just so phony that it bores me to death. After all, the IR was the entity that supported Russia when it killed tens of thousands of Chechen Muslims who are geographically and ethnically closer to Iranian than Palestinians.  The IR is only the latest in a series of Middle Eastern despots who have used and abused the Palestinian cause to their advantage, and have set back the Palestinian cause for decades.  

Ask yourself this: would Israel be controlling the West Bank, the Golan Heights and Gaza if it wasn't for the ill-conceived Arab attack on Israel in 1967?  Also, ask yourself this more important question:

Why didn't Jordan and Egypt, which controlled the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza from 1948 to 1967 give Palestinians independence and their own country?    

Interesting question, isn't it?  

Again, the IR is just the latest thug to come about and try to take advantage of the palestinians.  The good news is that the Pals. themselves are smarting up, and are trying not to allow the kind of abuse that they have suffered for decades at the hands of various clowns.  The bad news is that it may be too late.   

PS- Condolences to Wahid for being blocked again.  No worries though.  He'll return in less than 24 hours under one of his current usernames (or a new username). 


we dont share your cause, Bivafa

by Fesenjoon2 on

because we're Iranians, not Arabs.

and speaking of "occupation":



I am sure searching the archives....

by Bavafa on

One can list 10 good thing about Hitler’s regime, but an objective and fair minded person would balance the good, the bad and the ugly in any regime.  Otherwise you will get what is presented here or recently we have been seeing by our new member Peacock, only the other side of the extreme.


11. The longest occupying regime in the 21st century.



'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Great Blog...Thanks Fesenjoon2.

by Shirzadegan on

I wanted to add that Arabs has been against Iranians throughout the history. Here is my blog about Arabs.


Arab brutality against Iranians continues till today. Here is some pictures taken during uprising of our people in 2009. Mullahs used arabs to beaten up Iranians.


I am sure this political wave which initiated by ruling mullahs, since 1979 when they took power, will be vanished once we get rid of mullahs. We never had any problem with Israel or any other countries during shah days. I am sure, we are not going to have any problem once crown Reza Pahlavi takes the office.




by Fesenjoon2 on

I didnt flag anything youve ever posted.

Get a life you immature paranoid. 


10 Things about Palesinians!

by Faramarz on



Thanks Fesenjoon.

You should also write about the "relationship" and love affair between Regimi Iranians and the Palestinian cause.

The Palestinian Khaayeh Maals on this site can't even bring themselves down to the point of even mentioning the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas' name who refused to meet with Rahbar when he was in Tehran last month.

Emam Musa Sadr, an Iranian-born, Lebanese Shitte leader who was killed by the recently-popular Qaddafi said this about the Palestinians who occupied a chunk of Lebanese territory in the 70's and early 80's, "I don't care for Palestinians, but I support their cause!"

Here is another reason why Iranians and Israelis do get along.


"Project Flower was a joint military project of Israel and Iran in July 1977. It was a collaborative effort to reproduce an American-designed missile with Israeli-made parts that could be fitted with nuclear warheads. The missile incorporated American navigation and guidance equipment.

On 18 July 1977, Iranian Vice Minister of War General Hassan Toufanian traveled to Israel where he met with Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan and Minister of Defense Ezer Weizmann. They discussed a number of joint Israeli-Iranian military projects, among them Project Flower.

This project focused on the development of a longer range Gabriel anti-ship missile and a future submarine-launched variant. Iranian concerns over missile and nuclear developments in India and Pakistan were also discussed. The following year, Iran supplied Israel with $280 million worth of oil as a down payment. A team of Iranian experts began construction of a missile assembly facility near Sirjan, in south central Iran, and a missile test range near Rafsanjan."



That you flag my comment without a response

by Peacock_Feather on

Proves my point and your desperation in the matter. You guys are becoming far too predictable and so are losing your edge.

Do you honestly think that beyond the walls of I.com here anyone seriously buys any of this horse manure you people are peddling here while pretending to be Iranians? Seriously...