Death to Wahhabis

by Fred

The video clip on YouTube shows nothing new, just another public hanging in IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic. After thirty some odd years of murdering Iranians, watching yet another murder being committed has lost its shock value.

What got my attention about this one was not the act of multiple murders, rather the victims and the bystanders.

The three Iranian men with their hands untied, fist raised in defiance and shouting something unintelligible are lead up the makeshift gallows erected in the middle of an intersection.  The gathered crowd is shouting too. One voice in particular is of a man with recognizable nonlocal accent who cannot contain his joy and repeatedly hurls invectives against his fellow Iranians who have just moments left to live.

The crowd’s insults are all against the “Wahhabi” a Sunni branch of Islam which is dominant in Saudi Arabia. The insults are peppered with praising of “Ali” the Shite saint.

The Iranian murdering ruling Islamist Rapists are hard at work in fanning the flame of  religious fratricide. Once this fire gathers strength, extinguishing it will be nearly impossible as it has been in the next door Pakistan.

YouTube has wisely chosen to require registration to view this video, for those who care to view it, they can click on the provided link.




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by Midwesty on

The door got open first by the people whom you support. After that it's a fair game. If you don't understand that's too bad! 

Hoshang Targol

If illietrate GRINGOs can't read Persian, at least they have an

by Hoshang Targol on

excuse. They're just ignorant. How about our very own "home grown" Persian "speaking" apologists, and rabid barkers i.e: Mid-Westy, Afrasiabi, ...

Read each one of the Persian posts down here: on the number of the incarcerrated in Iran, rate of poverty in Iran, conditions of people in Sistan o Balochestan,...and all you little Khomein wanna bes are STILL SUPPORTING IR. All of you are truly his "unknown soldeirs",

sarbazan gomnam emam!

if any of you had any comprehension of what shame is and how to avoid it , we could have said shame on you, but you're all way, way past that point.

And what's the point of having shades in your avatar, you just truly wanna look like emam's unknown soliders? that's just so rich, ain it?

mash Ghanbar


by mash Ghanbar on

First of all be careful with your words. I urge you to be more cautious in that regard. 

I read that and the comments following , I think it was so rediculous for someone to pick on not calling Hammas and HZB terrorists , Heros. That tome is so messed up and needs major serious head examination.

And Then you come in and start calling others all kinds of names. How dare you and where do you get off using that kinda language.



by Midwesty on

You are having fun again? Or this is from your deceptive trait?

Read Sargord's first comment and the one of COP's right after it then come and tell to my face that the sun is dark!

mash Ghanbar

Definition of Degrading

by mash Ghanbar on

For midwesty so there will be no confusion

Calling alliranians.. rejectees in a foreign land, Granted that the accuser lives there himself ! accusing them of promoting a war and rediculing them while they condemn crimes against innocent

Oh and calling them cyber hayenas.

I think midwesty and anahita are going on rampage here try to lable everyone and everything. Libel... Degrading.... Seriously, are you guys with the new Youn Gun (the young republican) club?


Sargord jan, JJ,

by Midwesty on


I think you got the impression that I disagreed with you. On contrary I don't.

I think you have become a bit too sensitive. Don't let low-lives to get on your never. This the nature of cyber-hyenas! I've said many times, speaking Persian doesn't necessary mean to be an Iranian and visa-versa.




If you don't see the degrading comments towards Sargord as degrading I'd really like to hear about your definition on this word. I see a very distinct double-standard on your end to let this happen. Either degrading comments on everyone should be allowed or none.





maziar 58

why the .....

by maziar 58 on

S P to that timothy mc veigh's Q.....

You should support hangin him with crane in downtown Oklahomacity instead of feeding him for life in florence,colo.

OR you might say US is not a barbaric nation.

And I think we the exile as you call us are trying to STOP these Barbaric acts IF we can we're a proud nation and we'll rise again.

I feel so sorry for our balooch hamvatan .   


Hoshang Targol

Tah gord we all know as far as Persian you're an illiterate

by Hoshang Targol on

BUT if you could read Persian, and undertood the content of the past three postings in here, you might have had a clue why IR is different from US. And why if you don't have bloodthirsty Basiji scu.s, pretty much like yourself, stationed on every major intersection of urban centers, indeed your beloved IR would not last more than half a day.

Your days are numbered.


Phony Sargord,

by AMIR1973 on

You're an America-residing Groupie of a "Death to America" regime which also happens to be a leading killer of Iranian men and women. Enough said. Cheers  :-)



by Cost-of-Progress on

Oh, so you say it, so it is true? Hardly.

But anyway, tell it like it is man....and admit that you're pro-tyranny and support a regime hated by most people who now realize the mess they got themselves into 30 years ago.

But keep posting your stuff here, hey, its free speech, right? 




Hoshang Targol


Hoshang Targol

سیستان بلوچستان، زندگی در زیر خط فقر، کانون مدافعان حقوق کارگر - مجید ملکی

سیستان بلوچستان
زندگی در زیر خط فقر
گزارشی از زندان های شرق کشور
منطقه شرق کشور همواره پرآشوب بوده است. این منطقه که از زمان تسلط انگلستان بر هند به عنوان منطقه‌ای استراتژیک و بسیار آباد به حساب می‌آمد همواره قدرت‌های استعماری و سلطهگر به آن نظر داشتند. در قرن نوزدهم انگلستان تمام تلاش خود را به کار برد تا این منطقه به بیابانی خالی از سکنه تبدیل شود تا به گمان خودش کمربند ایمنی به دور هندوستان بکشد. از آن زمان به بعد به خاطر مسایل خاص منطقه واختلافات قومی وکشمکشؤهای قدرت، دولت‌های وقت ایران هیچ گاه در فکر آبادانی و سرمایه‌گذاری در آنجا نبوده‌اند. در رژیم شاهنشاهی سیستان وبلوچستان به آن خاطر تنبیه می‌شد که پایگاه مخالفین بود و پس از آن کشمکش‌های مذهبی بهانه بی‌توجهی به منطقه شد. طبیعت خشن و سیاست‌های سلطه‌گرانه‌ی قدرت‌های منطقه‌ای و جهانی همواره عامل ایجاد ناآرامی در منطقه بوده است. اخیرا نیز به علت وجود عملیات انتحاری و نبودن هیچ گونه چشم انداز رشد و توسعه بر مشکلات منطقه افزوده شده است.
مصاحبه زیر که با یکی از فعالان اجتماعی انجام شده، بخشی ازمشکلات موجود در منطقه را روشن می‌کند. شاید بتوان در آینده شناخت بیشتری ازمشکلات مردم آن جا به دست آورد و راه‌حل‌های مناسبی برای ایجاد یک زندگی انسانی در آن منطقه ارائه داد.
کانون مدافعان حقوق کارگر

مجید ملکی

زندان شروع خوبی است برای شناختن پایین‌ترین اقشار یک جامعه، کسانی که به دلیل فقر اقتصادی و فرهنگی آنچنان آسیب دیده‌اند که انگار جز آسیب زدن به خود و دیگران چاره‌ای برای‌شان باقی نمانده است. اگر ممکن است بگویید در منطقه شرق کشور زندان‌ها چه شرایطی دارند؟
- یکی از زندان‌های این استان 1300زندانی دارد. از این 1300 زندانی، طبق آمار دفتر زندان، 67%مربوط به مواد مخدر ، قاچاق و مصرف است وبقیه جرایم هم به همین مساله مربوط است. مثل درگیری، طلاق،

Hoshang Targol

دوسوم جمعیت

Hoshang Targol

دوسوم جمعیت ایران زیر خط فقر زندگی می کنند

سایت حکومتی آینده نیوز نزدیک به پسر رفسنجانی: نگاهی به شرایط اقتصادی جامعه ایران در دوران احمدی نژاد نشان می دهد که اختلاف طبقاتی در جامعه به شدت افزایش یافته است تا آنجا که مطابق با آمار رسمی، ۴۸میلیون نفر یا دوسوم خانوادههای ایران زیر خط فقر قرار گرفتهاند.

این منبع نوشت، در حالیکه طی سالهای اخیر افزایش پیاپی تورم و گرانی سرسام آور قیمتها کمر مردم را زیر فشار اقتصادی خم کرده است، در حالیکه بیکاری در جامعه گسترش یافته است، در حالیکه درآمدها در مقایسه با تورم سیر نزولی طی کرده است، درحالیکه آمار رسمی نشان میدهند که حدود ۴۸میلیون نفر از ایرانیان درآمد ماهیانهای کمتر از ۸۰۰ هزار تومان دارند و زیر خط فقر محسوب میشوند، چرا به‌طور متقابل طبقه نوظهور و تازه به دوران رسیدهای را میبینیم که طی پنج سال اخیر یک مافیای رو به گسترش و رانت‌خواران با ثروتهای میلیاردی را تشکیل میدهند؟

Sargord Pirouz

So Midwesty

by Sargord Pirouz on

I suppose you think that, contrary to the way Iran deals with convicted terrorists, we Americans should have just let Timmie McVeigh go.

Amir, that's the beauty of not being an exile. We're not self-hating rejects.  

Hoshang Targol

شمار زندانیان

Hoshang Targol

شمار زندانیان در ایران بیش از سه برابر حد معمول در جهان است

سایت حکومتی خبرآنلاین: مسئولان سازمان زندانهای کشور از تراکم فوق العاده زیاد زندانیان در زندانهای کشور خبر می دهند و می گویند تعداد زندانیان، نسبت به سال گذشته، بیش از 35 درصد افزایش یافته. آنها می گویند متوسط جهانی حضور شهروندان در زندان، 123 نفر در هر یکصدهزار نفر است، در حالی که آمار نشان می دهد در برخی استانهای ایران، تعداد زندانیان بیش از سه برابر، حد معمول در جهان است.

امید سلیمی بنی :مسئولان سازمان زندانهای کشور از تراکم فوق العاده زیاد زندانیان در زندانهای کشور خبر می دهند و می گویند تعداد زندانیان، نسبت به سال گذشته، بیش از 35 درصد افزایش یافته. آنها می گویند متوسط جهانی حضور شهروندان در زندان، 123 نفر در هر یکصدهزار نفر است، در حالی که آمار نشان می دهد در برخی استانهای ایران، تعداد زندانیان بیش از سه برابر، حد معمول در جهان است.

به طور مثال، استان خراسان جنوبی که دارای بیشترین تراکم زندانی در کشور است، در مردادماه امسال، به ازای هر صدهزار خراسانی، 410 نفر را در بند دید.


So a Groupie of an

by AMIR1973 on

So a Groupie of an anti-Iranian, anti-American terrorist regime who lives in America is attacking (in the manner of a rabid canine, as West-residing IRI Groupies are wont to do) Iranians who speak, read, and write Persian more fluently and who know far more about Iranian history, literature, and culture than he does. Isn't it ironic? 


I take Fred's blog...

by Midwesty on

as a warning to the IRI officials to stay away from the ethnic divide. It is utterly an un-Iranian act to widen the gap if there is any. We know before the invasion of Iraq, the Sunnis and Shia's were peacefully living next to each other , marrying into each others family and go on their daily business without even noticing each other's religion or ethnicity.

The notion of race and ethnicity is foreign to that region and by that the foreigners can pretty much stand out in the crowd when they subtly talk about religion and ethnicity.

Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

I've posted more personal notes and family history than any other IC member I've come across. I've been upfront.

And no, being anti-Iran is not an a freedom of speech issue. Sure, you can back up Israelis with their anti-Iran efforts, but don't try and hide behind the First Amendment. Tell it like it is, man- you're anti-Iran. 

Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

Me a gringo- oh, that's too funny. How many different names can one person be called?

Yeah, that's realistic: let's take away the police in Los Angeles and see how that works out for you. Like back in the Rodney King days?

Golly, the anti-Iran crowd loves to live in La La land- literally! 



by Cost-of-Progress on

Why? would you consider calling you a palestinian racist? Thought you'd be proud.....What does that tell about you and what does that have to do with race? Both jews and arabs are semites, by the way and have been at each other's throat for a long time. I think you're Pal because I see no other reason for you to be so pro criminals other than benefiting from it. 

So, what's your story man?

And, it is the freedom of Speech thing. Like I said when you have chest beaters such as yourself promoting hardship and tyranny against Iranians by wanting the status quo until the 12th imam shows up, then the Freds of the world have every right to say what they say - And don't think for a moment that your croc tears for Iran and her people has any credibility here. You should know better than that to try the same old song and dance that you oppose the opposing views because of that.

Like I said before anti-Iran is what's in Iran now pretending to govern. Anti-mullah is pro-Iran. Get that through your head.

So...what's your story man?




Hoshang Targol

Our stupidest little "Tah Gord," pull out the security forces

by Hoshang Targol on

from streets of Tehran and other major cities and you'll see the entire edifice of IR disappear in less than a few hours.

Now, if you weren't such an utterly obtuse GRINGO, you should have figured out than one  by now, all by yourself, but NO, you had to ask.

Remember, and don't you ever forget: You could rule by bayonets, but not on bayonets! ( at least not for long). Do you get it?


Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

When will the IRI disappear? Later today? Tommorrow? Next week? Next month? Next year? In 10 years? 50? 100? 1000? 2500?

You seem so confident and triumphant. Maybe you can tell us when... 

Sargord Pirouz

pal? I thought you weren't

by Sargord Pirouz on

pal? I thought you weren't being serious, COP. Hey, if I were Palestinian, everyone on IC would be hearing about it- from me. 

Are you calling me that as an insult? Surely you're not a racist, COP. Are you?

Encouraging Israelis (like the people at "Fred") in their propaganda efforts to promote war and hardship on the Iranian people is not necessarily an element of "freedom of speech." Really, it's promotion of a war to be launched against the Meehan. 

But you- being anti-Iran- are all for this kind of thing, right COP? 


Long Live the just struggle of Balooch, Kurd, Turk, Arab

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

ethnic and religious groups of Iranians against the fascist terrorsit islamist regime. Down with islamist murderers.

These public hangings have obviously lost their desired objective of terrorising Iranians into submission.

 This islamist regime is heading fast towards the dustbin of the history. Their paid loud mouth agents on this site are destined to another career less shameful, such as pimping or drug dealing.




by Cost-of-Progress on

Reality? The criminals you support have been in power for 31 years. Is that a really long time for you? Do you beleive they will be in power forever? How long do you think?

You know you can't debate with me on the merits of the Islamic Repulsive's "accomplishments"  for they have none, zilch, zip, nada, poof....

As for Fred, I support his right to say whatever he wants. You live in the west, ever heard of free speech? When the mullahs have a fully funded mouth and face piece called Press TV, why can't people post things against your turbanned bandits?

For the zillionth plus one time;

What is your story man? I noticed you do not dispute your lineage as a pal?




Sargord Pirouz

COP, we're talking past one

by Sargord Pirouz on

COP, we're talking past one another, brother.

I accept the reality of the Islamic Republic of Iran. You, by not accepting that, are being entirely unrealistic. That is the bottom line.

And as for Israel, hey, here you are encouraging the Israeli writers that make up "Fred." Need I say more?


Tagord -2

by Cost-of-Progress on

When/where did I say religion is not important and what does your reply have anything to do with my post?

Like I've said a bizzillion times before, I care about Israel just as much as I care about those who live in the west (supposedly) and support a brutal regime helfway across the planet for no "apparaent" reason other then their own misguided ideology or personal gains. Which one of these fit your bill...SARGORD?

So, don't get all bent out shape when I challenge your daily pro-mullah stance. It leaves me no choice but to draw my own conclusions, which brings me to this:

I repeat my question for the trillionth time:

What, just what, is your story man?




Sargord Pirouz

You're a funny sort of

by Sargord Pirouz on

You're a funny sort of exiled, anti-Iranian, COP.

So you don't think religion is important in Iran? Yeah, that's why you're marooned in a semi-accepted, foreign land.

Go on, keep your head stuffed in a hole in the sand. Ain't gonna make any difference. But by all means, cluck your feathers every time someone bad mouths the Meehan- even Israelis. Just goes to prove you deserve being marooned.



by Cost-of-Progress on

Perhaps it is hard for you Palestinians to grasp the gravity of this situation inticing religious division and haterd, but it is an important tool in the anti Iran mullah's bag of tricks to hold on to power and carry on looting Iran...... same guys to whom you bow your head, by the way.





barbarity knows no bounds

by mahmoudg on

hence why we shall do without religion.  In a country withour religion it matters not whether you are a Sunni or Shiite, Jew or Bahai.  All are iranian and all are equal.  Once we distance ourserlves from this Arab cult, then all denominations do not matter.

Sargord Pirouz

Huh, so the Baluch

by Sargord Pirouz on

Huh, so the Baluch terrorists you Israelis consider to be brave, but the Hamas and Hezbollah freedom fighters you find barbaric and terroristic. 

However, that's hardly surprising of Israelis. It's all about expediency for you people, isn't it. Just like Zionism, a lie, based on nothing more than political expediency.

Pretty humid today in Tel Aviv. Looks like rain tomorrow. Don't forget your umbrellas, folks from "Fred."