Iranian-Americans Reported Among Most Highly Educated in U.S.
Turkey's Newroz gift to Kurds, Our Iranian brothers - Breaking the arm of a 15 year old boy in front of TV Cameras!
New Statesman, World Affairs: Kurds are Iranian, natural brothers by race and language roots to Persians
Iraq-Iran war, Iranian Journalists, Persian American Hollywood actress Shiva Rose (playing Layla), the liberated, yet graceful, dancing, wine-drinking Layla and her sex scenes...
Shabeh Jomeh NY will provide it's members with a sneak preview of the upcoming Jewish-Muslim romantic comedy David & Layla
Unlike inexperienced Obama, the Clintons understand pulling Americans abrubtly out of Iraq creates even a bigger disaster.
European Court of Human Rights found Turkey in breach of Article 3 of the European Convention
Could our U.S-damaged world risk another world-inexperienced, light, if not naive, deceptively optimistic 'Christian do gooder' U.S. President promising cheerful 'Change'?
Genocide Scholars Association officially recognizes Assyrian, Greek genocides by the ( Turkish ) Ottoman Empire between 1914 and 1923.
Israeli unmanned aircraft headed soon to Turkey for use against Kurdish rebels. --Herold Tribune, Associated Press, 12/27/07