Consider respect

Jahanshah Javid
by Jahanshah Javid

In response to jimzbund's "Nothing is sacred?" and the many who left comments: Thank you for the vigorous debate! Here are some of my thoughts:

* Refrain from using vulgarity or aggressive, threatening language. SOMETIMES we cannot avoid using a four-letter word here and there, and obviously many posts on this site can make enrage one group or another. But the purpose here is to have a dialogue among ourselves. WE THE PEOPLE. And WE come in various colors and beliefs. We must learn to COMMUNICATE our views without trashing everything about another human being that simply has a different view than ours.

* Instead of attacking authors, tackle the issues presented in their writings.

* You cannot call authors or posters mercenaries, agents of the CIA or the IRI or whatever. Be more imaginative.

* Don't take a detour to Karbala! Stick to the topic of the page.

* Do not copy-paste entire articles as comments. Instead please give the title, author, source and the link of the article you want people to read.

These are all general guidelines. Sometimes harsh, vulgar, threatening, stupid, racist comments do get published. But these are only exceptions.

There are no absolute rules for moderating comments. Editors are all human and they have to make subjective decisions.

We are all doing our best to preserve an atmosphere that encourages civil debate and discussion.

Those of you who got deleted or edited, I'm sorry. I may go too far sometimes. I know I do. But this is a two-way street. You should also look at some of your comments and rethink the way you respond to your opponents or just other human beings.

Let's each of us try to be the bigger, better person. Let's show respect.

Che meedoonam... I really don't have the answer.



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Jahanshah Javid

Definition of sacred

by Jahanshah Javid on


The definition of "Sacred" on this site is a direct reaction to religious dogma in Iran or anywhere else. This is the definition that matters today because Iran is ruled by a theocracy and everything is measured by what is "sacred" according to Islam. Same goes for Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Bahais or any other group that thinks what they believe is THE word of their god and therefore cannot be challenged, questioned, or made fun of.

Rosie T.

gafferi don'ttake personally, glad you're participating,souri,jj

by Rosie T. on

gaffer, some very good ideas from MANY readers on jimz' blog, direct link above, good food for thought for everyone. if too long to read, you can scan. khamoosh.

souri needed to ask jj where to move discussion because i was running like crazy between three blogs on same topic as others probably were too  answer to my question now clear.  discussion is here.. i don't ask jj questions he's already answered unless his posts cross with mine.. 

jj submissions on religion and the sacred as welcome as anything else is, no? like photo essays on travel to peru and postings of music.  also sacred/relgion very important to many people. bye.




by Gonjeeshk (not verified) on

A definition of "Sacred" is "Worthy of Respect", and that's what we both are talking about here, not religion. Yes, somethings in life are indeed worthy of respect, and the opinions expressed by others is one of them. When you say "nothing is sacred", it implies that "nothing is worthy of respect", and that is contradictory to what you have suggested here in your blog.

News Goffer

Dear Rosie

by News Goffer on

Greetings.  Please continue livening up the conversation!  Please also don't take my remark personally.  I have always thought that having a dialogue about the issue in a vacuum, without JJ's participation is not very productive.  That's why I stayed away from that thread.  I am participating now because he has finally addressed the issue.  For now I would like to listen/read.

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on


NOTHING is sacred... religion and religious people deal with sacred stuff. Not here.

Moderator 1234

Here I Am

by Moderator 1234 on

Hello.  I am a moderator for the site.  I would like to thank you all for your participation on all kinds of discussions and material on the site.  Your contributions are what makes a unique platform for Iranians and those interested in Iran.  I read your comments.  I really do.  To be able to read those comments, I also have to read the articles about which a comment is received.  This means that I have to read a lot of material in order to stay on top of the comments. 

I enjoy reading your comments and I learn from them.  For that gift I thank you.  I follow JJ's guidelines for moderating comments.  I seldom delete comments, believe me.  I delete comments that have severe profanity or personal attacks on the author.  When in doubt, I always leave comments in the moderation queue for JJ to come and decide.  As one of the moderators, I read the outrage and profanities directed at us, too.  I don't take them personally.  I consider it a privilege to be a part of this dynamic population that comprises  I don't take it for granted and try to act objectively, fairly, and to the best of my ability. 


Rosie, my friend

by Souri on

I don't get your question. Let me tell you (and you know I'm a friend) that you seem to repeat the same question while JJ has already answered it 3 times in 3 # blogs. Am I right or is again my English level which block me on the way? Rosie jan, don't take it bad, but it's true that sometimes you are so long and talkative, that finally we lost the line and forget what was your real question. For me, JJ's reply was really correct, up to now, and believe me he even had already replied once (if not twice) on the Jimz's blog as an anonymous Fish !!


Dear JJ,

by Gonjeeshk (not verified) on

So, you finally realized that somethings are sacred in life, which I totally agree with you. Otherwise, the principles of human civilization would sink into the rule of jungle.

It would be nice if you or your colleagues can come up with a set of reasonable rules for blogging and post them somewhere on your site permanently, so people would know their limits. Then, I guess you would need to modify your motto of "Nothing is Sacred".

Rosie T.

Gaffer, I KNOW

by Rosie T. on

I have to limit my number and length of posts n on JJ's blog.  Jimz's blog was another story.  There is NOTHING to my knowledge repetitive on that blog except for when some IDIOT wrote in without READING the thread, and I personally think it was very NICE of me to bother to repeat myself in the face of such carelessness and disrepect.  Also if you find my posts too long in general SCANNING them will often do.  And finally I would've been happy if you'd participated in that discussion as I appreciate your news posts very much and assume you would've made valuable contributions.  Glad you were reading though and sorry if my long, frequent posts tired you out. Khamoosh


ebi amirhosseini

Dear JJ

by ebi amirhosseini on

Thanks for clarity & accepting that you are after all human & may have made some mistakes.

News Goffer

Order, Please

by News Goffer on

JJ.  Thank you for getting back to us on this.  First, let me ask you to please stay in this thread and please also ask Rosie, et. al. to limit their comments on a dialogue we are having with you.  They have been writing in the Jimz post about the topic plenty.  While I appreciate Rosie's passion, I find the conversations repetitious and the comments too long.  Please let's have more people talk concisely. 

Rosie T.

JJ, I infer

by Rosie T. on

from Jimz's blog having been moved off the featurs and THIS blog now on top of your PREVIOUS blog that you would like all discussion on blog tips and deletions and moderation to be moved HERE to avoid a bit fat mess, as I asked you on both your and Jimz/s blogs now below?

Am I right?   Yes or no will do.  :o) Thanks.