Woman from a Man's Point of View

Woman from a Man's Point of View
by Jahanshah Javid

A man passes by at the entrance to the Keleti train station in Budapest. He doesn't look Iranian. (For one, he's blonde.) So why is he wearing a shirt that says "Woman from a Man's Point of View" in Persian?

When asked, he says he has no idea what the words mean. When he hears the translation, he looks slightly perplexed. His face says: "Who are you? Why are you so excited about some words on a shirt in your language?"

There's no chance to chat with him. He catches his bus never to be seen again.

This all happens in a matter of seconds.

Questions, questions and more questions.

Who dreamed up these shirts and produced them?

How did they end up in Hungary?

Did this man receive it as a gift?

Did it originally belong to an Iranian in Budapest who donated it to a thrift shop and then this man bought it?

What is the "artist" trying to say? "Woman from a Man's Point of View"?

Why do we care?

Mystery of mysteries.


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Why do we care?!

by Monda on

Genders' value assignments/ judgments of each other, do matter in every society. Zan o mard az didgaah e hamdigeh make the foundation for Gender Studies, right? 

(with this dude's crummy attitude, on the back of his shirt there should've been printed: albatteh mard daareem taa mard :o) 

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

oktaby, so you are guessing that the message is political, or feminist? That did not come to my mind. You might be right.

I'm not sure what you mean by this: "One of many who are aware that we all share in the best and worst events; sooner or later."

He could be Iranian? Highly doubtful. Not just because he's blonde and has no Iranian features. He doesn't know Persian and has no idea what he's wearing.

PS: I like my new avatar. Head on a platter :P


A casual friend, girlfriend or a wife

by oktaby on

or a million other possibilities. He could be one of millions of activists around the world that have supported the cause of Iranian people and specifically women. One of many who are aware that we all share in the best and worst events; sooner or later. Yes we do and should care.

He could be Iranian also, as we do have blonds. Although his features are not.



P.S.: what's with this new picture. You look a bit haggard. Too much budha and pest?  :)