Top 10 reasons Islam is not good for Iran

by jimzbund

With the exception of brave men and women who are opposing/suffering under the IRI.

10-  Turned  a proud and equal woman into a domestic servant and sex object with limited rights and no freedoms.  

9- Turned a happy nation with many happy festivals like Mehrega, Sadeh and Now Rooz into a sad and mourning nation always crying for the some Arab dead.

8- Turned a virtuous truth loving nation into a nation of taghieh and white lies , lying is the norm.

7- Turned a goftaareh Nik nation into one of the most vulgar language nations on earth only rivaled by its Arab brothers.

6- Turned a sovereign democratic nation into the number 1 terrorist sponsor nation on earth.   

5- Turned an advanced society into one of the most superstitious nations on earth.   

4- Turned a life loving nation into a dead and grave worshipping nation.

3- Turned beautiful Persian names into often meaningless Arabic names and imposing barbaric Arab customs.

2- Turned Iran into an intolerant Shiite state with no rights for others and death , torture and rape for everyone opposing it.

1- Islam is turning Iran into a Slum.


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KouroshS, still trying to be funny?

by Q on

Kourosh, I thought you changed your name, why continue to be tasteless and clownish?

I am not confused, You are the one who can not control yourself and your manners.

Really? YOU should be talking about manners? Who attacked who just below? It looks like the (bladder) control problem is all yours.

I WILL BE Addressing every single comment that i see from you with which i disagree

and I WILL BE responding. Since you can't fathom "addressing" without attack, I will have to teach you that lesson.

Your dumb suggestion to flag a certain comment because and only because you did not agree with, Is similar to the tactics IRI Uses.

Your dumb comparison is not only completely false, but also indicative of the blind hatred that is continuously confusing you. Genius: I don't have any power. I am asking others to do it if they agree with the reasons I have given. Since your comparison is a laughable joke, the only explanation is the blood hatred in your vains, and your sense of (BS) righteousness.

You mean i am wrong that you have mastered the command of a foreign language? ok! I guess i should go and start jaar zani.

More irrelevant BS. Even more BS than before! LOL!

No. You are the one who is comprehending.

Do you know what "comprehending" means?


DOn't worry

by KouroshS on

Well. Thanks for that good advice. I should not wasted my time with the BS that is YOU. You have given the word Dahan lagh a whole new meaning. I am not confused, You are the one who can not control yourself and your manners. Which explains a lot about you and what you do in real life. And you know what? I WILL BE Addressing every single comment that i see from you with which i disagree and YOU can Kick me out as many times as you want to. Take your time.

Your dumb suggestion to flag a certain comment because and only because you did not agree with, Is similar to the tactics IRI Uses.

I know you have a hard time seeing Nothing. Nothing= YOU.

More irrelevant BS? You mean i am wrong that you have mastered the command of a foreign language? ok! I guess i should go and start jaar zani. Like you, By posting an EVERYONE....titled comment.

No. You are the one who is comprehending. I was commenting you on your skill sets... which you did not get. but what else is new. Getting things the right way is a hard task for you,

I did? You are in no position to be a judge of that. Like i always say you have taken yourself so seriously.  and I WILL DO IT AGAIN AND AGAIN. so don't sweat it cowboy. And it really is non of concern.

You made eveything personal by calling me a dalghak, You most deviant of all liers. I did not attack. That is an inseparable word in your vocabulary. You think, because of your paranoia , that the whole crowd inhere is either attacking you or stalking you, Basically you present the qualities of a control freak.




KouroshS, don't waste our time with BS

by Q on

You are confused. What I said about flagging abusive comments has nothing to do with IRI. Your lame attempt at a link indicates your thorough confusion. You don't believe me? (More likely, you're too proud to admit it) Go ahead and fill up some more pages with nonsense bullshit.

DO you even know to whom you are addressing your comments to?

No, I have a hard time seeing "nothing".

Pride yourself on the impeccable and total and full knowledge the english language, No one gives a you know what.

OK, some more irrlevant Bullshit.... NEXT

You go on with your paranoid delusions and your above average "skills in irony".

looks like you couldn't quite comprehand again. It was your skill and it is an delusion. There is no skill there whatsoever!

The gods of democrcy are listening to you ever so intently.

More BS and delusion.

Allowing such shamful and disgusting remarks being promoted and vomitted by you and the ideologically similar berthren

Good, we are back to where you started with the pure fascistic attacks and character assassination. I guess it wasn't a delusion afterall, huh wise guy? "Wise" being ironic.

You stuck your fat nose into something again. You attack and make things personal when they don't need to be. You are being flagged as well.

Have a good day!



by KouroshS on

who is confused here? DO you even know to whom you are addressing your comments to?

No. I do not understand simple eeengeeleesh, But you know what? At least i do not spell Incredibly, INCRADIBLY. Pride yourself on the impeccable and total and full knowledge the english language, No one gives a you know what.

I did not twist anything, You master of all Twisters. You were the one who Threatened to Kick those , who write such comments as Iran pars out of this site. As it has been done before.

Delusional again? You should really pace yourself on those sleeping pills you have been taking. In your dreams maybe some are encouraging stalking and fascist character assasination, But in the world of realities We stay aways from such matters. You go on with your paranoid delusions and your above average "skills in irony". The gods of democrcy are listening to you ever so intently. I hope you won't be a sheer dissapointment to them.

Yes indeed. Allowing such shamful and disgusting remarks being promoted and vomitted by you and the ideologically similar berthren, the ones you hang out with at the bars, and who knows where else,  is indeed a human tragedy.




Thank you ID, for the links!

by yolanda on

Thank you! I am just glad that they are not child brides!




Everyone, clowns are confused again,

by Q on

That is right. See people? See how Free you can be under the protection and domination of An Islamic Government?

In what twisted illogical fantasy have you equated my call for other people to flag, as a "statement of freedom" under the "Islamic Government"? Are you so incradibly hateful and blindsighted that you can't even understand simple English and have to twist everything to be about "Islamic Government" ?

We encourage voyerism, spying on your neigbors, as we have demonstrated clearly that in all Probablities this person is a 14 year old teenager...

At least it's better than the people currently encouraging stalking and fascist character assassination with a little less than a fart in the wind by way of logic, and even more laughable skills in irony.

Funny? Not so much as tragic.

Setareh Cheshmakzan


by Setareh Cheshmakzan on

This is a sick hoax.  The "misinformation machine",  is hard at work.  Sadly the crimes committed by the ruling regime in Iran and the cultural backwardness it has cultivated, makes a fertile ground for fabrication and spins and difficult to always ascertain what is true and what is manufactured. Still, no-one is put under a truck (sic) and six years of age is below the age of responsibility and punishment.

Dear Jimsbund, Many things have gone wrong in our country and we have suffered a lot in our turbulent history, from foreign invasions and occupations and colonial designs and interventions, not least from our own dictatorial and ineffective rulers.  To single out Islam as the cause of our cultural backwardness and misfortunes is misguided and simplistic to say the least.  It is also not true that Islam has only had negative impact on Iran and is responsible for all its ills, past and present. I am for a secular Iran but not for Islamophobia and the destruction of Islam in Iran.  People should be free to practice their faith, whatever it might be, without experiencing persecution, intolerance or insult.  

You say you are only referring to Islam in Iran.  Not only the view and practice of Islam in iran is not uniform and many people are opposed to the fanatical aggressive Islam enforced by the theocracy, but even within the ruling establishment, there is not uniformity and agreement.  

I agree with you in so far as I am against the theocratic/Islamic rule, but I distinguish between crimes of theocracy and the role of Islam in Iran.  I know we disagree on this and perhaps our personal experiences of our families and Islam have an important bearing on our views.  One should always be free to criticize an ideology or way of life, but criticism must be based on painstaking examination of facts and concern for truth.  It is not the dislike of Islam and criticism of it, but the misinformation, misrepresentation, fabrication, decontextualization and simplification of facts and historical events that I take issue with.  

You say your concern is only about Islam in Iran.  Well, I view the attack on Islam in Iran, in the context of the widespread campaign of  Islamophobia in the West and the machinations it serves.  




by jimzbund on

this is another hoax which my co-worker hasd received through email. I told him right away that it looks fishy as the guy is too young , I did the search and came up on this site which explains it. We have to seek truth wherever it might be.



Bund, Jimz Bund


Setareh , one more step !

by jimzbund on

Please always keep this in mind when we are talking about Islam. " I am talking about Islam in Iran and what is has done/doing and will be doing to Iran and Iranians if we  don't stop it ". It doesn't matter if Abrahamic religions prescribed stoning to death and Jesus didn't stop it and Muhammd continued the tradition . as you can see from the blog title it talks about Iran and islam not other religions and not other countries. Islam in itself is another topic which can be discussed in Islamic sites but here we are talking about our beloved country . You need to perform this surgery and seperate islam from others when talking about what it is doing in Iran now. No one needs to condemn Muslims for islam as they are victims of it in the first place.

felan baa ejaazeh ! 


Bund, Jimz Bund


Yolanda (sorry everyone related to Yolanda's inquiry)

by IRANdokht on

I think you might still have some doubts about the mass-wedding video! 

The truth is, the Palestinians were celebrating a mass wedding where most of the brides were widows with children and got married again (mostly to the brother of the deceased husband) as customary in muslim countries. 

The video and the fabricated news with the little kids dressed in white was a ceremony that might or might not be related to the mass wedding, but they were certainly not the widowed brides. The whole thing was an anti-Palestinian lie and falsified news.



I hope this is clear now.



Everyone, this angry

by KouroshS on

Everyone, this angry character doesn't really believe (or understand) what he's saying. He's probably a 14 yr. old sitting in the basement of his parents house trying to get a rise out of people by saying the vilest lies he can imagine.

There's only one thing to do when you see a comment from IranPars: flag it. No need to even reply it. He was kicked out before and he will be kicked out again.

That is right. See people? See how Free you can be under the protection and domination of An Islamic Government? Go celebrate your freedom of speech, Go and be happy. We won't Insult you (this angry character does not understand what he is saying), we respect your level of maturity and wisdom (this angry character does not believe in what he is saying) and heck! if you push us hard enough we will even issue decrees as to what your beliefs are and what you believe in.

We encourage voyerism, spying on your neigbors, as we have demonstrated clearly that in all Probablities this person is a 14 year old teenager...See. we even know where he or she lives. So watch your back.

And... Last but not least... You can easily see how we can lose our tempers if you do not obey our orders and continue saying what you want to say, and risk being kicked out.

HAHAHAHAH... You see what a wonderfully balanced and demoractically ideal society, one that will be the envy of the west we can have, If you JUST LISTEN TO US?


Setareh Cheshmakzan

jimsbund khan! Did I say "it is OK"?!!

by Setareh Cheshmakzan on

 You say: "your point that Jews did it and so it is ok if Muslims are doimg it now, is a flawed Islamic Apologetic resonning".

I did not say it was OK to carry out rituals of 1400 or 3000 years ago, or that if Jews do it, it is OK for Muslims to do it!!! What I said was this:

"The rituals you mention, like many other personal and social rituals and prescriptions in Islam (Judaism and Christianity) are outdated.  There were made in particular historical social contexts, which have now changed". 

I also made it clear that I don't support these prescriptions and beliefs. Remember? :)  The point I am making is simple.  There was a lot of exclusive Islam bashing and I was pointing out that these views which are outdated and incompatible with our knowledge and lives today, are not exclusive to Islam and Muslims, and most Muslims today do not believe in and practice them. The majority of population in Iran are Muslims and Islam gives meaning and purpose to their lives. This includes people who are bravely standing up to this murderous regime.   Just in the same way that billions of other people believe in other Abrahamic and other religions whose teachings have been and are being adapted to the needs of the time and they are not disrespected, the same respect and tolerance must apply to Islam and Muslims.  Why target Muslims and why insult Islam exclusively as if it stands aside from other religions and is the embodiment of evil?  If you have an axe to grind with outdated and ignorant rituals and backwardness of many clerics and Muslim fanatic extremists, why attack Muslims and Islam universally and exclusively? There are fanatics and extremists in all religions and ideologies.  

I am not religious and I agree with you that these prescriptions are outdated and many of them are vile and ridiculous.  But I would not view and attack them out of their social and historical context to promote a political agenda.  To me this is unfair, unethical and unscientific.  

I don't need to attack Islam and Muslims in order to express my view that the regime in Iran is undemocratic, vile and criminal.

Merci! To ham shad zee! 


Dear Jimzbund, Thanks!

by yolanda on

Thank you for your response. According to one of the bloggers from Malaysian, there are 100,000 Iranians living in Malaysia.....

Wow! A lot of heavy traffic here last night, it was tough! Your article ranks #1 now! Hopefully everyone is OK. This is my favorite segment from post:

We need to "attack the Ideology that makes these people the way they are, not the people who themselves are the victims".

Your comment reminds me of the slogan:

Hate the sin, but love the sinner!




calling others Najess !

by jimzbund on

All on Muslims whether " ahleh ketaab" " people of the Book" or not are conisdred Najess and avoidance is recommended. They had to respcet any Muslim they see, salute them, get off their donkeys or horses when they see a Muslim, avoid phuysical touch and at times even their shadows were avoided. by the way this is the same term used for dogs " Najess".  


Bund, Jimz Bund


to Iran Pars

by jimzbund on

I know with the present situation Iran and the crimes committed agains humanity to our brothers and sisters and the efforts of the IRI lobbyists and apologetics to divert attentions and cover it up it is hard to keep the cool and be diplomatic about it  . we need to "attack the Ideology that makes these people the way they are not the people who themselves are the victims" .

pirooz baashi


Bund, Jimz Bund


Setareh Khanum

by jimzbund on

I didn't mean to label but your point that Jews did it and so it is ok if Muslims are doimg it now, is a flawed Islamic Apologetic resonning.  Our discussion is about present day islam in Iran, I don't care what jews or cave men did thousands of years ago, in 1979 KHomeini nthe Imam the successor of the throne of Muhammad declares that if you have a sex with an animal either burn the animal or take it to another town to sell it, I am not talking about your dogs in North America or wherever, or people abusing their pets ( non religious issue) .


Shaad Zi



Bund, Jimz Bund


Dear Yolanda

by jimzbund on

Malaysia is a Muslim country ( self proclaimed  like any other Muslim country) where there is a large mix of non Muslims  . but now that islamic fundamnetalism is creeping in through IRI it is becoming an intolerant country too, Indonesia on the other hand is the most populous Islamic country and calling it moderate is a dosservice to humanity. please see their records of abuing others. Moderate means not following Islamic teachings so they are not Islamic as such to begin with. In my opinion calling any country Christian or Muslim or else is wrong .

Bund, Jimz Bund

Setareh Cheshmakzan

Sassan, caught red-handed?!

by Setareh Cheshmakzan on

 I exposed your lie about the Palestinian childsbride story and you are now jumping into accusing me of loving Hamas!  

Anyway, caught red-handed, you are now ducking and diverting the issue to Hamas/Hezbollah being responsible for rapes and tortures in Iran.  What has that got to do with the fact that the Childbrides story is a lie?!  And again, I ask you for evidence!!  

I have searched and seen no evidence to substantiate Palestinian and Lebanese participating in the crimes of the Iranian regime.  All I have seen is repetition of rumors, exactly in the same style as the Palestinian Childbrides malicious lie.  As if we have not got enough thugs and rapists and torturers of our own in a population of 70 million to have to import them!  There is ample evidence that torture and rape and murder are taking place in Iran but there is no evidence that the perpetrators are Palestinians/Arabs.  To state this fact, does not imply either love or hate for Hamas or any other group, ideology or nationality; it means scrupulous concern and love for truth and justice, and hatred of hate-mongering, lies, and mindless and malicious propaganda. 




IranP your "reasons" are laughable

by Q on

Everyone, this angry character doesn't really believe (or understand) what he's saying. He's probably a 14 yr. old sitting in the basement of his parents house trying to get a rise out of people by saying the vilest lies he can imagine.

There's only one thing to do when you see a comment from IranPars: flag it. No need to even reply it. He was kicked out before and he will be kicked out again.


And I gave you my reasons

by IranPars on

why no true Iranian should care about the Hamas terrorists or the Palestinians. Who do you think is raping our young men and women in prisons all over Iran? 

Hamas and your beloved Palestinians!

Even during the Iran-Iraq war, your beloved Palestinians helped Saddam, even though they were the beneficiaries of MILLIONS of dollars from the IRI. As Arafat famously said, "Iranians are our friends, but the Iraqis are our brothers."

My own house is burning to ashes as we speak with young Iranian men and women getting tortured and raped in prison by your beloved Hamas agents, so forgive me for not giving a damn about your beloved Palestinians and your terrorist friends in the Hamas!



Setareh Cheshmakzan

Sassan: "No true Iranian should EVER give a damn about the ..

by Setareh Cheshmakzan on

"No true Iranian should EVER give a damn about the poor Palestinians".

Sassan, you make your point very clearly. You asked me for "proof' and  I exposed that the Palestinian childbrides story was a malicious propaganda, and your answer is THIS!  Well,  I couldn't have exposed your values and intentions better myself!

Dear Yolanda, I draw your attention to this! 

Setareh Cheshmakzan

Jimsbund - Why the cliches and the name calling? ;)

by Setareh Cheshmakzan on

Islam apologist? :)  Why is it that whenever there is a debate on something, it has to be reduced to name-calling and mindless labeling?  I know, I know ... when there is no real argument or spirit of enquiry, when the purpose is not truth but propaganda. 

 What did I say to indicate I am an Islamic apologist?!  I argued that your accusations about rituals of animal abuse in Islam 1) apply also to Judaism; 2) has to be viewed in its historical/social context; 3) and are untrue, because there is no prescribed rituals for having sex with or intentional abuse of animals either in Islam or in Judaism. What is apologetic about this?  The rituals you mention, like many other personal and social rituals and prescriptions in Islam (Judaism and Christianity) are outdated.  There were made in particular historical social contexts, which have now changed.  

Of course dogs and cats in Iran are not generally cared for, are maltreated and even abused.  But this maltreatment is not because of Islam!   I have seen animal maltreatment in Greece, Spain, Turkey, Cyprus, India, Latin America, etc, too.  Where there is social deprivation and poverty and there is no prevalent culture of pet-keeping, animals too suffer alongside humans and are subjected to cruelty in turn.  In the affluent West, there is a culture of pet-keeping and a huge profitable industry feeding on it.  There animal cruelty and abuse is punishable by law, but even there, particularly in conditions of emotional and social illness and deprivation, I have witnessed unbearable cruelty and abuse of animals.  

My 'comfortable' (how do you know?!) life in the West, is irrelevant to the truth or falsity of these facts.  And what about you?  Does YOUR presumably comfortable life in the West give you a better insight into these matters? ;)  



Hi Dear Jimzbund,

by yolanda on

Sorry to bother you, I have a short question: Are Malaysia and Indonesia considered moderate muslim countries? It looks like there are no morality police in those countries. What do you think?




Farhad Kashani

by jimzbund on

There  can be moderate Muslims but not moderate Islam. Islam is what it is and is not moderate or prgressive by any modern standards. If by moderate islam you meant islam in iran before Khomeini and that it " didn't discriminate against women  or religious and ethnic minorities " please`do some research, you will be surprised !


Bund, Jimz Bund


Sassan , Namaz

by jimzbund on

 This is part of the Arab imperialism to force their langauage on the rest of the world through Islam. Islam was meant for Arabia only but beacause of lootings and wars got out of hand.



Bund, Jimz Bund


Setareh Cheshmakzan

by jimzbund on

I hope you stay like a setareh and don't turn into a passing Sayyareh !.

 My dear Islamic Apologetic , it seems you all use the same flawed resoning for justifying Islam. my humble reply is :

1- we don't care who else did that animal cruelty or bestiality , in the 21st century this is unacceptable.

2- the act is not condemned ans worse the poor animal has to be burnt alive because an idiot molested it ?

3- We are talking about the majority in Iran not your free life in western countries and yes evrything is rosy and beautiful !

Fi Aman Allah





Bund, Jimz Bund



by kharmagas on

Kashani, I agree that IRI has seriously damaged Islam in Iran, but IRI has not ruined Iran.


Hi! Dear Sassan

by yolanda on

I think Iranians are in way better positions than American Indians to change their destiny 'cause Iranians are sooo well-educated both inside and outside Iran. Maybe one of these days, an Iranian.comer may win Nobel Prize, you never know 'cause your guys are so intelligent! We visited many Indian related National Parks, like Mesa Verde National Park,


 Montazuma National Park, Monument Valley Tribal Park, and Canyon De Chelly National Monument, the Indian ruins really remind me of the historical sites in Iran, like Bam Castle, the old Caravansaries, the Tower of Silence in Yazd, and Persepolis, etc, the Iranian heritage sites are in way better shape than the American Indian ruins. Here is a new age music video called "Caravansary" composed by a Japanese composer, Kitaro, from his "Silk Road" anthology:


it has images from Iran, but not all the mosques are in Iran, some of them are from other countries, but I have to say that many Mosques have Persian architecture influences, like Taj Mahal in India:


at the 2'48" of the video, the mosque looks like the Jameh Mosque in Yazd to me, it is just gorgeous, so many pretty Persian architecture in Iran blows me away! Sorry that I keep saying the same phrase, 'cause my vocabulary is limited, you know both the good words and bad words more than me. Of couse, I hope you cut down on the bad words in your inventory or repertoire and use more the good words, like akin, ergo, or brain drain, you used those words in your other post before, I really like them. Brain drain sounds very poetic 'cause they rhyme. Merchant of Misinformation sound great, too, but it carries negative connotations, your Hamvatans might not like it.




Farhad Kashani

IRI has ruined both Iran and Islam!

by Farhad Kashani on

1-     Islam mixed with politics 2- IRIs version of Islam, are bad for Iran and the world.


Moderate Islam which was the prominent form of Islam before Fascist Khomeini took power in Iran, does not believe in blowing little women and children or in slamming airplanes into buildings or killing humans to settle political differences. Moderate Islam, which Khomeini and his regime absolutely butchered, does not discriminate against women or religious and ethnic minorities. Moderate Islam does not believe in mixing religion and politics, which Khomeini did and resulted in the destruction of Iran, ruining Islam’s reputation and causing a severely dangerous clash of civilizations.



So humorous...

by IranPars on

"According to human rights groups based in Gaza, around 1,450 Palestinians, most of them women and children, were killed in the offensive that ended January 18."

As if anybody should believe anything that comes out of "human rights groups based in Gaza." A few years ago, AP did a story that an Israeli bomb had destroyed an elemtary school, killing some 125 children. Weeks later, no names had been released. And when pushed, finally they said 17 kids had been killed, and still no names were ever released.

These con-artists know all too well how to pull on people's heart-strings, and manipulate the news.

As for Hamas men dying in the war against Israel -- I'm just sad and sorry that more of them weren't killed by Israel. We all know what monsters and terrorists the Hamas are -- right now, they're in Iran raping our young men and women in prison.

So, you'll excuse me if I don't shed a tear for your beloved palestinians, who by the way, set Cinema Rex on fire on August 19, 1978, killing over 400 innocent movie-goers, and who were perched atop meydoon Jaleh on September 18, 1978, and fired onto the Shah's army, which responded in kind, killing over a 100 people.

No true Iranian should EVER give a damn about the "poor Palestinians" or the terrorist groups like Hamas or any other Arab for that matter.

What do you call a thousand Hamas under the sea?

A good start.