
Nazanin Ghasemian
by Nazanin Ghasemian

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Recently by Nazanin GhasemianCommentsDate
Oct 18, 2008
Oct 16, 2008
Jan 26, 2008
more from Nazanin Ghasemian


by Lavashak paz (not verified) on

You are wasting your time here since this website does not believe in Islamophobia. J

ust like Ahmadinejad is not sure about Holocaust and wants to do more "research" this website believes the same and wants to "research" more :-)

Hoardes of Islamophobics rush here to paarteee!

On a more serious note, this is a good article from CNN saying what if Obama was Muslim? So what?




by skatermom (not verified) on

However, they can't seem to fill the seats at this fundraiser. I wonder what the entertainment would have been for the evening?


How Many Joe-Six Packs Does it Take to Raise 500K?

by Nazanin Ghasemian on

Last night at the Ritz Carlton in Tysons Corner (poor man's Beverly Hills), Sarah Palin hosted a fundraiser for the RNC. Guess how much she raked in. A cool $500,000.


How many folks and Joe Six Packs do you think it took to raise that much money in a couple of hours? 400!




by Majid on

Arguing with "some"  is like wrestling with a pig in the mud!

You're exhausting yourself while the she's enjoying it! 


Good to hear that.

by Zion on



There is only one egg so far. I hope it stays that way.

by Nazanin Ghasemian on

She may continue to lay eggs every 1-2 days. We can't touch the egg or move the nest box because they will go nuts and abandon ship. But I'll try to document somehow.


OK, but what about the eggs?

by Zion on



And now for something completely different

by Nazanin Ghasemian on


Those are my birds. Please stop echoing those ridiculous statements about us. Repeating them will not make them true. You don't agree with Obama/Biden. We get. Thanks - now move on, please!


Don't worry

by Zion on

Dear Sam and ..., no worries. As I have already said, I come here fully expecting this stuff. :-)
What is interesting to me in the recent Obama trend here is the energy and zeal with which this people treat the US elections. I personally don't see how this could be a big deal, and how one side could produce such religious dedication from some Iranians. Perhaps it is another instance of dormant shiite messianism being inadvertently activated by our newest version of the One. Who knows. It's an interesting puzzle.


zion and samsam111, don't

by ... (not verified) on

zion and samsam111, don't waste your time with a bunch of Islamist/marxists. They have a well-established agenda and anything that doesn't coroborate with their self-serving anti-American hate fest is ignored and written off as a zionist conspiracy.


Joe Six Pack

by Nazanin Ghasemian on

KB, thank you for your thoughtful comment. Since you were at the supermarket, you had the perfect opportunity to pick up a six pack of drinks and telling the lady "I'm Joe Six Pack and I say thanks but no thanks."


Thank you Nazanin, great post.

by KB on

It looks like I got to this blog a bit late but I see that my name has come up and I will address that later.

What you have written about here is absolutely true and here is what I experienced which underlines the point you make.

About a month ago I went to my local super market to buy some groceries etc. At the door there were a couple middle aged white American women and one of them asked me if I was registered to vote.. Needless to say they were canvassing for the Republican Party. I explained politely that I was in a hurry and I would not support the Republican party etc and they should not waste their time on me.

I grew up in the UK and have a bit of an English accent, so one of these ladies decided that I am French and started telling me how bad the French system is and socialism is evil. At this point I decided the best thing to do is go inside the super market as I did not have the time or the inclination to get into a long discussion with her. So I just said I have to go and speak with her later.

As I was leaving the store, she suddenly appeared from behind a pillar and said “what about the Muslims” . So I asked what about the Muslims and she went off about the how weak the French government is to allow Muslims to go to that country . So I asked what was wrong with the Muslims and this country was made by immigrants. The non sense that I heard for the next couple of minutes about Islam not being a religion and how all the Arabs are terrorists was comical and then she ended with Obama is a Muslim and supports terrorists. So I smiled at her and said I am from Iran and that is precisely why I came to this country to make sure Obama is elected. Not surprisingly the conversation ended there.

So Nazanin you are absolutely right.

As for Samsam and me attacking him personally, he should know if he can dish it he should be able to take it. Last week I made a comment about an article in Telegraph online posted by Fred about Obama. The only other comment there was from Abarmard and Samsam who had said his usual nonsense plus other unnecessary personal things.

So my view on Samsam is what I have said before. He has a delusional view of Iran and the world for that matter. He is a legend in his own mind and has anger issues. He is a bigot and an imposter who uses this site as a megaphone for his warped views and promote his Zionist agenda.


Bystander - Immediately visit your optometrist

by Nazanin Ghasemian on

I think you are not reading my words correctly. You're making a serious accusation and you have no evidence of anything I've written as support for that charge. I haven't blamed Jews for anything.

Ebi, it is sad that the behavior in that video is happening, but it's good that we have it available to us. Better to to confront them than think "Hey, it's just a kook. So what?" It probably won't change anyone's mind, but it's a start!

ebi amirhosseini


by ebi amirhosseini on


Nazanin, !!!!!!

by Bystander (not verified) on

You can , voice your support for Obama, and how unfair he is being treated. That would get my attention and sympathy. But why all this anti semitic hate speech dripping from between your teeth?
That's why I am so angry at this blog. So what is this , anybody upset with anything , lets blame Jews??? this is down right prejudice. It is so obvious to me, this non Jew Iranian!!!!

American Wife

my my my

by American Wife on

This blog is starting to sound just like the McClueless campaign.  Losers getting desperate and striking out at anything and anyone.  You have no idea how silly you sound.

Ramble on...



by Zion on

'"Killing a Christ wannabe is not a teaching of Judaism but a one time historical event." Be careful there... are YOU clear??? I think you'd feel a little differently if someone termed the Holocaust as a one-time historical event.'

What are you talking about? I don't understand a single word in this outburst. Am I clear of what?! Be careful for what?! The Holocaust was a one time historical event. What else? A religious teaching? What has Holocaust got to do with anything here anyway?

'And you're concerned about personal... TRUE but personal attacks on Palin??? Give me a break. She is the stuff that jokes are made of.'

Fine. Now we know what hypocrisy is. I wish all of you who are about to BARACK good luck. Satisfied? ;-)


American Wife: Thank YOU

by Nazanin Ghasemian on

I don't mean to echo your comments, but comparing the attacks on Obama and his family to those against McCain and Palin are unfair. Yes, the jab at "he doesn't know how many houses he owns" was an attack, but it's not a personal one. It's a fair jab given the economic climate in the US. No one in the Obama campaign or during a rally has made fun of the Palins, the McCains or their silly campaign motto "Country First", (as if anyone would see it as "Al Qaeda first"). Keep in mind, the people who made fun of McCain's family were the Republicans themselves during the 2000 campaign, when their Bangladeshi daughter was portrayed in a Bush ad as a black love child. Pathetic, especially to learn that he has hired the same team of men who came up with that strategy 8 years ago! This is comes across, as Majid said, as a sign of desperation to many voters.

I liked what American Wife said about the Holocaust because it emphasizes the danger of discriminatory strategies in politics. Scaring people or encouraging their fears by keeping quiet (that's what happened in Germany - indifference, if you read Elie Wiesel).

This Hussein businesses is embarrassing. To say that it has a place in campaigning isn't just indecent, it sets the country backwards. I can't help but think that focusing on his ethnic name or his skin color is meant as a distraction.

To those about to Barack, I salute you. I can't wait for the inauguration ceremony when Obama puts his hand on the Bible (or The Canterbury Tales for all I care) and says Barack Hussein Obama the way it is meant to be declared in this election.

American Wife

hypocriticism at it's finest, folks

by American Wife on

Those who've said that the McClueless "clearly expressed his anger and that he was against such reactions several times."  What a joke.  All he said was "no, no" and with that shit-eating grin of his, turned away and offered a pathetic attempt to say that "Obama was a good man".  He has offered NOTHING in the way of encouraging his supporters to stop the vicious and dangerous verbals attacks on Obama.  And you're concerned about personal... TRUE but personal attacks on Palin???  Give me a break.  She is the stuff that jokes are made of.  Typical of the poor losers who continue to harp on the most tenuous of relationships with a fellow committe acquaintance because they have nothing of any substance to say.

"Killing a Christ wannabe is not a teaching of Judaism but a one time historical event."  Be careful there... are YOU clear???  I think you'd feel a little differently if someone termed the Holocaust as a one-time historical event.

You people who complain about "personal attacks" are the worst of all.  You've perfected name-calling to a new level and then get all sanctimonious when someone calls you childish. 

By the way... IRANdokht DID answer the question.  Once again, you see what you want to see.

Nazanin... another great article.  Thank you.


This has been a two year job application

by Nazanin Ghasemian on

The drawn-out nature of the election is important. I understand the comparison Ali P. is trying to make. However, this election is not like a typical job application. Beginning with the primaries, the facts were made clear and the disputed "shadiness" has been laid to rest. The only thing remaining is the champagne in November. GOBAMA!

Thank you Abarmard for your support and reasoning as well!


Ali P.

by IRANdokht on

the work for my Nazanin sister was on voluntary basis




Those who can never admit that they are wrong

by Abarmard on

are dictators in heart. They certainly can't stand and preach freedom or democracy to the rest.

Dear Nazanin, don't be bothered, you absolutely have it right and let the "a few" have their say.

Ali P.

To: IRANdokht

by Ali P. on

   With apologies to Ms. Nazanin for posting comments that don't belong here.This is my last post here.


I didn't say we should all change our names; or anyone else should.

  I just conveyed a personal story. We are all discriminated against by the society (no matter where we live), based on our name, nationality, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation,disablility, religion, weight,...etc.

  In some instances it is illegal, but for the most part, it is just an inherant part of life.


 I am glad to hear you didn't have to change your name to work for your sister .



Ali P.



by Zion on

I did not lie in my comments, so what would have allowed you to call me that? You however did lie. Your title is a lie. You have specifically attributed these slurs to McCain and Palin, and that is a lie. Simple as that.



Ali P.

by IRANdokht on

So it's not fair but it's such a normal behavior that people should just cope with it and change their names?

I don't think you can find many last names harder to spell and pronounce than mine. I found a job without changing my name though it took me a long time... I figured the people who wouldn't give me a job only because I have a foreign sounding name on my resume would most likely be the type I couldn't get along with anyway.


Is this behavior and calling Obama "Imam Hossein" justifyable because everyone uses this kind of discrimation to work in their favor? 



McCain did so after the media outcry. It took him 4 days

by Nazanin Ghasemian on

That is my final response to you Zion since you couldn't manage to be civil. I did not call anything that you wrote 'nonsense', but twice you have done that. Thanks for reading.


So did McCain

by Zion on

I just mentioned his reaction against such slurs. You can find several such statements by McCain on Youtube What is your point? You have specifically attributed these slurs to McCain and Palin, and that is a cheap lie.


Obama addressed the attacks on Palin

by Nazanin Ghasemian on

He immediately issued a statement that any attacks on her children and the soon to be groom should stop. Also, Zion, if you recall the campaign history, the first personal attacks started against Michelle Obama - to which Obama very sincerely said "Don't mess with my wife!"

Ali P.

Discrimination based on name

by Ali P. on

Discrimination based on name, is unfair, but the world is full of unfairness; sometimes it works for us, eliminating the competition, and sometimes it works against us, victimizing us. 

  A female friend of mine was a graphic designer. She was looking for a job for months, sending resumes all over the place, with no luck. She had an Iranian first name, that I guess, could have sounded "black"- if you will- or African. Someone suggested her to change her name to "Tonya"; at least on her resume`.

 She did, and got three offers the next week.




by Nazanin Ghasemian on

Don't bother with a hypothetical exaggeration. My blog entry is written in response to the rallies and the people who are participating in them. Don't change the subject here please, or consider writing another blog entry. I noticed you have an entry discussing the election too, so maybe you can bring it up there. I'm concerned with the rallies only. Thanks.