13 Abaan, NOV 4th; Los Angeles

13 Abaan, NOV 4th;  Los Angeles
by Noosh Afarin
*** Wear Green or black. No flags!! Signs only. ***

13 of Aban-November 4th, is the anniversary of the take-over of US Embassy in Iran. Every year the government of Iran marks this day by taking to the streets of Iran, burning US flags along with the flags of other nations it views as its enemies. This year the Green Movement has decided to use this date in the opposite direction, to call for all Iranians both inside and outside Iran to come to the streets and announce this day as a day of friendship and solidarity amongst all people and the end of hostilities with other nations.
United4Iran Southern California, in support of such a call will use this day to let the world know that the struggle for democracy and human rights is alive in Iran and that the people of Iran will use every means at their disposal to take back what is rightly theirs. We ask you to show your support by wearing green on November 4th and joining us outside the CNN Building from 5-7pm. Let us make 13 Abaan, November 4th a Green Day of Peace & Solidarity throughout the world.
  Wednesday, November 4, 2009 *** Time:  5:00pm - 7:00pm *** Location: In front of CNN Building *** Street: 6430 W. Sunset Blvd.  Los Angeles, CA * * *


more from Noosh Afarin

Wow Nazi

by HollyUSA on

Dastet dard nakoneh khanom. Perfect example of a picture is worth a thousand words.

Nazy Kaviani

سلام خانم نوش آفرین

Nazy Kaviani

با تشکر از بلاگ شما و کاملا بدون شرح، کلیپ سورآل زیر تقدیم می گردد!

Noosh Afarin

MPD جان،

Noosh Afarin


شاید به خاطر گرمای شهر ماست.





Noosh Afarin

هالی جان؛

Noosh Afarin


 منو شما و صدها هموطن دیگر شاهدان عینی ماجراها و برخوردهای بسیار بی ادبانه ی بعضی از هموطنان خود بودیم.
متاسفانه هرگاه برنامه ای برای حمایت از ایرانیان دورن مرز بر پا شد، گروههای سلطنت طلب و  مجاهدین، نهایت سوء استفاده از آن را نموده اند. بدون توجه به اینکه شعور سیاسی مردم بالاتر از اینست که بخواهند چنین عقبگرد بزرگی به سلطنت یا تحجر افراطی آنها داشته باشند.
 پرچم شیر خورشید با تاج  بیش از اینکه تداعی کننده ی ایران باشد، تداعی کننده حکومت سلطنتی مستبد و کودتاچی است. حکومتی که ۳۰ سال پیش پرونده اش بسته شد. ولی بعضیها به این مسئله بصورت ( cold case mystery) نگاه میکنند و فکر میکند که بعد از ٣٠ سال باید پرونده را باز کرد و انرا (solve)  کرد.






Multiple Personality Disorder

میان لوس انجلس تا سن فرنسیسکو تفاوت از زمین تا آسمان است

Multiple Personality Disorder

Maybe we have been dealing with two different kinds of shir-o-khoshidi people.  You know, people in San Francisco are very gay, and by gay I mean they are very happy, whereas in Los Angeles things seem to be a lot rougher.


ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

I believe you are a programmer. Only a nerd...

lol. Story of my life. When I was in the marines everyone said "You don't seem like a Marine!" and then as a programmer its always "You don't seem like a programmer!" Bleh.

...would videotape...

I'm sooooo glad it wasn't me who used that word ;)

I guess I learned my lesson several years back when my cousins were capping on me for talking about videotaping the Christmas celebrations!


Noosh Afarin, for the record and clarification

by HollyUSA on

My personal experience with the group has been that they are amongst the most intolerant, despotic and shockingly foul mouthed human beings I have ever come across. They routinely approach anyone with a different flag and openly attack and try to intimidate them to do away with it. 

P.S. Sorry I borrowed your subject line MPD jan, I just wanted to make sure I clearly distance myself from your position on the subject since our experiences do seem rather different but because of our comments we may have been viewed by readers as having a similar stance ;)




by HollyUSA on

Nobody is going to hit you; you should come and see your cyber brothers and sisters in person. Non-Iranians often attend protests and I haven't seen one hit yet. You won't even be told off cuz I know you won't bring a flag because you were respectfully asked not to and I know you know respect even if you don't know English :P Any piece of green clothing will do, a green sweatshirt, green scarf ...and if you don't have it, that's cool too. As long as you believe in the cause you are welcome.

I believe you are a programmer. Only a nerd would videotape himself to see how fast he types :)



Multiple Personality Disorder

Noosh Afarin, for the rocord and clarification

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

I understand what you're saying about your own personal experience, and your point is well taken, however for the record and clarification, my personal experience with the people who distributed shir-o-khoshid flags in the San Francisco Mega Rally was that they were very polite, and they were not trying to cause any trouble. 

ex programmer craig

PS Holly

by ex programmer craig on

I was thinking of going to this one since its near my house! I've never been to a protest in the US and I thought it might be interesting! But now I'm scared of Iranians chasing me around and hitting me over the head with their wrong-flags because I'm not wearing the right clothes! Oh well... maybe I'll still go, as an observer! There must be a coffee shop or something nearby.

Multiple Personality Disorder

Well, SamSam I'm shocked that your comment is deleted

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

I didn't see anything offensive in your comment.  I thought you were trying to make a point humorously, maybe you were not, but I saw it that way.  I thought you were trying to say who determines what people ought to bring with them, and my point was anything they want as long as it is not done dubiously to undermine other people's hard work.

So I don't know what to say, other than I don't know why your comment was deleted.

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

My use of OR in capital letters was meant to emphasize the OR part of what I was saying! I do that all the time, and it doens't confuse me but maybe that's just because I'm used to thinking in terms of boolean logic. That's what I meant when I said I was sorry if my wording confused you :)

So, for the record: I'm sorry I didn't choose my words better! Happy now!? :P

Yeah you must be Speedy Gonzales at the keyboard :P 

I really am a programmer, you know...  and I don't even touch-type... you should see how fast my hunt-and-pecking fingers fly! Sometime I have to get it on video, because I have trouble believing it myself!



by HollyUSA on

Not to be petty but this is a pet peeve of mine. So indulge me please: I HATE when people say something and then instead of saying ' oh my mistake, sorry' they say 'sorry I confused you'. I wasn't one bit confused my good man, you were! You said "...but I don't really get the specific request for green OR black clothing!" See? Nothing confusing there. Confused? perhaps. Confusing? Not at all. 

Yeah you must be Speedy Gonzales at the keyboard :P

Noosh Afarin

MPD جان،

Noosh Afarin


قصدم از استفاده در مورد کلمه اغتشاش صرفاً بخاطر تجربیات شخصی من است. وقتی در گردهمایی دیدم که پرچمداران شیر و خورشید در بین مردم میگویند: کپک هم سبز است، مرگ بر موسوی و طرفدارانش و اراجیفی نظیر ان، به شخصه استنباط میکنم که این افراد برای اغتشاش کردن امدنند. و مرز میان" شعور و بی شعوری" را رفتار دیکتاتوری پسندانه انها میتوان دید.







ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

You spend more than half your day on this site dealing with all things Iranian

I don't! I just type fast! :p

and you still have trouble understanding why Green clothing is beig requested in support of tge GREEN MOVEMENT????

It was the black clothes that I didn't understand. Sorry if my wording confused you :)


wow jj, just wow

by SamSamIIII on


unbelievable, good that atleast MPD saw my comment knowing there was absolutly nothing offensive in it but the colors green & black  in my old short that I can use as my new flag in absence of my Kaviani Drafsh..& let us know the phone number for Mr/Ms "melateh Iran" so we can become their spokepersons overseas

wow, wow, wow, tolerance green style.. ..

 you greenies are too mechanical ::)). I love my new flag though

You seriously need an explanation for this deletion, I mean ..ahh Fogaat aebaatit as luigii might say..MPD; did you see something offensive pal?



Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia


XPC you disappoint me dude!

by HollyUSA on

You spend more than half your day on this site dealing with all things Iranian and you still have trouble understanding why Green clothing is beig requested in support of tge GREEN MOVEMENT????

What are you smoking dude? pass some along!

Multiple Personality Disorder

Well, I wouldn't call it "eghteshash"

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

Noosh Afarin, closer to "mkr o riya" than "eghteshash".  But I think you get what I'm trying to say.  It's more like "taking advantage of".  But anyway, thank you for your blog and information.

SamSam jan, you may bring anything your heart desires, but my point is, don't be doing it as an organized effort, it undermines other people's effort.  We don't want to see a thousand people with dirty shorts on top of sticks, I think it would stink up the place, don't you :O) 

Noosh Afarin

MPD و هالی جان؛

Noosh Afarin


هر دوی شما به بهترین نوع از درد دیگران گفتید، ممنون از هم حسی و قدرت درک و همراهی شما عزیزان. همه ما با برخورد افرادی که جز اغتشاش و مکر و ریا کار بهتری ندارنند، اشنایم.
شاد و پیروز باشید.






Noosh Afarin

مهربان و ex programmer craig؛

Noosh Afarin


ممنون از کامنت هردوی شما، در اینجا مثالی را عنوان میکنم که شاید پرده از ابهام بردارد. همه ما خارج نشینان؛ بخصوص ما که در امریکا زندگی میکنیم، به نوبه خود به مهمانیهایی دعوت شده ایم که در دعوتنامه ذکر شده بود که؛ لطفا به سبک دهه شصت / یا دهه هفتاد لباس بپوشید و یا اینکه خانمها با لباس سفید و اقایان با کت و شلوار مشکی.... و یا اینکه همه مهمانها ( اعم از زن یا مرد)  با لباس سفید یا لباس مشکی، در مهمانی حضور بهم رسانند. و همه با شور و شادی به سراغ فروشگاها رفته تا تقاضای میزبان را محترم شمرند. و هیچوقت میزبان را در رابطه با نحوهء برگزاری مهمانی اش به زیر سوال نمیبرند.

 حال، اگر دعوت به گردهما یها را برای همبستگی و پشتیبانی از عزیزان ما که با دست خالی تاریخ سازان کشور مان هستند را میخواهیم همراه ،همصدا و همگام باشیم، رنگ ان نیز مورد احترام ما خواهد بود. در این همبستگی که رنگ لباس شامل دو رنگ است (سبز یا مشکی) بدان خاطر در نظر گرفته شده، که بعضی از دوستان رنگ سبز در کمد لباسشان ندارند و اینگونه همه همراهان میتوانند راحت باشند و با پوشیدن رنگ مشکی که همه ما بیش از هر رنگ دیگری در کمد لباس داریم، احتیاج به خرید رنگ سبز نیست. 
 ولی شما با این رابطه انطور برخورد و عمل کنید که راحت هستید.







ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

I agree with you about black clothes! Black clothing has come to symbolize anarchist movements since the 1980s. Maybe that fits in with the green movement's ideology and maybe it doesn't, I don't know... but I don't really get the specific request for green OR black clothing!



by HollyUSA on

My observation in LA has been similar to yours in SF. I agree that the practice is both dishonest and disrespectful. I will even go further and say it is disrespectful to the Iranian nation ( those within Iran who are putting their lives on the line daily) to disregard such a reasonable and logical (under the circumstances) request to refrain from bringing ANY flags. This is afterall, to show solidarity with them and a call for freedom,  -  not to push any one group's agenda.

Unfortunately opportunists are opportunists regardless of what they call themselves. It is indeed a shame that they have no shame. 


Shir-o-khorshid flag is Sucks to Canada! Flag fetish sucks!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

Multiple Personality Disorder

My observation about flags from the last Mega Rally in SF

by Multiple Personality Disorder on


Despite the call NOT to bring flags in the last Mega Rally in San Francisco, there was an organized effort by some people to distribute shir-o-khorshid flags among the participants.  By “organized” I mean they had it planned ahead of time, there were a number of them doing it, they had stacks of flags, and they were systematically going through the crowd asking people if they wanted a flag, wrapped, not knowing it was a shir-o-khorshid flag.  I believe this kind of activity is dishonest.  Yes, technically anyone is entitled to distribute the flag they believe in, they are entitle to ask the demonstrators if they’d like to have a flag, and so on, but I think what they did was taking advantage of other people’s hard work, ignoring the rally’s organizer stated wish, and the flag distributers were publicizing their own scheme at the cost to others.  There was no other flag distribution by other organizations, other than shir-o-khorshid flag distributing people.  This is being disrespectful to others.

I have nothing against anyone’s flag.  I think if any individual person wants to bring his or her own flag they ought to be able to that, but I don’t like it when some people take advantage of the situation.  It’s disingenuous.


Why black?

by Mehrban on

Why black?  Enough of black, that is exactly what this regime wants to see us in, black and mourning all the time.  Why propagate their symbols?  Enough black. 

Noosh Afarin

اقای شراب سرخ؛

Noosh Afarin



ممنونم از کامنت شما،  من میتونم حس شما رو درک کنم. ولی ایمان دارم که فرزندان ایران برای دفاع از پرچم یاد شده در مقابل چنگال دژخیمان کشور قرار نگرفتند. اول همه ما باید برادری خود را ثابت کنیم تا بتوانیم ادعادی وراث کنیم.  هر نوع همبستگی برای دفاع از حقوق بدست نیاورده ایرانیانی که ١٠٣ شاهد خفقان از طرف دولتمندان دیکتاتور و مستبد وکودتاچی خود بوده اند، است. برای رسیدن به جمهوری ایران باید دنباله رو عزیزان خود در ایران باشیم.  و تا رسیدن به دولتی که نماینده مردم است راهی چند در پیش داریم.

حالا اگر شما قصد امدن به لوس انجلس و حضور در این گردهمایی را دارید، انطوری عمل کنید که برایتان دوست داشتنیست.
شاد باشید.







Red Wine


by Red Wine on

ما ایرانیان واقعی‌،ما فرزندان کورش و باقیان زرتشت،فقط با پرچم شیر و خورشید به این تظاهرات خواهیم آمد.


زنده باد ایران... نه شاه و نه شیخ، نه امریکا و نه انگلیس و روسیه، فقط جمهوری آزاد ایران .


Darius Kadivar

Thank You we will Bring Our Shiro Khorsheed Flags nevertheless ;

by Darius Kadivar on


Googoosh & Mehrdad Shenasname Man
