Assasinated Iranian Scientist (MOSSAD, CIA, MKO)

Assasinated Iranian Scientist (MOSSAD, CIA, MKO)
by Omid Talebi

Recent reports show that the Israeli secret agency MOSSAD, in cooperation with the CIA and the MKO terrorist organisation were the culprits who murdered the Iranian scientist Ahmadi Roshan. The country with the biggest mouth with regards to human rights (USA) has until today had no issue with having the highest record of murders and tortures around the world too. Here is a recent photo of the murdered Iranian scientist, he will be remembered by all Iranians as a hero and he will be avenged.

Make no mistake USA & EU. We will advance our country no matter what you do! 



"you foreigners", "half the country is member of the basij"!!!!!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

:) :) :) :)

and before I go....

"Propagandaist" (putting it very politely) is yourself , and all the rest of your user ID's !

Now go "Report " me too!



"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Omid Talebi

Basiji or not

by Omid Talebi on

Just about half the country is member of the basij. I am not sure whether you foreigners know that being a member brings quite some advantages, other than getting free education in just about anything you can name.

Either way, this scientists name came into USA/Zionist hands because of a list of Iranian nuclear scientists that is in the hands of the IAEA. Unfortunately, they're using that list to assasinate the people on it.


Roozbeh: Khamenei is a particle physicist

by AMIR1973 on

The targeted IRI goon was a Basiji thug in a regime where thuggery leads to promotions and career advancement.

Omid Talebi


by Omid Talebi on

 radius-of-the-persian-cat, I have now reported you for deleting your own post and then subsequently spreading this nonsense about me. Hopefully the admins will act and at the very least warn you for this propagandistic nonsense.



by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Well, if attacking, beating up, raping and killing the unarmed, peaceful demonstrators, and then gaining University acceptance and a "degree" as the reward of one's criminal acts  makes one a "scientist", then this man deserved a Nobel prize!

here some more of your "scientists" in action! 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Tiger Lily

I'm cool with the avenging agenda, IF

by Tiger Lily on

you tell me how to buy shares in magnetic bombs.


 THe guy was a member of

by vildemose on

 THe guy was a member of Basij militia/para-military:


A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


I am saddened for his

by vildemose on

I am saddened for his family, however, he was a member of **basij militia...

Mr. Talebi: how are you planning to avenge his death? Are you posting from Iran??


**Basiji military/militia


A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


Freudian Slip ???

by radius-of-the-persian-cat on

Hi Omid, just for me to know which of my words upset you so much  that you had to ask for removal of the entire post: I assume it was my suggestion of you writing for money. I promise I will never make such comments again. 

Thank you very much for considering my comments about the misspelled "Resent comments ..." and correcting it in your original blog accordingly. So it was just a Freudian slip spelling mistake, right ?

Too bad, I thought you put in intentionally to show your sense of humor.


Don't cry, please

by radius-of-the-persian-cat on

I had the hope to read a witty reply from you. Sorry to see that you have been offended so awfully by my comment that you initiated its deletion. I hope that in real life you behave a bit more like a sportsman and fight for your case instead of asking a higher authority to help you.


I want my money

by radius-of-the-persian-cat on

Dear Omid, Too much of an honour, but  I have to disappoint you. Neither US nor Israel is paying me (nor do they spend money for any other IC blogger), I guess my language is not aggressive militant enough. And if IC would receive the sum of money that you claim in your post, I think there would be no need for these many adverts on the IC website any more.

I know just of one organisation being involved in such financial support of democratic movements around the globe. I think they are called "Freedom House". Whether they have any program concerning Iran, I can't say. If you have some information, please let us know - even if it is just another "Recent reports show ..." style.

Btw, I also feel very sorry for the family of Ahmadi Roshan. They have to live without husband and father now. But it is the IRI which does not care about young people, whether they are tortured and killed as enemies of islam or sacrificed on the battlefield of national pride.

Omid Talebi


by Omid Talebi on

The illegal Zionist entity is known to actually pay $2000 to internetters to spread false propaganda against Iran and pro-Zionist. The US regime pays anywhere between $1 per post to $20 per hour for propaganda spreaders. I am sure you are one of them. Video:

I will soon release a blog report on people like you so people are aware that US/Zionist propagandists are actually paid to falsify present and history.