Where Will Iran Be In 2022?


Where Will Iran Be In 2022?
by Onlyiran

Qatar just got the nod to host the 2022 World Cup. Good for them.  They worked hard at it, and they got it.  However, seeing Iran’s tiny neighbor get this honor made me think about our misfortunes for the past 31 years.  Shouldn’t have been Iran’s honor to be the first country to host the games in the Middle East or Asia?  Shouldn’t we be there now?  But look at where we are.  A nation always at the brink of war over causes that have nothing to do with our people.  Under sanctions for belligerence, deceit and utter foolishness.  World’s biggest sponsor of terrorist groups.  Our educated women being forced into an obligatory dress code.  A cultured people being ruled by a bunch of thugs who import foreign fighters to shoot their own people on the streets.  What a shame...

I know, I know…it’s all the Zionists and the Americans and the evil “West” and everyone else who is doing this to Iran.  It has absolutely nothing to do with the great Islamic Republic…

So, where are we going to be in 2022?  If the IRI is still around, the same place we are now.  We will be going after causes that have nothing to do with the interests of our people.  We will be under sanctions.  We will be burning flags on the streets.  We will be chanting "Death to" one country or the other.  Our closest friends will be the Lebanese Hezbollah and Hamas.  Our women will be beaten on the streets and dragged into police cars for having their headscarves on the wrong way.  We will be in the top three of the countries with the largest number of executions.  Persian Gulf will be permanently called Arabian Gulf.  And the Persian Gulf states will be decades ahead of us in international standing, military strength and dominance.

So, to all you IRI cyber cronies out there and on Iranian.com: keep on with your valiant efforts of dressing up the IRI pig in a civilized suit.  Keep writing blog after blog and comment after comment relating everything in Iran to the Israeli / Palestinian conflict, and continue on with your conspiracy theories and your “naneh man gharibam” about how the West’s and the Zionists’ conspiracies are the only things that are holding the IRI back from its destiny of becoming the greatest gift to humanity. At least someone is getting a reward in this picture: you!


Photo is that of the Lebanese Hezbollah terrorist and operative Hossein Monif Ashmar firing at Iranian protesters on the Hafez Bridge in Tehran during the 2009 Ashura day protests.


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