Is Parazit US Propaganda?


Is Parazit US Propaganda?
by Payman Dailami

One wonders whether VOA Persian’s management and the group that oversees its operations have a PR department. Last week, Kambiz Hosseini and Saman Arbabai, co-creators of VOA Persian Service’s successful television weekly, Parazit, appeared on AlJazeera’s “The Stream,” and managed to do a lot of damage to their own image, as well as to VOA’s. The program’s topic, as explained by Imran Garda, the show’s host, was the controversy surrounding Parazit’s mission, as it is funded by the US government’s Voice of America, dedicated to broadcasting US policies (propaganda) into other countries. In Garda’s words, “he who pays the piper decides the tune.”

Farsi-speaking followers of the show may have heard Kambiz and Saman’s previous assertions about their independence and the show’s freedom to choose its subjects without censorship. New York-based political commentator and blogger, Nima Shirazi, appearing as another program guest, challenged the Parazit team, reminding them that as a government-funded television program, they couldn’t possibly have the independence they are boasting.

The language and mannerism of Kambiz Hosseini started the interview on a rocky foundation for the Parazit team. It is not clear whether Hosseini’s lack of command of English language created the problem, or whether he was deliberately trying to avoid questions and to create a diversion each time the challenger, Shirazi, tried to make a statement. Hosseini was in a rush to answer all the questions himself and even finished Arbabi’s sentences for him several times. He appeared angry, arrogant, and ill-prepared to discuss the thorny subject. During the interview, in their haste to prove their “independence” from US foreign policy, Hosseini and Arbabi managed to make their employers, Voice of America’s Persian Service, and the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), appear as incompetent fools on whose watch a whole program was created and launched without their knowledge! “Voice of America did not choose to do this, we did! They didn’t create the show! …At some point, Voice of America found out that, look, there is a show that has half a million viewers watching it! They didn’t have anything [control] over this. There was no smart planning!” boasted Hosseini.

The two offered “human rights for Iranians” as the sole raison d'etre for their program. Arbabi tried to offer a pragmatic approach to the issue. “As long as they fund us and let us do what we do, and do not interfere, which they haven’t, I don’t care if, the government of, like, Kenya, gives us the money. We have a platform, we are using it, and luckily, the charter that we have at VOA protects us…We get this question a lot, and to be honest with you, Parazit is something that is completely unique even for Voice of America. VOA’s this dry, hard news organization with this kind of attitude thing, funded by the government, started during the Cold War. And then came Parazit! And we kind of just used the opportunity we had to do what we do. We are very objective about everybody, including the American government…Luckily, we have been able to do what we want to do. And as long as we are able to do what we do, and there is no censorship involved and no one is going to interfere with our content, then the government money is looking good!" he said.

Saman Arbabi’s flagrant duplicity in making these statements is mind boggling. According to FoxNews, in 2007, Voice of America Persian Service fired Arbabi’s then wife, Melody Navab-Safavi, a musician with the band Abjeez, for making a music video for the band’s song DemoKracy, which had lyrics and images critical of the US war in Iraq. Saman Arbabi himself was asked to resign for helping produce the video, but he refused, according to the lawsuit. Melody Safavi and Voice of America have apparently reached a settlement since, as she is back working for VOA Persian after four years.

Parazit is a popular US-funded show that successfully cashes in on the pain and anger of Iranians after the 2009 disputed elections. As such, like all other programs produced by VOA, Parazit presents state propaganda directed at a specific country. There is nothing wrong with this so long as everyone is honest about the elephant in the room. Of course all of this is somewhat rhetorical so long as there is no military action on Iran, or the Parazit guys will find out with their viewers that “he who pays the piper does decide the tune.”

Previous blogs about VOA Persian: Part 1 and Part 2


more from Payman Dailami

Parazit is attacked for being a popular anti-IRI program

by AMIR1973 on

All the rest of the gibberish coming from the usual "Death to America" crowd should be ignored. The IRI and its admirers think that even one popular anti-IRI program is too much for Iranians to listen to. Iranians should hear nothing but "Marg Bar Amrika" 24/7. 

Oon Yaroo

"Why beating around the bush?" Ask an Iranian living under IRR

by Oon Yaroo on

if he/she would rather to live in Kabul/Baghdad vs Tehran?

I bet the answer would be the former!

Why? Because, there is a light at the end of the tunnel in Kabul and Baghdad!

Whereas, Tehran, where there is NO tunnel let alone light at the end of it! :-)


iraj khan

Why beating around the bush?

by iraj khan on

'To treat a topic, but omit, its main points intentionally'.

Lets read one of the comments that states:

"PARAZIT tells the truth"

Question: Does Parazit ever talk about Afghanistan or Iraq the way the rest of Americans, (for example Ron Paul) do? The whole world has been talking about it, how about parazit?

Do they ever criticize or make any sketches regarding these two wars and their devastating results?

Can one select and choose the Truth the way he/she sees fit? In such a case, then it's not called 'telling the truth' anymore, it's called PROPAGANDA.

I'm just saying,


hamsade ghadimi

bahmani, well-articulated

by hamsade ghadimi on

bahmani, well-articulated opinion on the content of parazit. something that neither shirazi nor the author of this blog wanted to discuss.

vpk, i can see that you have no defense for niac.  regarding your burning questions of why u.s. allows niac to operate (assuming they know that niac is the mouthpiece of iri): politics (and indirectly, economics) is much more complex that the way you are going about it.  as i alluded earlier iri is playing both sides of the field in the syria uprising. corporations in the u.s. routinely contribute to opposing candidates. unbeknownst to you, there might be conflicting investments in your 401k plan. can you draw the parallel or do i need to spell it out?

if u.s. wants iri to go so bad, would they want to close down the iranian interest section in d.c.?  would they fully boycott direct and indirect sale of goods (including oil) to the u.s.?  not necessarily.  they may want iri to go but not at the expense of hanging themselves.  it's a bit more complicated than you make it out to be.  at any rate, going from a niac supporter to someone who is questioning niac (or come to a conclusion that niac is an iri lobby) is an improvement.  it's a sign that you're open-minded and improves your probability of gaining satisfactory answers to your other questions.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Bahmani

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


In my view any "news and satire" is biased to a degree. I may like and agree with one but it is biased. Truth has many faces and different people see different truths. It is not like math where there is a universal single absolute truth.

Imagine a report: Israel attacks Gaza. On the face of it this may be true. But the reporter left out the bit about rockets shot from Gaza into Israel for a month.

Therefore the report while "true" is biased. Another report may have the opposite bias. It is practically impossible to get reporting without any spin. It is in nature of people and we do it without knowing it.


I dont watch parasit myself..

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

In fact I watch TV very seldom. But this program is obviously very popular with Iranians both within Iran, with access through sattelite receivers and Iranians living abroad. I think the popularity of this program is to a very large extent due to the critical nature of this program towards Islamist regime. To that end the viewer would not realy care  about who funds the program..

As for who funds NIAC question, I say just follow the money. All the way to the Khuzestan oil wells. Put it differently, implement an airtight, absolute embargo on IRI's oil exports, and the entire NIAC leadership for life would close the shop and go into second hand car business, somewhere in Texas... 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Oon Yaroo and HG

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am not disputing your numbers honestly. My point is not about NIAC. Let us assume it is a mouthpiece for IRI for the time being. My point is whether USA is serious about regime change or not. 

There are the following possibilities:

  • USA wants IRR gone and is serious about it. They will do what it takes. This means IRR will likely be gone and we as Iranian Americans should work on influencing the next regime.
  • USA wants IRR gone but is not willing to push it. They will put in half baked sanctions but nothing will be done. IRR may be gone but do not expect much from America in help or hindrance.
  • USA does not want IRR gone from power. Maybe reduce its influence. But keep it in power nevertheless. This is bad. Not impossible but tough because they hinder attempts to remove IRR.

Now what are your opinions please.


VOA is legally not Propaganda

by bahmani on

The VOA charter specifically states it's legally bound mission as:

1- Present factual news
2- Represent America (broadly)
3- Analyze US policies with free opinion

During the Cold War the VOA was painted as a Propaganda tool of the US, and given the great animosity between the US and the USSR, and the greater espionage activities of that time, it is understandable that the moniker that the Soviets branded the VOA with, has stuck vis-a-vis Iran and the current temperature with the US.

Additionally the term Propaganda which actually means: "...derogatory information, esp. of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view", is close, but is not an accurate depiction of what the VOA actually does.

You could certainly simplistically call the PARAZIT show propaganda. And Al Jazeera is certainly filled with simple people. Quoting FOX News as objective opinion is also a simpleton's Wikipedia. Same goes for fantasy bloggers/musicians like Shirazi who are correct in their simple idealistic view of the situation but ultimately wrong if they look at the actual conditions in which reality exists.

The problem is that PARAZIT tells the truth and for it to be Propaganda, it has to be a lie and more importantly Iran has to be an innocent bystander and completely guiltless target of "Propaganda". It isn't.

Or is this not clear to Al Jazeera? Al Jazeera is funded by the illegitimate absolute monarchy of the Emir of Qatar, not once when they failed to break even after the first round, but twice. Yet Al Jazeera has NEVER criticized the Emir, or Qatar. Apparently everyone else is fair game, except the Emir and Qatar. Or, this is exactly like FOX News and Rupert Murdoch.

Shirazi is a wonderful writer. Not so much musician. But the incorrect assumptions he makes in his criticism and naive wish that PARAZIT were not under the VOA, is at once valid and invalid. Which makes it ultimately invalid.

If PARAZIT cannot exist without the VOA (for obvious intimidatory reasons and the real threat of death by the same 800 "accidents" the opponents of the IRI have met with), then it is necessary for PARAZIT to exist. And if that means under the protection and sanctuary afforded anyone in the US, then so be it.

PARAZIT tells the truth to an unreasonably oppressive, suppressive, and altogether without a doubt proven evil power, with a comedic satirical spin. This of course doubly pisses off Iran and it's supporters because it hurts twice.

Once because it exposes the truth behind the lies and deceit and disdain for public scrutiny.

Twice because it makes them out to be hilariously deluded fools, stupid, and idiotically ridiculous in their vain attempt to pose the shitty governance and obviously corrupt systemic culture, as entirely acceptable and reasonable.

When someone who is inherently stupid, says something really stupid, and continually shows how stupid they are at each step, is called on it, and told in complete clarity just how stupid they are, look, and sound, it pisses them off. Especially when it is true, and they realize it, and know it, but can't do anything about it because they are too proud.

Actually that's how you identify stupid people. Whenever anyone who is called on their stupidity gets angry, they are stupid. Good or sane people realize their stupidity and apologize and acknowledge their momentary stupidity without getting mad.

So if PARAZIT makes anyone mad, make sure you know that those are the truly stupid among us.

PARAZIT is a show that is broadcast by the VOA. But it is produced entirely by Saman Arbabi with the express agreement that he has full control and content authority. The Host is Kambiz Hosseini.

Many point at the recent interview with Hilary Clinton as an example of PARAZIT being a tool of the VOA. You can certainly think that. I personally defer to Arbabi on that choice and personally, I found it was a well timed inclusion into the show, because I was getting tired of the usual, and this mixed it up nicely for me and the conversation was frank and completely different than anything anyone else has done with Hilary. Hilary however, did not let her guard down as we all hoped, and toed the company line. As she should do. Has to do. It may not have opened the fresh personal side to her as Hosseini had hoped, but you try anyway. The unpredictability is what I like about PARAZIT.

Mostly PARAZIT is a satirical comedy news program that analyzes Iranian politics and presents a comedic alternative commentary to it.

Were IRAN a free country in which freedom of Expression, Speech, and the Press were allowed, PARAZIT would not exist, wouldn't have to, or it would turn into an Iranian TMZ poking fun at Googoosh and whoever challenges her for that spot.

SO, while it hurts and stings the Iranian government and it's fans, the reality is that if you intend to spew shit, and shitty ideas, with a shittier cover, and offer only the shittiest proposition, at some point someone has be honest to call you on your shit and let you know you're entirely covered in it, full of it, and that you stink.

And that hurts your ego, when all that is driving you to be who you are is your ego and utter refusal to accept the truth about your retarded offer.

As long as the Iranian government insists this stance, LONG LOVE PARAZIT!

I personally don't care if Satan himself sponsored PARAZIT, because as long as this Iran exists and commits the crimes it commits, if Satan sponsored PARAZIT, he would not be Satan. He would be an Angel and God would let him back into heaven for it. I'm sorry, Allah would let him back into heaven for it.

To read more bahmani posts visit: //

Oon Yaroo

VPK, all we can say about who receives $'s from whom is

by Oon Yaroo on

purely based on conjecture in lieu of hard evidence and data!

However, one can always use rule of thumb and back of the envelop calculation to estimate an organization of let's say the NIAC's size cost of operation!

Then, you can correlate that with the income reported on its tax return and come up with the magic number ($'s came out of a mysterious back/bank account or what have you!)

Using the proverbial no one "Hava Nemikhoreh and Kaff Nemirineh," the cost of a typical average employee for a typical average corporate America (profit & non-profit oriented) is somewhere around Ec = $200k - $300k per year. 

Multiply Ec by the # of personnel and add rent, utility, fees for keynote speakers, and the miscellaneous cost and you will arrive at the total cost of operation. I recall looking at one of the most recent of NIAC's tax form and if my memory severs me well they had reported somewhere around half a mil.

How plausible is it for NIAC to operate on $500k (2-3 people operation?) Any guesses, anybody!?

Disclaimer: I am NOT an accountant!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear HG

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

My issue is more to what Amirparviz says. Does USA want to keep Islamism in the region or not. I hope not because if they do we are SOL.

hamsade ghadimi

vpk, casmii and niac are

by hamsade ghadimi on

vpk, casmii and niac are sister agencies: many of its member and co-founders openly support both groups, contribute to each other's organizations and market each other.  there could be a multitude of answers to your question of why can niac operate in the u.s. but you don't need to answer all of these questions to conclude that niac and casmii serve as the mouthpiece of iri.

now iri works to defend asad in syria.  iri is also keeping the communication channel open with asad's opposition.  do you think that's a contradiction in iri's policies toward syria or just wise planning?

Mohammad Ala

One gooz, the services know who did it or where it came from.

by Mohammad Ala on

One gooz, the services know who did it or where it came from.  LOL.  NIAC has been accused of receiving money from both IRI and USA. LOL. haha.

NIAC's tax record show receiving money from NED… here is a comment about that, this is a quote from someone who follows NIAC:
"I am not a fan of Trita - he accepted money from CIA-front NED.  Not acceptable."

Oon Yaroo

Hamsadeh & VPK, how dare VOA doesn't broadcast MBA* per 24/7?

by Oon Yaroo on

* Not the Master of Business Administration (MBA) but rather Marg Bar Amrika (MBA)!?

That's the crux of the matter! If they did then they would be pro Iran according to the IRR advocates!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I do not know anything about CASMII and take your word for it. But regarding NIAC .

Please see my other posts about funding. NIAC donations are tax deductible meaning NIAC is funded at least partially by the USA government. Assuming you are right that begs the question why? Amirparviz and others have been saying USA wants IRR in power. If your claim it true and NIAC is the voice of IRI that makes a very disturbing  situation. Does USA want IRR in power or are they just stupid. Why do they allow it to operate and make donations tax deductible.

If USA wants IRR chances of getting rid of it go way down.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Oon Yaroo Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I put IRR supporters in three groups:

  • IRR payroll: They are vile and disgusting. But their reason is obvious and.
  • Genuine Islamists: There must be some of them. What I ask is their reason for being here. If they like Islamism why be in the heart of "Great Satan".
  • People in denial: The people who helped in the revolution. But do not want to admit it screwed up because it means admitting a mistake. They will hope against all reality that IRR will reform or is not as bad as we say.

The first two may cross over. No reason why a genuine Islamist would turn down money from IRR! Does it make sense to you?

BTW: If NIAC is truly working to preserve IRR the USA must know it. Then claims by Amirparviz that USA wants IRR in get more valid.

hamsade ghadimi

casmii and niac are funded

by hamsade ghadimi on

casmii and niac are funded by iri.  and they're not even funny.  casmii actually holds workshops in iran for west-residing iri-groupies on how to highlight and defend iri's position on a wide variety of subjects.  follow the $$ indeed. and why voa is not braodcast in the u.s.?  duh, because it's for foreign consumption.

Mohammad Ala

The show and VOA; you like it? cough off the money...

by Mohammad Ala on

Why bring other organizations into this thread when the topic is VOA funding?  I agree with Aljazeera that there are two issues: the Parazit show and the Funding it receives.

You like the show? cough off the money to fund it.

(1) Keep personal attacks out of this and other threads. (2) what VPK said is ignored by many.

VPK jan, what you said are known facts that many Iranians do not understand.

The majority of our people are khasis, but it will be a GREAT idea to come up with sufficient funds to support what they want, rather than expect others to fund their shows.


Multiple Personality Disorder

Great blog!

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

The blog is original, well written, organized, and thought-provoking.

Abjees' music video is impressive, and congratulations to Meldody for winning her lawsuit against VOA.

It looks like the Parazit guys were not expecting the kind of treatment they got at The Stream.  They looked like they were ambushed and tried hard to recover from it, but I agree that their brand of satire will not work if they try to poke fun of everyone and everything out there, meaning Hillary Clinton, Obama, and so on.  This kind of satire doesn't work that way.  The Daily Show With Jon Stewart was a success because, at least for eight years [2001-2009], it made fun of George W. Bush, and his administration and policies.  The comedy of The Daily Show works because it draws its satire, mainly, from the conservative news stories, right-wing political figures, and right-leaning media organizations.  It's the same with Parazit, only that it has replaced the American Neo-Cons, and so on, with the mullahs.

Oon Yaroo

VPK Jaan, So our long time conjecture that many pro-IRR

by Oon Yaroo on

advocates here are on its payroll just proved to be correct!

Follow the trace of the mighty $$$'s and you see the relationship between the master and the puppet! Q.E.D (quod erat demonstrandum)


In IRI, all media gives the regime line

by AMIR1973 on

I find it interesting that a number of individuals (including our old friend Mullah Nasreddin under the new name of iraj khan) object to Iranians hearing some programming that goes against the IRI line. Perhaps it would be better if even this single anti-IRI voice wasn't around, so that Iranians heard nothing but IRI propaganda?

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Regarding NIAC

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

I wonder if NIAC is really a front of IRI then why does USA let it operate. Going on why does it make donations tax deductible. Basically American government is helping fund NIAC.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: VOA credibility?!?!?

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Does anyone think there is any credibility anywhere? I don't think any news organization is honest. It all depends whose lies you want to hear.

iraj khan

Follow the money

by iraj khan on

then you know who is the boss.

The proof is in the pudding.


VOA credibility?!?!?

by Bavafa on

One only need to wonder why it is not allowed by law to be broadcast in US?


As I believe politicians who take big chunk of $$$ from corporations/entities, they cannot remain independent , I equally believe if my boss is signing my paycheck, I must remain and protect his/her interest.  VOA programs are no different and have to remain true to US goals and interest around the world.

  Watched the interview and equally disappointed in how amateurish the interview was conducted and interviewees behaved.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


Artificial Intelligence

Is NIAC IRI Propaganda?

by Artificial Intelligence on

That is the real question!

Maryam Hojjat

Hamsade Ghadimi & Parham

by Maryam Hojjat on

Great answers to this Payman IRR/IRI supporters.

hamsade ghadimi

if kambiz and saman create

by hamsade ghadimi on

if kambiz and saman create their own content and their message happens to coincide with the message of the voa, then i call that a good fit.  it doesn't mean that kambiz and saman cannot act independently as asserted by shirazi: "...Nima Shirazi, appearing as another program guest, challenged the Parazit team, reminding them that as a government-funded television program, they couldn’t possibly have the independence they are boasting."

payman, just as shirazi in the aljazeera show, you fail to criticize the content of parazit's show and try to cast doubt on parazit by "guilt by association" logic.  in addition, you resort to immature tactics by calling parazit creators as fools, and arrogant.  kam avordi kaka, kam avordi. :)

p.s. john stewart is also heavily criticized for his show by the right-wing republicans for his "daily show." just like the "daily show," parazit is not an objective news show.  it's a satirical show to amuse people and point out the injustices in iran (their passion).  it's not about injustices in zimbabwe, u.s., china, russia, or haiti.


 Who is Payman Dailami???

by vildemose on

 Who is Payman Dailami??? Are you a supporter of IRI??



"It is the chain of communicat­ion, not the means of production­, that determines a social process."

-- Robert Anton Wilson


I am not exactly a "fan" of

by Parham on

I am not exactly a "fan" of Parazit per se, although I do watch it most of the time. I also watched the Al-Jazeera program you mention here. In my opinion, the one who appeared to be totally out of his league on the show was Nima Shirazi. I don't know if the two show-producers looked arrogant or not, but I think they got their message across. They're producing a show that happens to be funded by VOA. Up to you to judge whether VOA is doing this for "propaganda" reasons or not. I would personally say "propaganda" is too strong a word.
As for the clip "Demokracy" and what ensued after its making, I would like to call your bluff. If indeed the lawsuit was about the clip itself and as you say, VOA is a propaganda tool against Iran, then VOA should have been happy about the clip. What really happened, as far as I know, is that VOA alleged that its studios and material had been used for the making of the clip without permission. This was a claim that was settled at court later. I might be wrong about that detail, but this is something that was said at the time. In any case, the court documents should be available to the public if I'm not mistaken.
I think claims like "if the US attacks Iran the makers of the show will have no answer" stem from traditional world-famous Iranian contempt for the other more than anything else.

Darius Kadivar

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by Darius Kadivar on

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