A case-study in defamation and slander


by Q

This was written as a comment about another blog in which both Fred and Darius Kadivar made some statements claiming to be fair and objective critics of NIAC.

This is a case study of how Fred and Kadivar slander and defame even while pretending they are fair-minded judges of NIAC and Trita Parsi. All in the context of another defamation case, that of Hassan Daioleslam against NIAC.

Fred has a literal conflict of interest (he is pro "airtight" sanctions and NIAC is against). But he cunningly pretends he is fair minded and evidence driven. So, he graces us with this "fair" position:

Should NIAC lobby turn out to be not what evidence point to as I stated in the last exchange on the subject we two had, your posting on NIAC visit, I will publically apologize and do all that I can to make up for my mistake and furthering NIAC lobby’s agenda.

This position lacks integrity and morals. It's only designed to sound like a fair and objective stance but it is not. Here are the reasons:

1. Fred considers NIAC "guilty until proven innocent": So, there is some fact out there that Fred is supposedly concerned about. There are accusations that Fred himself has made toward NIAC and other pro-peace people. However, he doesn't care about his own accusations being proved, he will "apologize" if only NIAC disproves his baseless allegations. This is what's known as a fishing expedition and the equivilant move in any legal system will be laughed out of court.

First you prove the allegations, then judgement is rendered and only last you can pass it off as true.

2. Fred is Anonymous. When he says "I will apologize" is that supposed to be meaningful? He's a attack machine with no personal stake. He can (and may already have) made other fake accounts with fake name and fake "concerns". So he has no stake and no risk in what he's saying personally. What's the worst thing that can happen to him? "Apologize" as "Fred" the Iranian.com fake account? Who is supposed to even enforce that? What's to say that when he is finally disgraced and proven wrong, he will not disappear like his sister Zion did a while back? Nothing of course. So the conclusion is that this "apology" business is meaningless.

The point is further driven home by this:

Till then I and it seems many others need to be convinced and if the price of it is to be called names, so be it.

Of course this is not ethical either. You don't "need to be convinced" of someone's innocense, you need to be convinced of someone's guilt. You are assuming guilt until proven innocent just like I said. I nthe mean time you claim the license to carry out these baseless allegations until... YOU consider the matter closed.

So as we see here, this point is also meaningless. But I still find it funny how at least rhetorically, Fred is playing the victim in this whole process (so typical).

if the price of it is to be called names, so be it.

Fred is basically saying, I will continue to defame and slander real people with unproven allegations, but I will accept the sacrifice of being called "names" for my fake persona

Wow, I'm really in awe of the sophistry and self-righteous arrogance.

Darius Kadivar, on the other hand is not a fake persona so he is to be commended for writing under his real name. However, he, too is being unfair and abusive performatively, perhaps even without his knowing.

I have no definitive judgment on NIAC or its people or on Trita PArsi who has EVERY right to defend his honor at court in this legal affair and I will only wait for the conclusion of the Court on this controversy to draw my own conclusions.

OK, this sounds reasonable. Kadivar says he has no judgement, that he's "neutral" in other words. He will reserve the judgement and "wait" for the conclusion of the court. But does Kadivar really believe it?

It becomes clear that the answer is no. Kadivar writes for about 5.5 lines about how he will wait and reserve judgement. But spends the next 95 lines NOT waiting, NOT reserving judgement and NOT being neutral. Even if he wants to say he's reviewing the fact, why so one sided?

The simple conclusion is that Kadivar is not truthful when he says he has not drawn a conclusion and will "wait for the courts", etc. He just said that to make himself sound credible, but it's obvious from the 95:5 ratio of his own writing that he, too, is considering "guilty until proven innocent". But unlike Fred, he's just not that blunt about it.

Furthermore, on the specific things he mentions, he is being one-sided and biased. I eliminate ignorance because I have personally answered some of these points and he continues to pretend like they are real controversies. Let me show you:

I have never found that NIAC was ever speaking on behalf of Iranian Americans as such because it was simply taking upon itself a political role such as demanding the US Congress to stop financing the Iranian Opposition in Exile.

Darius Kadivar must know by now that a majority, perhaps even a large majority of Iranian Americans do not trust these US-funded "opposition", part of this distrust is the "US funded" part. He knows how Green leaders and other freedom fighters like Shirin Ebadi have specifically decried US meddling or funding of opposition. He also knows that 30 years of such funding hasn't produced the slightest result.

So, when he says "NIAC is taking it upon himself" he's distorting to be generous. NIAC is reflecting what most Iranian Americans want.

Even if you don't believe your own eyes in all the rally's, Kadivar, you can read the NIAC surveys to its own constituents which questions like this have been posed. They all confer the same thing.

The conclusion here is that Kadivar is simply upset that NIAC didn't honor his French-Iranian minority view rather than what its own members demand.

Before taking such a position did Mr. Trita Parsi bother to ask some of the Iranian American Families directly concerned ( and often for Good Reason) by such as initiative on their behalf ?

Yes, actually, it did. I don't know if by "directly concerned" you are saying that NIAC should have conducted a survey inside the Islamic Republic (where people like you would instantly call its accuracy into question), or you are saying that people "directly concerned" however that is defined, should have more of a say than others, which is not consistent with a democratic approach. Whatever it is, there's no wrong doing on behalf of NIAC that has occurred here, except the deadly sin of not having consulted Kadivar before hand.

He may have shared that view as an individual but to do so on behalf of the Iranian American community was not very Honest nor ethical ...

The Iranian-American community is not a monolith and NIAC never claims to reprsent the entire community. However, it is the biggest representative of the Iranian American community. Prior to NIAC the only voice in Washington calling itself "representative of the Iranian American Community" was the MEK.

The fallacy which is oft repeated here is simple:

NIAC is the biggest Iranian-American organization. It does not mean the "entire" community but it is a valid voice for the community.

The standards that "concern" critic such as Kadivar put forward are laughable. Does Barak Obama represent the "American" community? The answre is Yes, even though less than 30% of Americans voted for him. (he got 53% of the vote, where 55% of eligables voted). You can make this "case" about any group in NIAC's position. Even the largest groups like AARP in reality have memberships that are a fraction of the people in whose name they operate. Why is this a problem only when it comes to NIAC ? The answer of course is: bias based on ideological disagreement.

As Far as I understood NIAC was supposed to be a Community organization and Not a Political Party. As Such it Was not supposed to be involved in Iranian Politics but focused on Community work and eventually highlight Iranian Americans involved in the American Political Scene.

I'm not sure what you are basing this on. But community organizations can be very political. They often fight for what is best for their community, including legislation affecting their lives and the lives of their parents and loved ones. There are anti-poverty community organizations that routines mobilize for or against national legislation affecting the poor. Same with religious communities and ethnic ones. Only some of the larger ones are official lobbis but they all do political work to some degree.

I will chalk this up to Kadivar, simply not knowing enough about American politics.

Also NIAC was regularly asked to come and speak on VOA Persian to respond to it's accusers and contradictors BUT NEVER appeared in any of the debates prefering to call VOA Persian as a nest of Neo Con War Mongerers ...

I don't know what this is supposed to prove. President Obama doesn't appear on FOX news. What's your point? Anybody is free to accept or reject an invitation. VOA is far from balanced and objective and in this case it makes sense that they have huge animosity toward NIAC, being that NIAC is against funding of fossilized Iranian opposition groups.

The real question is that what kind of ethical journalist would put Hassan Dai on the air repeatedly when even YOU admit that none of his allegations are proven.

VOA persian and Radio Farda were VERY PROFESSIONAL in covering the Elections in Iran and Fair.

Actually US government statistics show that VOA audience in Iran is dropping in favor of BBC Persian, which is why incidently the IRI is very concerned about BBC again. But this is irrelevant, it's just your opinion. Peopls still are allowed to think differently about VOA and "professionalism" in your world, right Kadivar?

Even today while Jumping on the Green Movement Band Wagon which suddenly they claim to be it's spokesperson they have been indulging in creating divisions amongst Iranians by criticizing those who carry the Iranian Sun and Lion Flag.

Kadivar, that this is the source of your wound with NIAC is not lost on anyone. But even in your own video, can you count the number of people who cheered when Talebi said "get your own protest" ? It was the vast majority.

Mr. Trita Parsi aligned himself on the position defended by other Iranians who were Not even American such as Shirin Ebadi or Akbar Ganji regarding their opposition to financing the Iranian Opposition in Exile.

You know that these figures are highly respected by Iranian-Americans. They have sold out tours throughtout the United States routinesly. What is your poin here?

Your critique of Parsi's book is so meaningless, I won't even repeat it here. Trita Parsi is an academic with a PhD. He wrote the book based on his research not as a statement of NIAC's position. You don't like the book, don't buy it.

In conclusion. I find Darius Kadivar to be every bit as biased and dishonest as Fred. He is certainly doing it for different reasons but just like Fred he tries to fool the audience into thinking he's being objective and fact driven, when the reality shows he has deep personal anger about NIAC and is in truth ideologically diven.

Evne for a clueless Patriot and Last Minute Opponent to the IRI Like Trita Parsi ...

Yea, "waiting for the courts" my ass Kadivar jan!

For background see here:


more from Q


by Hajminator on

Insulter les gens, en référant leur nom à des parties intimes du corps que les femmes qualifient généralement de grotesque, te fait rigoler? Eh, bah chapeau. Kabootar ba kabootar, baz ba baz... Konad ham jenss ba ham jenss parvaz.


Monarchists, the loose cannons

by kharmagas on

If IRI can be topeled with cannons, the Monarchists have the best chance .... they don't even need to lobby for backing from the U.S/Israel. Many of them are cannons, that is loose cannons!


Craig, not that I have to explain myself to you

by Q on

Why do you take it so personally when people criticize NIAC Q?

I won't fault you for not having witnessed Unity in the Iranian community before. It has been rare if not outright non-existent.

NIAC promotes peace, and unity and empowerment of the Iranian American community. I am offended when any of these are attacked, especially for cheap political purposes like what Dai and his friend Timmerman are doing... basically using the foreign policy, our community and Trita Parsi's reputation as pawns for their own nafarious purposes.

I certainly hope NIAC doesn't promote your agenda.

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

Do you have ADD or something? Serious question. You seem to say the same things over and over again, and they usually aren't even relevant to the discussion.

Mola Nasredeen

xpc, your candidate for vice president is on TV

by Mola Nasredeen on

Go watch her. Airhead Palin, the one you voted for.Remember her? Go watch Opra Winfrey. You are not giving us anything but hatred.


Bush is gone, so is Cheney, so is Ramsfeld, get used to it. The new president, President Barack Hossein Obama is in the White House and you warmongers lost that round and you wont win this round either. Deal with it.



by Hajminator on

You're a coward and a liar. You're referring to me by putting words into my mouth. First of all, I do not support Q nor anyone else here. You employ coarse language toward Q by using the double meaning of "Mon Q" - My a## in French, everywhere on this site. Without threatening you, I simply asked to not employ this term n times a day as I find it vulgar. And what was your reaction? You insulted me and sent an email that I responded. And all that  just for a simple request! Now you, coward, are trying to turn things upside down in order to give yourself an epsilon of credit that you don't have. Grow up.

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

We already know there are people who are spreading lies and defamation on purpose for an end political goal.

And what's your purpose for doing that? You've done that yourself many times in this thread alone, not to mention all the times you've done it elsewhere over the years.

Why do you take it so personally when people criticize NIAC Q?Based on the avaliable evidence does NIAC promote the agenda of IRI goons like you, or of Americans like me?


Holy Cow, Kadivar: Why I wrote this blog

by Q on

I wrote this blog, because I wanted to give at least once a full analysis of what these hit pieces and slanders operate. I was accused of just making ad hominem attacks so I wanted to show the substance and the reasoning for my analysis.

This is a coutesy Trita Parsi didn't get from many of his attackers.


I'm glad you posted the entire entry. I did link to it but I hope people can now verify my statements about it easier. Nothing I have said has been disproven.

I showed you exactly why you are effectively casting a judgement, by the standards that people cast judgements in public media. Even if you like to say you didn't, it's clear to anyone who reads that you did.

It's OK, you're of course free to do it, and then say you're not doing it. But don't expect people to believe you and move on.

BTW, I did not flag your original response or anything in this blog. I was hoping for a substantive reply, but that's not important.


Natalia, it's not about expressing opinions

by Q on

and I have no problem with yours or anyone else's about any organization you wish to talk about. It's not about that.

It's about a publish relations assault to "destroy" Trita Parsi and NIAC. Don't believe me? Those words are used exactly in the email that was part of the Foreign Policy magazine expose which I uploaded as an image here:

We already know there are people who are spreading lies and defamation on purpose for an end political goal. There are people on Iranian.com who are allied literally or ideologically to this person "Hassan Dai" who started it all. Fred is in that category, Kadivar just doesn't like the Green flag symbol of Iranian democracy.

Eitehr way, people are actively contributing to the slander (designed to destroy NIAC) in public enabling Hassan Dai and his benefactors (whoever is paying for his Bobyguards, in other words) to basically damage the reputation of NIAC which was the goal all along.

Is it the "personal opinions" of Fred and Kadivar that they are expressing by essentially calling Parsi a lying traitor? Of course it is.

But it is also my personal opinion that they are both full of it, and their concerns are inflated and politically charged, and their own reasons do not have internal consistency.

I'm free to express that just the same.



by Fred on

 "Daei leaked it because Eli Lake never mentioned how he got what he wrote about, and Daei has not acknowledged it. That has been called leaking by many. Just check the internet."

What a surprise another untruth by the Doc. NIAC lobby tried and failed to get a ruling barring it from happening.  Yes Daei has publicaly said he gave the discovery material to the newspaper.

As to your death fatwa, unless you prove it with my words it is just another untruth in a series of untruths that you habitually do say.

Besides wanting IRR to have the nuke what is you plan to help the enslaved people of Iran, Doc?

BTW, you told four, 4, untruths and not "one mistake" which you hold others to be blamed.



by Mammad on

I made one mistake for which I immediately apologized, even though that was not my fault. I had been told what I said, and because I never watch VOA I though that was true. In fact, I checked my e-mails. When I told the VOA guys about the episode was when I was asked to return to VOA for another debate, and this was in July 2008, which I turned down. Whether Daei's last appearance was after July 2008, I do not know. You know because you say you checked it. But, I stand by my apology.

Daei leaked it because Eli Lake never mentioned how he got what he wrote about, and Daei has not acknowledged it. That has been called leaking by many. Just check the internet.

Regardless of how you massage my "anti-Islam" thinking, you are not going to change my opinion about yourself. I am not intimidated by it. You are who you are. I have no problem with it. You want to be that way, be that way.

But, you have a more important thing to worry about than my mistake: Q makes excellent points about you. From my perspective, sometimes you make good points. But, by behaving the way you do, you destroy your good points. Do what you want. So long as you attack me viciously (the last one was truly unprovoked), you are going to get your own medicine from me.




by Fred on

Back to the death fatwa with the “Anti-Islam”? Of course you are a liar and can’t prove it because it is not true and you can’t shut me up that way.

In a single post you have four, count it four flat untruths and you are shocked for being called on it?

Again, you are playing that game with criticizing all but not coming up with your plan to free Iran except wanting the Islamist Rapists have the nuke,  what is you plan doc?

As to Daie “leaking material” you mean he handed over some of the discovery documents. It would have been leaking it if he stayed anonymous and the newspaper did not disclose where it got it which is not the case. There is no wonder NIAC lobby tried in vain to get a court ruling barring people seeing what the lobby does not want them to see.  

Ps. Your “bombs for the people of Iran” in reference to me is another flat untruth Doc unless you prove it using my own exact words.

Islamists never learn.


Mola Nasredeen

Q For President

by Mola Nasredeen on


Because he's an honest man who doesn't hide his intentions unlike Born Again Monarchists such as DK, or Fred who peddles for Israeli lobby on Iranian dotcom or rightwng nuts such as x-programmer.

Q says his piece and stands by it. As a reader, visitor of this site I know this fact and stand by it.

Q knows when people with agenda try to push their line and he exposes them. He was the one who stood and pushed away a Zionist Efriteh called Zion and it was she who left and not Q.

And then there are those who try to distract him by mentioning what he does for a living and try to belittle him. My questions from these people is what the hell do you do for a living? So shut up.

NIAC is an organization that I know for a very long time before they get so powerful and effective as they are now. I followed what they were doing and I was not a member either. They stand for diplomacy and representing an Iranian American view about the political discourse in the United States. 

We know they are under attack because they are effective, intelligent, educated and don't take BS for an answer from Israeli lobby who is in bed with Mojadedin and Monarchists (where's our billions shah stole from us!).  Only 5% of Iranian Americans are for attack against Iran, according to the latest survey done by Zogby and that's why NIAC is hated by the above groups. Monarchist have been waiting for the last 30 yeard for the United States to attack Iran! So is Israel and of course Mojahedin.

Farah Rusta

Q joon!

by Farah Rusta on

Frankly my dear!! I don't mind to have a London pied-a-terre but unlike you I can't affrod running two households at the same time. I get such a kick with your obsession with people's identity and when you pick on women, I wonder why. It's either me or Arzu or Jaleh or Laleh! Are you the Boston Strangler now re-emerged in LA?

Oh, by the way can I book you for a family wedding (LOOOL)

 Jaleh/Laleh/Haleh/Parkhash (ROTFL) 


Darius Kadivar

Holy cow! ... Indeed !

by Darius Kadivar on

I didn't Know that having an Opinion about a controversy Triggered by NIAC itself through it's lawsuite was a crime or meant that I was casting a definitive Judgment :

SATIRE: IRI Lobby Moves to Great Britain ;0)

or are we forbidden to think these days like in IRAN ?

Comme On Dit MON Q Tu n'auras Pas Ma Liberté de Penser !





Back to your vicious self?

by Mammad on

Of course! Nothing less is expected of you, Freddo!

So, I made a mistake, and my mistake was trusting the VOA people who, after me telling them about the episode outside the VOA building, told me that they would never invite him again. I accepted what they said, and now I accept my mistake here and apologize to readers.

So, you are better familiar with legal jagons than me. That was not the point. The point was, Daei leaked the materials (not of your type of materials - bombs for people of Iran) and documents to Washington Times. It is all over the internet.

Your viciousness is shocking. It is Q who is criticizing you. You have not said a word to him. But, you attack me for a comment that had nothing to do with you? You really are mentally ill due to all the hatred that you have. You really are what I have always said you are: a sick anti-Muslim, anti-Islam creature. You are disgrace even to your own type!


Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Holy cow!

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

I just briefly read some of Q's blog and the comments posted on this thread.

Holy Cow! When did  we all stop having a life? Since when is it so important that everyone think and agree the same.

Frankly, life would be too boring if that happened.  :o)

Freedom of choice and individual thought has not been done away with.

You may believe what you want to believe and so can the others,

If they don't like NIAC or whomever, they can do so.

It is not a crime!

Why does this feel like some kind of witch hunt?

Go ahead start throwing mud at me too.

Disclaimer: The author of this comment has a neutral view on NIAC. She still hasn't made up her mind about Trita Parsi.

Darius Kadivar

FULL TEXT of My Comment Quoted Here ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Judge For Yourselves ... I MAINTAIN EACH AND EVERY WORD ! Best, DK



AMIR1973 If I may ...


by Darius Kadivar on

I have no definitive judgment on NIAC or its people or on Trita PArsi who has EVERY  right to defend his honor at court  in this legal affair and I will only wait for the conclusion of the Court on this controversy to draw my own conclusions. But I have never found that NIAC was ever speaking on behalf of Iranian Americans as such because it was simply taking upon itself a political role such as demanding the US Congress to stop financing the Iranian Opposition in Exile. Was that a Community Oriented Objective for an organisation like NIAC which claimed not to be a political party nor a Lobby ? ... 

Before taking such a position did Mr. Trita Parsi bother to ask some of the Iranian American Families directly concerned  ( and often for Good Reason) by such as initiative  on their behalf  ?

BOOK: EVEN AFTER ALL THIS TIME By Afschineh Latifi ( A Memoir )

Farrokhzad on Sharghyeh Gamgin:


Mr. Trita Parsi aligned himself on the position defended by other Iranians who were Not even American such as Shirin Ebadi or Akbar Ganji regarding their opposition to financing the Iranian Opposition in Exile. He may have shared that view as an individual but to do so on behalf of the Iranian American community was not very Honest nor ethical ...

Not everyone believes that the monarchists or the MKO ( which are not allies) wish to attack Iran.

That Certainly has NEVER been the official stance of the Crown Prince which monarchist support:

REZA's CALL: An Iranian Solidarnosc... By Darius KADIVAR


As Far as I understood NIAC was supposed to be a Community organization and Not a Political Party. As Such it Was not supposed to be involved in Iranian Politics but focused on Community work and eventually highlight Iranian Americans involved in the American Political Scene.

It's community work should have been aimed at  bringing Iranians together and not create divisions due to Mr. Trita PArsi's personal Political Agenda's or views regarding how to deal with the Iranian  regime.

Even today while  Jumping on the Green Movement Band Wagon which suddenly they claim to be it's spokesperson they have been indulging in creating divisions amongst Iranians by criticizing those who carry the Iranian Sun and Lion Flag.

Babak Talebi responsible for NIAC's Public Relations:


I really don't see how they can be "grass root" when they exclude other Iranian Americans on political grounds as above.

Most Iranian Americans left Iran because of the current Regime's policies, so I really don't see how they can claim to grass root by ignoring this reality ?

Also NIAC was regularly asked to come and speak on VOA Persian to respond to it's accusers and contradictors BUT NEVER appeared in any of the debates prefering to call VOA Persian as a nest of Neo Con War Mongerers ...

Do they look like Neo COn War Mongerers ?


Even Saman who is often rants about "American Imperialism" is allowed to express himself freely.

VOA persian and Radio Farda were VERY PROFESSIONAL in covering the Elections in Iran and Fair. As a Result more and more Iranians in Iran (including amongst the reformists and other official spokesman of the Opposition inside Iran ) defy the regime to speak against the Regime and its manipulations through such medias like PRess TV:

Press TV under investigation

When did NIAC speak against the Iranian TV's Holocaust Denials when accusing the Western Media of Bias ? 

HOLOCAUST A MYTH: Michelle Renouf on Iranian SAHAR TV  

I wonder !

Fortunately NOT ALL Iranian Americans were As Indifferent as NIAC in this regard:

Iranian Diaspora Intelligentsia Unite Against Islamic Republic's Holocaust Revisionism by Darius KADIVAR

Aren't IRanian Jews Iranian too ? Was't it the job of a "grass root" organization" to denounce this in support of Iranian American Jews instead of weaving conspiracy theories on Israel and american neo -con's in a Treacherous alliance ?

What does that have to do with the work of a Non political Community oriented organization as NIAC claims to be ?

NIAC changed its attitude towards the True Nature of the Regime Only Recently when the Wind started blowing the opposite way and when the True nature of the Regime was exposed to the World Media after the June Election Protests.


Evne for a  clueless Patriot and Last Minute Opponent to the IRI Like Trita Parsi ...

My Humble Opinion,


An Iranian American living in France



by Q on

so, why is it relevant to me, if it wasn't me who christened you "Lalleh" ? Why are you telling me about it?

You're wrong, of course. I have always refused to answer fascist-minded accusatory questions, way before I became aware of your existence or your stupid question.

But I'm glad it's somehow getting under your skin. I will continue to watch your attempts with great amusement.

Your life lesson is not yet complete.

Nousha Arzu

Hezbo claptrap...

by Nousha Arzu on

I never said you accused me of being Laleh Gillani, can you read English, my endearingly pathetic foe? Others have accused me of being Laleh  (R2-D2 and Passing through) as you accuse me of being "Sassan."

What difference does it make?

You'll accuse me of being "Roger the Rabbit" so long as you can duck the question -- as in, why are you in America? You're an avid supporter of a criminal rapist regime, as in the IRI. So why are you living in the democratic lap of Uncle Sam, the BIG BAD Great Satan?

Your blood brothers forced me out of my country back in 1978. Why did you leave Iran if you love the IRI so much? Why, if the IRI is such a wonderful and visionary government, why do you live in a decadent country like America? Stop evading the question!

Why not South Tehran, why do you live in Southern California, if the IRI is so good for Iran?




Craig, you can fantasize whatever you want

by Q on

no one cares.

ex programmer craig

So, Q...

by ex programmer craig on

Now that the moderators removed your comments you feel that you can lie about what you were saying about her. And you are entirely unconcerned with the fact that probably hundreds of the regulars here saw what you really said.

Yawn, indeed. I'm off to bed. I'll let you stay up all night trying to do damage control. Nothing to do with me.


Craig, this was not public

by Q on

and hence my statement stands. You don't know about it.

No. You vicuosly slandered her, and it had very little to do with poetry.

Yawn.... the comment was about people passing themselves off as real poets as a form of faux intellectualism. That was the point of the whole blog.

LOL! I guess you know all about "alleged respectibility"!

The real laugh is YOU Craig, pretending like you are even capable of making a sound judgement, let alone opining on things you know very little about.

have no idea why JJ likes you enough to clean up after you
Good! You think perhaps there's more to the story than you know? At least you can admit that you don't know something once in a while, even in a grudging round-about way.


Truth in action, Islamist version

by Fred on

Truth in action, Islamist version:

I debated Daei on VOA in 2007. He is a pure charlatan. After that debate VOA never brought him back. It was made clear what a charlatan he was. Even the monarchists-dominated VOA was too embarrassed to bring him back to act as attacking dog.”


A quick search came up with at least two appearances by Daie on VOA after 2007. Apparently in 2008 and 2009 Daie has been on the same VOA program.


Second instance of truth telling Islamist version in the same posting:

He leaked some of NIAC documents that the court had given his attorney to Washington Times as a sort of Hail Mary pass, and Eli Lake, the neocon who used to write for the neocon New York Post, wrote an article based on the leaked materials.”


Discovery materials are between the two opposing parties and “He leaked some of NIAC documents that the court had given his attorney.” Is Islamist version of the truth, whereas discovery documents are obtained by opposing parties from one another in the process of deposition.


Of course this sort of truth telling is a hallmark of devotees of charlatan Ali Shariati. There are couple other truths Islamist version in the same posting but these two are good enough examples.


Some of the NIAC lobby's more outspoken supporters really do truth justice.

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

Craig, I wouldn't really comment about
things I don't know about, and you really have no clue about Sheema Kalbasi.

That's funny because hers was the first Iranian blog I started reading and it's been on my bookmarks ever since. That was 5 years ago. And I hardly think that somebody who is such an idiot as to publish emails that clearly demonstrate him getting is head handed to him by a woman he's trying to belittle is any position to talk about having "no clue" :p

I critiqued someone as a poet and she responded by making up

No. You vicuosly slandered her, and it had very little to do with poetry. I read the comments before the admin deleted them, you know.So did a lot of other people. I don't think there's anyone who read that thread who wasn't shocked at your behavior.

I'm glad someone came to their senses and deleted the slander before the real embarrassment had begun.

Yes, you're very lucky there because you were doing a pretty good job of making such a fool of yourself that you wouldn't have been able to recover what little may remain of your alleged respectability on this website. Personally I wish the admin had left all your vile filth in place. I have no idea why JJ likes you enough to clean up after you. Do you mow his lawn for free or something?


Craig, the point still stands

by Q on

Craig, I wouldn't really comment about things I don't know about, and you really have no clue about this situation. I critiqued someone as a poet and she responded by making up lies.
I'm glad someone came to their senses and deleted the slander before the real embarrassment had begun.

That was a textbook case of (attempted) character assassination,

No, Craig, you have no clue. Quit while you're only slightly behind. You don't know the history and it doesn't concern you in the least.

If you feel helpless and victimized, that's another story, but don't project this onto other people. Take your patronizing nose out of other people's business.

Sassan: don't flatter yourself. I spend very little time thinking about you and your fake IDs.

According to rumor and innuendo, I was once "Laleh Gillani,"
According to your lies perhaps. I never called you this. You're welcome to embarrass yourself trying to prove it. (You're lying!)

then I was "Sassan,"
I strongly believe you are sassan. But what do you care? It's not like either of them is a real name.

Go to the Laugh Factory if you want to be a comedian!
Sadly, I don't. But in any case I prefer the Irvine Improv. I'm sure you know the joint.

Can't you just answer my question, instead of attacking my identity?
Can't you stay on the topic instead of slandering others through fake names? Read all about the topic above.

Why are you in America?
Nope. You're not worth of the true answer.
If you want me to find the paragraph I wrote months ago titled "fascist-minded interrogations" (that you probbly read under you other fake names) I will dig it out. But until then, you will just have to understand and live with how little control you have other other people's actions.

Think of it as a life lesson I'm teaching you. You will thank me later.

Nousha Arzu


by Nousha Arzu on

Back to your professional lies...

According to rumor and innuendo, I was once "Laleh Gillani," then I was "Sassan," then I was "Jimmy Hoffa," and now I'm Nousha. 

You're falling apart, my dear, before our very critical eyes. Go to the Laugh Factory if you want to be a comedian! On second thought, you're as clever and funny as a three-toed sloth, so maybe you can try the circus???

Can't you just answer my question, instead of attacking my identity? Why do you duck the question? Namely, why do you live in the comfortable lap of Uncle Sam, the big bad Great Satan, if the IRI is such a visionary and wonderful governmental institution? 

So, just humor me (as your Laugh Factory audience), why don't you live in South Tehran as opposed to Southern California???  Why are you in America? I left Iran as a child because of revolutionary goons who took (read: stole) our lives from us. Why did you leave Iran, if the IRI is such a good deal for Iran?



ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

Once again, we see that slanderes and character assassins...

What a remarkable thing for you to say, considering the vicious and completely unprovoked attacks you made earlier tonight on one of the nicest people on this website. That was a textbook case of (attempted) character assassination, and the fact that you picked on somebody who hasn't even posted or commented on IC in quite a while and wasn't present in the discussion makes it even more despicable. If you were capable of feeling embarrassment you'd replace this post with an abject apology to her and to everyone else you have victimized on this website over the years. After all, in another thread you just provided us with:

A case-study in defamation and slander


Did you not?




by Q on

Thanks for your concern about my time, but how does that explain you?

To everyone, think for yourselves
LOL! OK, Master, we will think for ourselves.

Guilt by association.
Do you or Craig understand that "guilt by association" is wrong ? It is the texbook example of a fallacious conclusion! Once again, I find myself having to school people you two who have not the slightest understanding of logic or reasoning:

Unlike what you have said, I need very little time to do things like this. Just look at the quality of "arguments" I'm dealing with!

Once again, we see that slanderes and character assassins like yourself have no logical arguments, evidence or any kind of coherence. Your response to my long blog is more than telling. The hate is so strong that all they can do is attack attack attack.

If I didn't know better, I'd say you are Dai himself. Except that I think he has more brains than I have seen from you.

Nousha Arzu

Jesus H. Christ!

by Nousha Arzu on

Q, you're either in love with NIAC and/or TP or you have waaaaay too much time on your hands -- are you sure you don't do this professionally, for a particular regime hated by Iranians?

To everyone, think for yourselves -- why would Q, a notorious IRI apologist, support the NIAC??? That's because the NIAC, just like Q, are both supporters of the same rapist regime in Iran.

Guilt by association.

NIAC, Trita Parsi, and now Q, serve the propaganda purposes of the IRI -- why else would this "blogger" named Q spend so much time, energy and effort defending the NIAC, just as he always spends all of his efforts defending the IRI?

Craig writes:

"That the biggest defender of NIAC on Iranian.com would be none other than Q? Who could observe that and still believe that NIAC serves American interests?"

Or the interests of the Iranian people for that matter!